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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS THE SECOND BOOKE> OF THE whichis goodfor manythings; thebleffed Thiftle alfo , otherwife called Gardin bemediffay: Seq withoutprickles,as the Thiftle called Beares Breech, or Acanthws fatiwus, whereofthereis another withprickles,which we make the wilde,ofthe whichtwo weintende to write in this Chapter, Acanthusfatinus. Garden Bearesbreech, . - ° V1 Et molli circum eft anfas amplexus Acantho, ‘Theother Branke Vifine is named in Greek e dyews dyavbos, andin Eares breech of the garden hath broade ) D Et nobis tdem Alcimedon duopocula fecit, % The defeription. NE 8 o Branca Pefine; ( others vfe to call Cowparfnep bythename of Byaner Vrfina )the Tali | Aupthoand Branca Or/ina : the Spaniards réyya Gigante: the ingrauers of of talrans call it tocarue arue th the leaues ofthis Branke “in p pillers!were woont 3ranke \Vifinein llers', and other workes, and alfo dtime vponthe eat : f pots,as among others 7rgrl/ teftifiethin the third Eclog of his Bucolickes Cs oO Holuer, anddiuers others: fome are poifonfome , as Chameleon niger 5 onefinooth, plaine, and Latine Sylyeftyis wildebranke-Vrfine, and they maybe called properly avarQe OF Spina aprickl e ri he oncal n ledcof moft Herbarifts found called Acanthus :: yet there ercisis alfo alfo an det eo canthuc s aa thorni Me e fhrub: a¢} a beee leaues, fmooth, fomewhatblacke, gathedon both the edges , and fet with many cuts and fine nicks:betweene whichrifeth vp in themiddeft oe “4 . as — and Theophrast us affirme, isa gummie; For ie = " s Ature this kinde of Acanthusis name : d Heri, erbacantha. There i r is is likewi J kewile f founda :mgpind ‘ae iAcanthus the worde |e cuamolaria,andalfo Crepala, but itis not omek em 2 whetherto the wilde ildeoortame,it ne, I ought to bereferred, a biggeftalke brauely deckt with flowers, fetin order from the middle vpwarde, ofcolour white, of forme long, which are armedasit were withtwo catkins, one higher , another lower: after them growfoorththe huskes, in which is founde broad feede: the rootes be black without and white within, and full ofclammie iuice, and are diuided into many ofsprings, whichastheycrepe farte, fodo theynowandthen bud foorth and groweaftelh: thefe rootes atefo full oflife,that howlittle foeuer of them remaineth, it oftentimes alfo bringeth foorth the whole plant. Wilde Beares breech called Acanthus[yluefri, Pena ferteth forth for Chameleonta Monppellienjam andreporteth ‘that he found it growing among the grauellie and moift places neere to the wal Montpellier,and at the gate of AEgidia,between Be . ; % The temperature. confift as it were in a meane betweene hotandcolde. ieee ieitharnmoult,oe mm s a mollifying ; with ;ot ying and and and gentl ggentle edigefti geftin ngng g faculti facultie, » as are thofe thofe € of of the Mallo fe rc o they are profitably boyledin clifter digefti w s, as wel as be Mallowleaues, Theroote.as Galen tacheth,is ofa more drying qualitie, ge % The vertues Disfiorides aa {ai , the rootes are a remedie Srlin ti for linis t that are burnt with fire, andthatbe out A ce a Sereuae :that being drunke they prouoke vrine, and ftop the belly: thar that be broken,and that be troubled with the crampe, andbe ina confumption of sar They arete inch ‘o aide haueth ’ e ptifi i keand {pet bloudw i l,for thofe that haue fallenfrom B ro atare a and dry beaten, and that ithal haue onerftrained then {elues , and they i iieand uate rootes oft ne greater Comftey, whereunto they are very / very likein like i fubfta { nce, tough 3h ee aOftheg;ame root ¢ismade an cxcelleneplaaiiifter againf the fountaine and the brooke neere tothe wal: { t the ache and numnetlet of the hands and C hisputinto c i ; ; "sputinto clifters wich good fucceflé againft fundry maladies, this Thiftle is imftalke, flowers, colourof leaves and feede like the firftkinde,but thorter andlower, hauing large leaues, dented oriagged with Se cuts andincifions,not onely in fome fewe atts & the leaties,as fome other Thiftles, but very thicklé Ofthe cotton Thistle. h : juifions a0 dentedor clouen,and having many fharpe and harde prickles about the fides ofthe diuifio cuts,notvery éafie to be handled or touchedwithout danger to the hand and fingers. % Theplace. : and alt in Diofcorides writeth,that garden Branke Vrfine growethin moift and ftonie places, an ne gardens: it were vnaduifedly doneto feckeitineither of the Germanies anywhere , bucin g2 onely; in mygardenit doth groweveryplentifully: toned na Thewild was foundin certaine places OfItalieneerto the fea,by that notable siege ‘9 fonfies Pancius,Phifition to the Dukeof Ferrarayandprofefloroffimples and Phificke, an ger in England, ‘ The time. te exthe ro0te Both the Branke Vrfines do flower in fommerfeafon, the feedeis ripe in ensie he weal remainethfreths yet noweand thenitperifhethimwinter in both the Germanies , # © betoo cold : but in Englanditfeldome or neuer dieth: % Thenames. ‘ h Ace bloat bof Ttis called in Greeke axes: the Latines keepe thesfame name -Acavthus, yet dot hed nifie generally all kinde of Thiftles and thisis called Acanthwsbythe figure Antonatnspi glifh nameis Branke Vrfine,and Beares Breech,, 3 hyp in GE Acamhus The tameor gardenBranke Vifine is named'in Latine Satinms, ot Eten this arr wiidtess: atid’ of Galen, Oribafins and Phinievxdyounes: Plinie alfo calleththis bi re fomenait® is footh Branke Vifine , and reporteth it tobe’ a ‘cite herbe andto feruc for arbors 1 bee : I Chap.4.60. % Thede/cription. TagenBie, whereofthe greateft quantitie of downe is gatheredfor diuers pire oughtof the y resin to ftop pillowes, cuthions, and bedsfor want of feachers, asalfo P olfters to mixe with the feathers and downe, they d fell, which ltwith thas Seek Thiftle hath great leaues,long andbroade, gathed about the edie: ott From th Coleone allalongft the edges, coueredall ouer with a foft.co With fllines ‘i ae eft whereofrifeth vp along ftalke aboue two cubites high, cornered, Sfoorth fiswdts ff oat full of prickles: the heads are likewife cornered W ith prickles, and ndownesitis lon, ifting ofmany whitifh threds: the feede which flicceedeth thentis wra Seeley, ould be looked ch cth de ong,of a light crimfon colour,and leffer thenthe fede of baftard Satfron; the “<epein the grounde,being white, harde, woodie,andnot without ftrings, Elie along naked roore, befet about the top with a fringe of manie tthen anannuah eee arifeth a verylarge andtall nae higher Fie any MeO the op ants fo tha “Sate ye recci plant: this ftalke is garnifhed with fcrolesof th “top; fet full of moft horrible fharpeprickes, and{ois the ftalke a ; pare f “Ty *'tisimpoffible for man orbeatt to touch the {ame without greathurt or dang "Y Stear,farre broader and Jonger thenany other thiftle whatfocuer, couered with an eles nnn 986 |