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Show THE SECOND BOOKE: OF THE HISTORIE: ddie rootes,fomewhat ttnicke,pt ofle,and far, liethole of/paragus: from whichrife diue 18 vpright flal kesia cubite high, dividing themfelues rowarde the top into other {maller branche: > Whereon are confufedly placed Jeaues like thofe of Thihéirwm ot Englith Rubarbe, bur leffer and thinner: alon gft the topsof the Branches grow boyflowers,tefembling thofe of Sage,whi ch yelbeing palttherefollowethfimall feede like vito duft, % The defeription, itorie is'a very tenderlitrle herbe; the ftalkes thereofare flende r,hauing asitwerelitl q Vmitorieisa very branches,thatfcarce growvp from the grounde without proppings, knots ot ar * eyese fidelong: the leaues aboutare finall, cut on the but for the mo! viart:: they se ftalkesare tounde= heh as well as the Be be of awhitifh greene . the — edgesas thofe of re _ f the fmall branches, ofared ‘purple colour: thenrife F piit clufters at tthe tops 0: uskes, thade Vp : fall nbeiati dnvan cr,and ancaro the roote is flend ittle,in which lieth g tteds ftraight downe)es the {mall feede: feede: r “a eae 4 of Fumitorie hath many fmalland tender es rowelittle cea : : onleaues, —in colout, iagged Poatafte, tafte and fafhion like vnto the tn ade nhedges kage e1 : drels, with which it taketh holde <r ‘ liclafping tendrels, OF PLANTS, 4 Theyellow Fumitorie hath many cramb] ing thre vpon hedges, § Fumariaalba latifolia, White broadeleafed Fumitorie. 6 Punarialstifoliaminor. Small broad leafed Fumitorie} ines, “ : ith ee 5 aa e white colour e wel x sare {mall and eee : the flower : :a ee ie an finglean a thefee an which do fuccee decods ,conteining de : mixed witl i of afinger length. ; Fumaria lotea. : 4 Se 3 Fumariatenuifolia. Fine leafed Fumitorie, % The defeription. Thethite Fumitorie with broad leaueshatha veryfinal] roote,deepely thruft into the gt und; a lich arife {pall tender branthes trailing heere and there vpon Sinn’ Confuledly fet vpon the grounide) earthed with fhort tendrelsor footeltalks,finooth ry greene of ae and nh bY. three and three, like nto the Trefoiles or three leafed erafie among the canes Fwhite flowets; fet! togicherinbunches, refembling a luftet wi Sain es but yoong,ofa White ¢olour, tippediar the points witha little light bluth of Thesisri Teresexcep purple eit be aduifedly looked vpon. bed in each refpese-taslina'iess ; allerbroade leafed Setefy€Fwherein onely Pumitorie is like vntothe laft deferibedin eac pect, g oe cl % Thedefeription. en ; os—_ iuers little ftringss . fal Thethirdkind.ofFumitorie hath a very {mall rooteonttEEe sefer with = 3 if€ {mall gi and tender branches, leaues trailing heere and there moft vponthe ee Dil ofa deepe greens 4 finely-cut and iagged,like the little leaues of L hes orclue Pe ding seblenales :the flowers ftande onthe topsof the Ceeita moftbrightie@ heatropitherjike thofe ofthe medowe Clauerjor three leafed grafic, J 4 . 7 di > and very beautifullte behold: the roote is verie {mall and threddie . ;5 1 Theber Odd ichlie. Raa 7 confifteth rhe difference, % Theplace. i corne fieldes among Barley © Stewin 5 and other other graine; graine; in vineyard " s, earden¢ p ; anu edplaces; I founde the laftandthirde ndein nutaber growing wind dni 4 a corii¢ie frelde'be helde be village called Charletonand Greenwich, % The time. sclldbdaacin ished: ot ey Fite, Lowen with his | MEN Isit the ower in the beginning ofMaie; and focontinuethto thie befttime ¢ o be gathered tokeepe aiSi not es . |