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Show 526 HIST ORLE CORE PLANTS, THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE % Thepiace. The firft groweth wildein fields as well asin gatdens: the others growe in mygarden, % The time. They flowerin Itly and Augnft. : & The names. The firftis called Tanfie,the fecond Double Tanfie, the thitd Vnfauorie Tanfie, the laftWhit Tanfie: in Latine Tanacctum, and Athanafia, as thoughit were immortall ; bicaufe the flowersdo notfoeedily wither: offome Artemifiasbut vntruly, % The nature. ; The Tanfies whichfinellfweet are hot in the fecond degree,anddrie in the third. Thatwithou finell is hot and drie,and ofa meane temperature, % The vertues. A Inthe {pring time are made withthe leaues hereof,newly {proong vpsand with egs,cakes ortar fies,whichbe pleafantintafte,and goodforthe {tomacke. Forifanybad humors cleauethereunty, it doth perfe@ly conco& them, and {cowrethem downwards, Theroote preferued in hon fugar,is anefpeciall thing againft the gowr,if euerie day fora certaine {pace,a reafonable quanti 4 : ; thereofbe eatenfafting. focus whatfort wormes,forin againft medicine approoued and fingular a Thefeede ofTanficis B ee ‘ itbe taken,itkilleth and drineth themfoorth. oftie C The famepownd, and mixed withoile oliue,is very good againft the paine andfhrinking finewes, Alfobeing drunke with wine,itis good againft the paine ofthe bladder, and when a mancaim D piffe but by drops. Of Feuerfew. 1 Matricara. Feuerfew. Gbap.200. % The defcription. 1; PEnerfewbringeth foorth manylittle roundftalkes , diuided into certaine brat Jeaues are tender, diuerfly torne & iagged, and nickt on the edgeslike the firft moft leaues of Coriander,but greater, The flowersftand onthe top ofthe bran fall pale of white leaties, {et round about a yellowball or button, like the wilde field rooteishard and tough:the wholeplant is of a light whitith greene colour; of a ftrons bitter talte, 2 Thefecondkinde of Feuerfew, Adatricaria, or Parthenium, differeth fromthe forme hathdouble flowers ; otherwife in {thell,leaues,and branches, itis all one with common E Theteisathird fort calied Mountain Feuerfew, ofCarolws Clufiushis defcription, that and fibrous rootes ; fromwhichproceedflender wooddie {talkes, a foote hig! { beletorgarnifhed about with leaues like Cammomill, deepelyiagged orcut, of the {ar ofFeietfew,but not fo ftrong 5 in tafte hotbut not vnpleafant. Atthe top ofthe ftalkes there come footthimall white flowers not like vnto thefirft, butratherlike vnto 4b/juthiumalbum, ot White Woormwood, Ofwhich kinde I haue growing in my gardenanotherfort.like vnto the firft kinde, but ofamoft plcalantfiveete fauour,in refpea ofany of thereft. “% Theplace. Thecommon {ingle Feuierfewe growethin hedges, gardens, and about oldewalles. Itioyeth to tamong rubbith, There is oftentimes founde whenit is digged vpa little coale vader the tings ofthe tOote,and neuer withoutit, wherof Cardanein his booke ofSubtilities ferteth downe svaine and trifling things. % The time. Theyflower for the moft part all the fommer long. of [e %& Thenames. fa of,Diofeorides meplkvier ofGalen & Pawlus one of his fe& Aud cokes in 2 Matricaria duplicé fire. Double Feuerfew. Dace ide récaria,and Febrefuga,ofFuch/ius Artemifia Tenuifolia: in Italian Cama Se eeMEE ruIpe ¢in French E/pargoute : in Englith Fedderfewe , and Feuerfewe,ta- tom his force of driving awaie agues, % The temperature. we doth manifeft] y heate itis hotinthethirde degree , and drie inthefecond {courethopenethandfully performeth all thatbitter things can do. saesh’» ethor / % The vertues. F tremedie Both shear< ews difeafes ofthematrix; it procureth womens fic knes with fpeeds A abahandihe: seatiye a,and the dead childe,whether itbe drunkein the decoction, or boi' Sestplatine tanfitouer its or the herbes fodden andappliedtothe priuie part, in man. pultis, "rides alo teacherh andhor fwellings.if that it isprofitablie applied to Saint Anthonies fire, to allinflammati- B iit be aide vnto both flowers and leaues. lame author a fhirmeth thatthe powderof Feuerfewe drunke with oximell,or fyrupe ofvine- C wine forwanta ¢ a awayflegme and melancholy,andis good for them that titandhaue easthean. sungs ftu ed with flegme3 andis profitable likewifeto be drunke againft gen 1 author faith. made into powder andtwo drams ofit taken with honie or fweete wine, D ~ 4.iStiedand 2 Se melancholie and deeries wih erefe niswennedid ached areola Re legme 5 wherefore it is very goodfor themthat are giddie in the eat arta turning called Vertigo , thatis a fwimming andturning in thehead. Alfo ; #sbemelancholike,fad penfiue,and without {peech, ft the fuffocation ofthe mother, thatis, the hardnes and {topping ofthe E. 1¢,andapplied to the place. €lame is good for women tofitouer,for the purpofes aforefaid. F «S,and boundto the wrefts with bayfalt, andthe pow derofglaffe ftamped G ~ peat experiment againft the ague. Of |