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Show SECOND BOOKE Of Flixeweede. OF THE HISTORTE OF PLANTS. OTT addingthereto the firname ce/fwherew todo woondeis,whetherthis bethe fang lant it isdilputable,thePara controuerfienot as yet decidxine ed sheuertheleffe we muft be conte acceptofthis for the trie Soph7a, vircill nt to fome dilcipleor other of his do thewor fet foorth the plant whereivich their matter Puyacelferdid {ach greatmatters: in Enelith wecal lit Flixeweede., ofhis facultie againft the flixe, Chap.418. ; ; ixeweede. P rhae ae 2 Sophia latifolia. ) Broadleafed Flixeweede, Ses| ee Se THE % The temperature, Siphiacrieth without any miatiifert fharpeneff e orheate. %e The vertues, Theleede ofSophia or Flixeweede drunke-with wines or Smithes water , ftoppeth thebloudie A fixe,thelaskesandalliother iffies of bi sud, The herbe brufed Orput into vagu entsclofethand healeth vicer s,or oldefores and wourides, Payatffasfaith and that bicaufe it drieth as B with ut actim onic on fharpenes, PONE enFs, ) Ofthegreat Celandine,or Swale woor t. Chap.d.10. ‘ 0AR IS LN & The defivription: He. great Celandine-hath-a tender ; brittle ftalke,round,hairie and fullof branc hes,e whereofhathdiuers knees or knottieioinech s, fet with leaues not vnlike to thofe of Columbine, but tenderer8 ceepercut or jagged, fa grayi ne voder.,'and greene on'the otherfide th tenyellowcolour, in fhape — e ot pale {eedes : thewhole eSes Sey = oblewnes? the flowers do gtowatthe top f the Wall flower; after which come plant is ofa ftrong finell, nothing pleaf ant yeeldeth a thicke mu ce of a milkie fubft ance of the colour ofSaffron: theroote is thicke knobbie,with fome threds annexed thert o,which being broken or brufed, yeeldetha fap of iuice of the colourofgolde, %& Theplace. ption. ri s& The defe h Wa gtos alkes , a cubiteandaia halfeae hii ghs preon do throunde-and hardeftalkes fine iags,like ch iuided into innumerable leaves moft finely cut and dividedinto in Af pS Ee g P TS, muchfiner and fimaller, crai wood called Seriph:um oxAb/inthinmtenuifolinm, ueit eae " the flowers go r+ neere vntothefinalleft leaues of Corianders, of an ouierwo s east pee g coasts alongft the tops ofthe fpriggie branches, of a aeo 5 Ree a jes 3th te is k hroa traight,and of a woodiefubit : his Pp plant are!he tnis eees thatthe leaues of net {auing 2 The fecond fort differeth not fromthe precedent, OEeeeaine opinion j . osTHA con { 2 C ae ior It growethinvntilled places, by comm on way fides among briers and brambles,about old Wals, and inthe fhaderatherthenin the funne, ik % The time, Icis greeneall the yeere,it fowreth from April toa goodpart of fommer, the cods are perfected inthe meane time, & The names. ‘ efpecially : f withftanaing i te der, wherein confifteth the difference 54 notwi tech the leas did eo ssondet of tanus found this fecond fort growing in fome fertill place, wi they atebot 2 oaha fort, w hereas in trut and greater,which mooued himto make ofFabs this afecond Itis called in Greek e ya. in Latine Chelja tundinaria Mator ; among the Apothecari es Chelidonia, divers mifcall itby *1tis namedia. Icalian Celidonia: in Spanith Celsducnha, Yerua de las Golitit~ one,and the felfe fameplant, i % Theplace. Z eelsete intheruines of 0 This Flixeweede growethin moft places of Englande; almoft cuery w buildings,by high waies,andin filthy obfcure bafe places. 2 % Thetime. It fowreth and f{eedeth from Iune to the end of September. de % The names. «for Thali ot ; lyye “alled Sa Flixeweed is called Thalietram, & offome Thaliéirum, but vnpropet anhesbe ca sdiie ethtoEnglifh Rubarbe: the Paracelfians do vaunt and brag very mucho “en tis ch ants Hchaiwurts: inlowe Stinkenv e Gouives in French Efilere,or Englith Célan seer ort, dine, great Celandine , ‘common Celan dine, Swallowe pth ae yclandine,noe bicaufe it then firtt {pting ethat the comming inof the Swallowes,or 1 “Pinion away: for as we hauie faide, it maybe founde all the yeere, 2pi 1 they + with this herbe the dams “hen the reftore fight to their yoong peg wnhen ther es UhNgs are vaine andfalfe: for Cornelius Celfusin his fixt booke doth witnefle, ‘Shtof thecies ofdiners yoongbirds be put foorth by fome outward meanes,it ve afters |