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Show THE THIRD 5266 BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS, choking,that it¢annot be eaten before it become foft;in which are containedfiuefeedes or ftones ae ard hicl } ne Medlar tree groweth to the height &greatnes of an apple tree, hauing many & hard boughes or branches,fet with fharp thorns like the white Thorn,or Hawthorn: the are very much.cutor iagged like the Hawthorne leaues, but greater,and more like Smallage, y , which leaues before theyfall from the tree do waxe red: among thefe leaues come cat tufts of flowers ofa pale herby colour, which being patt there {ucceedeth finall , long &uite. lefler then the finalleft Medlar, whichat the firftare hard, and greene ofcolours buewhen they be ripe,they are both foft and red, of a fiveete and pleafant tafte, whereinis conteined three {mall hard ftones,as in the former, whichbe the kernels,or feeds thereof, There is a dwarfte kinde of Medlar growing naturally vpon the Alpes, andhils ofNarboneand Verona, whichhath beenebyfome of the belt learned efteemed for a kinde of Medlar: others whofeiudgements cannot ftande with truth or probabilitie,haue fuppofed it to be Exonimusofthe Alpes: this dwarffe Medlar groweth like a {mall hedge tree, of fower or fiue cubits high , bearing ofaskie many{mall rwiggie w andes orcrops, befet with many {lender leaues , greene aboue, and colour-vnderneath, in fhewe andto beholde a dwarffe Apple tree, but the fruire is very, like the Hawe,orfrutte ofthe white Thorne,and of ared colour, % The place. dlar trees do growin Orchards,and ofteatimes in hedges among briarsand brambles; or graftedin aw hitethorne it profpereth woonderfull well, and bringeth foorthfruite wife ¢ bigger then thofe that are not graftedat all , almoftas greatas little apples: wehaue divers forts oftheminour orchards, %& The time. comefoorth Itisverylate before Medlats be ripe,which is in the end ofOdober,but theflowers timely inough. Ofthe Peare tree. Chap.93. % The kindes, 1 write of Peares and Apples in particular , woulde require a particular volume the ftocke orkindred of Peares are not to be numbred: euery countrey hathhis peculiar fruite sm felke knowe fome one, curious in Graffing and Planting of Fruites, whohath in one peece okehun 1 atthe point ofthree {core fundrie forts of Peares, and thofe exceeding good; not doubtigebutif hisminde had beene to feeke after multitudes, he might haue gotten covither the like number if thofe of worfle kindes. befides the diuerfities of thofe that be wilde » experience ieonbiliciins diy forts : and therefore I thinke it not amifle to fet downethefigures offomefewewith their fe terall titles, as well in Latine as Englifh, and one generall defcription for that,that mightbe faide ofmany,which todefcribe apart, were to fend an Owle to Athens, orto numberthofethin 35 chit atewithout number, : 3. Pyra Preecocia. 2 Pyra lacobsca. The Tennetting Peare. Saint ames Peare. ZR Gs & The wames. : The firftis called in Grecke by Theophrajtus : in Latine AfefPilue > in high Dutch elpels Medlar tree, haut: in lowe Durch Bt{pelboame tin French Neffirer zin Englith : inLatine likewife Afe/pilum: in high Dutch The Appleor fruiteis named in Greeke sé WMelpels inlowe Dutch Wifpele: in Italian We/fo/o: in French Neffle: in Spanith Neffera 1 7 Englifh Mediar. Sof diners Sitanion: saat Dicftorides affirmeth that this Mediar tree is alfocalled suns, oY ee calledas this Epimelis, whichis his booke ofthefaculties of Simple medicines nameth ota the countrey men inItalie 7wedo and groweth plentifully in Calabria; tor vnderthename vomit. : i/ws,or Medlartree,he meanethno other then Tricocems,which isalfonamed it ee ~ The Neapolitane Medlar tree is called in Greeke ‘anos: and wearin: Gales calleth or {tones thatithath: mee. . The fruite heercofis called Tricoccos, of the three graines : or Neapolitane Meciat, graine Medlar call ic Zzarolo: and we may nameit in Englifh three Medlarof Naples. %& Thetemperature. : the di arffe MedThe Medlars are cold,drie,and aftringent 5 the leaues are of! the fame nature fr is dry,fharpe,and aftringent. j % * Thevertues. ; ey hau nave persian are Medlarsdo ftop the belly, efpecially when they be greene and harde for they do not bindeor ftop fo muen been kept awhile;fo that they become foft and tender, holefome : ~ ‘ thenmorefi: trobeeaten, . , andis more B The fmite of the three graine Medlar, is eaten both rawe andboiled : ‘eared theya for the ftomacke. , Thefe Medlars beoftentimes preferued with fugar ot hony5 and being fo prep h fromacke,and . pleafant and delightfull tothe afte. for they ftrengthentne Moreoner,they are fingular good for womenwith childe; ftay the lothfomnes thereof.r ftone, &Pell -e ‘ A = The {tones orkemels ofthe Medlars,made into powder and drunke,do breake thefioné, gtauell,and procure vrine. Of oe Thegeneralldeferiptioe. higherthen the He Peare tree is forthe moft part Appletree , hauins nytimes great: t vpin height :the body isma abroadbut growing, , exceeding ft to make vpon ght wrou be to fie orea table ytraé 'sver Stat wena? ‘ d, s itheleaf y me erst tending to yellowne er vaderneath:the lowers pee Mite Scene fomewhatwhit ., ionganaee cone lieT ba as Veryny pe ot patt signe ng themfelues :they be alfo couered is ee thepul . differing amoreth , as wellin colour as tafte: sess then Pcor meatediffe ght downe,W ith fome branches s Bthey be tipe: the roote groweth ftrai |