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Show atethal aa PY a naana OF THE THE FIRST BOOKE we Theplace. Lachrima Job. obs Teates. It is brought from Italie and the counttis adioining,into thefe countries where itdothgrov verywell, but feldome commeth toripeneffesya th my felfe hadripe feede thereofin mygarden fommer being very hot. ~ ge The time. Itis fowen earely inthe {pring, or elfe the win ter will ouertake it before it cometo ripenefle, % The names. Diuers hauethoughtit to be Lithufperms fii es,ot akind of Gromell which the feede dothvey notably refemble, and doth not muchdiffer fron Diofiorides his Gromell, andtherefore itmigit verie aptly be called in Latine —Arundo Lithia: mos ,thatis in Englifh, Gromell reede, as Geli rusfaith : itis generally called Lachrimaub, a eeSe Lachrima Iobi: of fomeit is called Déoffirosn Englithit is called obs Teares ot Jobs Drops,fot that every graine refembleth the Dropot Teatt that falleth fromthe eie. x The nature and vertues. There is no mention made of this herbefortht yfe ofPhificke,Onelyin Fraunce and thofe plac whereit is plentifully growing, they doe male beades,braclets,and chaines therof,as wedo wit HISTORDPECOER PLANTS. foodefor their cattell, pullen andfuchlike, as to the vfe aforefaid. It groweth likewifein Lancafhire and fome parts ofour fouth countrey, about Londonin Middlefex, as alfo in Kent and Effex. , \% Thetime.' in the beThis bafe kinde of graine is fowenin Aprilland the beginning of Maie , and isripe ginning of Auguft. s+ The mames. Buckwheatis called of the high Almaines pepnenkoant of the bafe Almaines Buckenweins, wheate. In Greeke that is tofay,Harcé Triticum,or Goates wheate. Of fome Fagi Triticwn, Beech reepmien: in Latine Fago-T¥stzcum : takenftomithe fafhionofthe {eede orfruit ofthe Beechtree, It is called alfo Fegopyrum and TraCopyron : in Englifh French wheate, Bullimong,and Bucke wheate: in French Dragee aux thetcaux. % The nature. Bucke wheate nourifhethleffe than wheate, rie, barlie, orotes ; yet mote thaneither Mill or Panicke, st The vertues. Breadimade ofthe meale ofBucke wheatis ofeafiedigeftion, it{peedily paffech through the bel- A ly,but yeeldethlittle nourifhment, OfCow wheate. t The de[cription. Ny, Wi Wy WA Vj k MA TOM, OfBuckwheate. Chap.6° % The defcription. BY Wheate may very well be plat amongthe kindes of graine or come i that oftentimes in time ofneceffitie bret : Cereale : the flowers be finall white anda ftered togither in one ot moe tufts or vi Of this kinde there is another called. AZelampy- flightly dafht ouer heere and therewith righ oflight carnation colour. The fee is Braines ate ofa deador darke blackith col™) triangled or three fquare like the i ER STEMS =e neuer fo dié Grbarten’, where 11s com si fowen to ferue as ic werein fteede , ct { ing Itquickly commeth vp andis very ftalke, hauing other{inall {talks comming from the fame, of a foote long. The leaues are long and narrow, andof a datke colour. On the topofthe branches growbufhieorfpikie eares full offlowers, and {mall leaues, mixed-togither , and much iagged , the whole eare refembling a Foxe taile. This eare beginnethto flower below, andfo vpwardbylittle and little ¥nto the top : the finall wife the buds ofthe flowers, areofa darke purple colour ; andafter their opening ofa yellowcolour mixedwith purple, andatthe falling of the flowers thofe fmall. purplith leaues become ofa greenecolour.-,Then come“ wp: broade? husks 5) whcrein-arg inclofed two feedes fomwhatlike wheate, but {maller & browner, The rooteis ofalwooddy,fubftance, foft leaues,in fhape like thofe of Iuieot f° whereof Taber mentanus called it Oct sca cadenialer gegen it profperethverie well in any gtr Elampyrumgroweth ypright, with a {traight leaues before the opening ofthe flowers, and like- made thereof, mixed among othergrant | hath round fatftalks fomwhat creftedfor and reddith, whichis deuided in many av or branches, whereupon do grow fimooth a Theplace. (hap. 61. Atelampyrumalbum. White Cowwheate. Pomander/and fuchlike, blacke Bindeweede, called of the ancient, barifts Malacociffos. The roote is fa ® threddie, 83 ripe it is very common in and aboutthe Namptwiche in Chefhire , where they fowe itafwell for a FN rum, luteum, which groweth ne¢re|to, the ground, with leaues not much vnlike! Harts, horney among whichrifech vp a {mall ftawewith ant care at the top like :A/opecuros,the common Foxetaileburofayellow colour, te Theplace. The firft groweth among corne, andin pafture oe ao “ est Feinrtiill « ¢ } bunds: t grounds that be fruitfull : ir groweth plentifully inthe paftures about London, The fecondis aftrangepin England, Pig % The |