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Show THE SECOND 433 which Dodoneus in his laft Editioncal. Pliny fecteth foorth another Cerinthe ot Honiewoott, reeling this way and that way,as tot fmall, long, and {lender braunches, leth Adarnherba:ithath leaues not muc h vnlike the precedent, but leffer, able to fuftaine it felfe, verie brittle, befer with colour. The flowers be finall, hollow,and yellow, greene blewith peitherforough norfpotted,ofa the which dieth as the former. Thereisnoratte, ieat: as The feede is {mall rounde, andas blacke T eITTE ame doth feeme to import, neitherthefor. either of honie or waxe in the flowers or leauies; asthen {weete, eeding areexc which flowets mer,but onelyin the place. pointed huskes blacke ofcolour, {ibfance. and finellinglike rofin, The ofRutafyluestris, whereas indeede itis nomore like Rew 3 Hypericum tomentefam L'Obeli. Woolly S.lohns woort. yertues woorth the writin ding there is not any experimentof their FW, Pas little leaues, couered ou of downineffe; among which commeth f and tender branches, charged with {mall paleyel Tl i flowers. The feedesandrootes arelike vnto the true SJlohnswoort. % The place. Theygrowveryplentifully in the paftures in euc- y ‘ eS 2 ry countrie, ; ; ReweSaint Lohns woott, Saint Iohns woott. Woolly S.Jolins woorthath many fi 2. se Thetemperature andvertues. notwithiftan , that thefe herbes are of acolde complexion, agree o feemet n Anice and Plinie g. 1 Hypericum. % The defiription. wv befer the ground, trailing branches ground, befer vpon the 1g vpon ) fowen againe the next {pring. 2 Hypericum Syrianum. rooteig long, yell altogitherlike the precedent,butfinaller,wherein confifte perifhe at the firft approch ofwinter, and muft bee OfSaint Johns woort. Chap.150. PLANTS. of thofethat haue nc 2 Thefecondkinde of S. Johns woort named Sir/acam, havingfi lLleaues and plentifulfields of England, wherein it groweth abundantly, the true Androfemum Rew,orHerbe gtace, wherein Dodonews hath failed, inticuling % The ; themin my garden; the feedes wheteof hefeplants do not growe wilde in Englande,yet Thane Zouch, my honorab!e good friend. Lord blethe hono: right he uedoft Lrecea se The time. They dower from, Maie to Auguft, ; OF! HISTORIE ‘THE OF) BOOKE py é se The time. They fowerand flourifh for the moft part in Iuly % Thenames. S.Iohns woort is called in Greeke ve%ewr: in La- tine Hypericum : inthops Perforata: of diuers Fuga Damonune:in Dutch San Johans kraut tin Italian y (yy, EGO) All| PAK Wik AS y VOR y —_ Nie V7 Sac ~ Bye > Wi Hyperico: in Spanith Caraconzillo: in French c4 pertnys:i0 Englith S.lohns woort,or S.lohns grafle % The temperature. SIohnswoort 2s Galen teacheth,is hot and drie,being of{ubftance thinne, 2 vertues. vertues Re ay : roe& The: The hi §] ohnsawoort.with: isriga theo Ort with his lowers andfeede boiled and drunken,prouokethvrine,and Thelente a the bladder,andftoppeth the Jaske.: : fa heleaues ‘amped are goodto be laide vponburnings, {caldings,an all wont aaa otten andfilthie vicers i tnematar cg : f theleaues, leaue 4 ra ; feedes oliue, andfe withoile aglaffe into andput ftamped, bersai owers,and = Ce | quantitie ‘ eae : } of taine w. Se andj the like herbes, fromthofe rh id fin, weekesliktogither, andthenftrained = . of the colourof blood, whichis'ameftprei {finnedin ;ant) ae oile edinlike maner,doth makean aréprickt, orany fy. seep wounds,& thofe that are thorow the bodie, forfinewes that eewiti'a venomed weapon. Lamac dro mah ‘lakereok hereof, the maoile smpound makeiz to hich yee (hall x ned weapon, amaccuftomed better, wtall Balfa teceiue at my hands, bicaufe that lknowe in the world there is nota ineach as abfolutely to cureany {uch wound, for I date vndertake . Siences take ; ie better. jasac any man whatfoeuerfhall :shier'aud randbetter or may with naturall Balfam. : ¢ cr r i: 4 ‘n wine ry. turpentine nwo pounds} the leaues, D séde “two pintes, oile oline fower pounds oile of themall togi- gently brufeds put Sead, b STohns woor boile themin the fame oe ae fle &feticin the fiinnecightor ten daies; then wherein the p*4 A s The de(cription. 2 leagues, Wo ~ 1 Aint Iohns woort hath brownith fal a t ¢4 andnarrowe fmall many © yruit alkes, beletwith t browni{h ; thath your / Fupubehalal aires u Denoid betw: it were bored ort” 1 a 2 St oe rr wis and the light, doe appeereas theme sae pt inan infinite numbet of places with pins points The braunches divide ich the +t ae 5 : o {tindrie fall twigss atthe top whereof dog W hich wit! “A toads) ae cron do growemany yellowe flowers, bricd da \veciic.a is conteines a¢ 2 Feadiih tuiceot the colourof bloode. The {eede Patting r 0} + {a Q a z = 1 of water, with fome ftrawe in the $bottome 7 ix) . a arie,that isin a kettle ‘ : ra as betore, fandto boiles which 2 fromthe hetbes, and 4 doas youdid / done, ftraine the licour eswhich like in theHe ith . Seles And fo haue you wine. efor antitic ofherbes dowers,ana feedes,but not any moze : x urns aforefaid . oa dtial | ts whiny qo oaat laith.thatithe eureth the Sciatica, B aches that ha i feededrunke for the fpace of fortie daies togither, appenin the hips: he s. authorfaith4,0that beine oe 3 D ¢ drunke with wine,it taketh awayy tertian and guartan ague O; Ee t ee ne ae ¢ at > |