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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE SECOND BOOKE OFTHE 1 Paronychia vulgaris. 1 Mnthylis lentifolis, Stinking Ground Pine, Common Whitlowe grafle, * The defeviption: 2 Paronychia latifolia. Broad leafed Whidowe grafle, Thereis likewife another fort ofAyshylis op Ses GroundPine, but in truth nothing elfe ‘ah ; kinde ofSea Chickweede, hauing {mall hen trailing ypon the ground of two handes high; whereupon, do growelittle leaues like thofof Chickweede, norvalike to thofe of Lensicul:my, rina,ot Sea Lentils on.the topofthe ftalks fas manyfall. flowers ofanherbie ormioffe colour: Thewhole plantis ofa bittérand tafte. % Theplace. Thefe do:groweinthe fouth yles belongingto England, efpecially in Portland in the grauely and fandie foordes , whichlie lowe andaozi! thefea ; andlikewife:in-the yle of Shepey nee the waterfide. a Se The time. They flower and flonrifhinlune andluly, se The names. Their titles do fufficiently fet foorththeit fev rallnames: in Englifhithey may becalled Home Salt woort,Sea ground Pine and Stinking g Pine, bicaufe their finell ftinkerh in: telped thofe of the Champion ground, % The temperature. Thefe Sea herbes are of a temperate facil betweene cold and drines. % The vertues. A Halfean ounceofthe dried leaues drunke,preuaileth greatly againftthehot piffe,the ftrangut ordifficultie ofmaking water,and purgeth thereines. B The fame taken with Oximell ot honied wateris good forthefalling ficknes, giuen firfatm ning,andlaft at night. OfWhiteblowe,or Whitlowegraffe. Chap.186. % The defeription. i He firft is a very flender plant hauing a fewe final] leaues like the leaft Chickwe growingin little ufts,ftom the midft whereof rifeth vp a fall ftalke,nine inches longs inplacen whofe top do growe veric little white flowers ; which being paft , therecome fall away, leaaig® flatpouches compofed of three filmes; which being ripe , the two outfidés middle part ftanding long time after whichis like white Sattin, as is that ofBulbonacke, W™ womencall white Satein, but muchfinaller: the tafte is fomewhat fharpe. tt fpred 1pm a tuft ofleaues vp altogither from whichrife roote, flendertough planthatha {tom® 2 This{malllike broade: fo butnot Chickweede, greater vnto thof€ of the grounde,very midft of which tuft fpringeth vp a final yprightftalk,on the top wherof doth grow liclese! of an herbie colour tending to whiteneffe; after which there comein place finall fate a veflels bright fhining, and as it weremade of apeece ofthe whiteft factin,where 5 eede. 1 ge 1 2m 3 Paronychia Rutaceo folio. Reweleafed Whitlowe grafle. 499 4. Paronychia Lacinitse. Jagged Whitlowegraffe, |