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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS . i ae aon thicke knobbed roote, fethereand %& The deferiptions He Wardws named Celtica,but nowLign/tica Aardws,flourifheth in high mountaines'The Vallefians in their mother toong call it Sediga, thavis Sa/iunca; neither dol doubt. bye 2 thatit is the fame which /#rgi/ doth {peake ofinthefe verfes, Puniceis humilis quantum Saliunca rofetis, Iudicio nostro tantum tibi cedit Amintas, there wit! fe e pa antiweetimell : fram the which comeforth threeor fowerfinootl ae ome tender nooth broadleanes,g r i which among 3 middlerib the euento cut, deepely leaues lkewifeiagge nihedin the middle with a tuft of{mall iagged leanes Thea g which rife vp naked ftalkes. oat: 5 : Owers 5gtowe :at the top ofthee ftalke, Lal mbleortuft fathion, like thofeof Fennell,The feede is fmall andchafite 5) Nardus Indica. Indian Spikenard, 6 Nardue Karbonrif. French Spikenard, Foritis a very little herbe creeping on the ground ,’and afterward lifting vp it felfe witha ftalke of a handfull high; whereupon from the lowerpart growefimall thinleaves, like thofe of Gnaphaliam or Cottonweede, whitifh and fomewhat yellowifh: vponthe roughneffe of the roote, thereare many{eales,platted one ypon anothersbuit ynder the roote thete are manybrowne firings and hairie threds, infinell like the rootes ofAifrabacce,intafte fhatpe aridbitter. he flowers gtowe along i the vpperbranches,white and very{mall. > ‘The fecond fort of Spikenard hath many threddie rootes, fromthe which rife vp many{calie, tough,andthickeftalkes having at the top certaine flat hoarit leaves, growing vpon {mallandteider footeftalkes.The whole plant is ofa pleafant fweete fmell. 3 Hirculws. Vrinewoort. 4 Nardus: Montana: ‘Wilde Mountaine Soikenard, | ’ 5 1 H ' M id VAM 5 The Spikenard of India; Sle ca rn e ynto the grounde (as doth our Thiftle "DWE Call Caraosaeg a ey lowe plant, growing clofe lore} tslnalland vedacaut ic is compol ma y rough fcalie ie clonaes, ofpS f fine] The pofed off man a pleafanc l, The Spit Pe J €Ltench Spike | a cf 4 ‘At,compag offealtnard, ea paneebatard kinde, groweth clofe vponthe ground like the preceI * + merc } at = ' sthatpeand ciate; 1gh eaues:in the middle whereof commeth foorth a great buf of rough t ngs i, Gali Lee teddie, The wh : 7 among the which fhoote vpdiuers round ftalkes, Theroote is fall natd. whole plant is altogither without fmell,which fheweth it to be abaftard kinde of Thefe plants we ; % The place. ern, D fi i "8and Heluieti ‘angers in England,growing in great plentie vpon the mountaines by LudenTheft and i the rocks amongthe mofle, ; 3 %& The defeription. Hirculusisaplantveryrare, which as yet Ineuerfawe, notwithftanding we ding to Carolus Clufius, the father of forren fimples, who finding this plancam handfuls of Spikenard,hath made itknowen vnto pofterity,as he hath done m< in tranflating of Garcia the Lufitanian phifition,he fettethit forth with a light de isa bafeand loweherbe two hands high,bringing foorth leaues without any ftdtke Glue. clofe °)4 !econd,i ars : : ; “Crap “th ; sif my memoriefaileme not, do groweinafield inthenorth part of England 7 = Nd in the foote ofs the mountaine called Ingleborrow Fels. “eleaues Stowe “Ath o eee o % Thetime. i withering in September, at which time they{mellmore pleafantly, than Ney flourithed and were greene, : Nerdy: % The names. V Mess called in Pp annonia or Hungarie,ofthe countrey people Speick, of fome Betzfin, that 1S, ' } |