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Show A Table of the Englifhnames, L12t,1125 SHweete Cre 1025 Hower Trefoiie 1031 Red Sumach Hunnedeaive Sunflower ibid.1393 1366 1102 Hwines Crefles, thatis Rucllius his Wuckthomne SDwines gvafle Pitchadoue 346 452 47° 1005 408 OIF 720 985.926. 987. Hhrwbbig, Crefoiie ozmakebate , oz Marcellus bis mtlke @refoile 1128. I129 CCreacle worunlsde 213.214 @reacic wenzt,ioke Scorodothlatpi. Creéacie caver ror8.1019 Englith Treacle 535 Erebearing ete 39% tie herbe ti flomers Trueloue,thatis herbe Pari¢ 32 IIgs Myorow ware, 02 Thozow leafe 429: 430 @roee leafed grafle 1018 Myre leafed inerwort 1032 Ciyaift 433 Ehrotewarztandhis kindest 3¢3.366 Tbroughwanrt and his binds 430. ime and his kinds 458.459 Tine, 07 Wilde Vetch 10§2,10§3 Wilde Cime 454.456.457 Creeping Cime oz running Time ibid. Dodder,oziaced Cime 459 SHulke Cime ibid. Corveltoicandhiskinds 1386 Mode flare,oz wilde lage and his kinds 442.44 1.442 443. Colmeiners 480 Mozmentiii,and hie binds 840 Tongeblade 76% Corthpicke Cheruilt 885 Great Cathwort 1387 630 ozntole 265 ouch me not 766 Corchwode, that is tre Mulhzuat 1386. Coming WMukarde 212 Coprwoot 215 Radic Crates 169 ECripic Ladies Crates ibid. Cranetlers iop 738.739 Ere of life 1317 Ere {purge 1216 @refoticand hig kinds 1017.1018.1019 Weane Crefotle 1239 CEretlotle of America 1920 6.12 20 we nuts, thatis Satigot andhig sinds Weedwind,that is withpwind Welcome to our houfe Ueldve, that ts Diars weed Gbhre months wheate 63 Whinneand hishinds 1138. 1140 Whicken treethatis Wilde athe 1296 Whitbiow ,o2 Mhitelos grafle 498,500 Whitwenzt, that ts Feauerfew 529 White rote and his kinds, thar ig i i¢ 758 bis Water elder 1237 hoatie bervies and hig 1228,1229,1233 1367 ing wed 134 V Blerianandhiskinde 916, 917 918 Bed Valerian 550.551 Ueluet flowerdeluce Wenice Sumach Genusbaton,thatis Cafelt Genug Haire, that is Apaiden haire 983 SWenuscombe 384 Genus loking ciate “356 Greruaiticand his kinds 580.584 etch 10§2.1053 Witter Vetch JOSE Gineand his kinde 724:725:727 toride Cine que LOhite Wine,that is white Wriony 719 GWioletsand his kinds 355.699. 701 Dames and damatke Violets. 376.377 Water Wioiet Upright three coloured Wioie Cotied Wiolet Wulbed Wiolet Wipers grafic 59: Gipers buglofie,s Wipers herbe Girgins bower 749.743 Upright dogs grate 24,25 W. Via 677 Waiebsead that is plantatt 340 Upaicthozne,thatis buckthogne 1155 Waiefaring tree 1305 Wake Rodin 685 toall flowers 370.371 Wall barlep, 02 Wap Bennet, that ie Darnell Wali nut Tall Wartthatig Dancwort Hea toartwazrt 67.7% r2g2 1238 497 andfimple Countrie people, A, Dragonsfemale is Water dragons, Drop tort is Fibpendula. pretis Dill. E, Ameets Ameos. Argentill is Wereepier, Meche is Smallage. Aluaria,wn written Copies Cardisca. E Doerlvmrt is Dracontium, Cileber ig Aliaria, Clfenocke ts Enuls campana. Carthgallis great Centorie, Cuerferneis tall sferne, Cran is Croftwozt,pet not our Cruciate, B. Glomoine,that is Gentian. F, Balowein,that is Gentian. Belived,thatis facea nigra, Mithops worts, that is Wetonie. Birds nell,that is wilo warinep. Hitds tong,that is Stichivort. Bigolo,that is Chryfanthemmumfegerums. Curkes herbe,loke Herniaria Turkic bauime 558 ic cozne,and Curkie wheate. 77 812.813 105s. and printed Copies,and fromthe mouthes ofplaine i. 407 398 334 ¢ Tableof €:nglifh names : gatheredout ofancient written 676 Tunehofe 75 TCarbith of Antioch 334.335 Serapias Curbith,thatie fea arwaozt Curkic hen flex 123 Curneps andhis kinds 177.178. 179 TCurpentine tre andhig hinds 1246 Cutlan 435 weap blade, that is doubleLeafe 326 Twig Withic, oz frawithie r205 Exo penie grate 505 A Supplement or Appendix ynto the generall Table, and tothe Loheat and hig kinds,86,76, Culipe and his kinds,116,117,t18,¢c, t .988 989.¢t. Thiltle bypon Thiftle, and diners other wilde Thittics 10101613 Thlatpi 206 Mbhorne andhis kinds 1145.1147.11 48 White Chore . 1147 Thoriebore IIgt Chomebromeandhig kinds 1138. 1139 @Myorne Popic,oz of Peru 276.278 Chorne Grape , that is Gofeberries 1143 Purging Chowne, oz Lavatine ram Torches 1125.1127 1227.1128 203,.204,206,208 [Bbc andbis kinds 284.285 TCanimifke and his kinds 1194. ngs @ankcand his kinds $24 525.526 wilde Canke 84t @areand bis kinds 1052.1053 Ware eneriatting ibid. Great wilde Care 10$4 Diofcorides his mtikeTare 1065 Carcagon 193 @Cerribic herbe GetterMait etter borrie SChilicandhigkindes battard {hab Crefoile Gienemous tree Crefotle Treacle Mukardand his kindes 190, r CTCeakell and hiskinds Watkarde 02 Wilde milke Crefoile, o2 Great Water qratte Water Cppres gratte Waterarcher and hig kinds Wind rofe Wind flower wild Winde flower Withiminde Wwithie Molts,thatis Rasunculus globofus. 1205 Withiwind, that is indiwoedandhis kinds. 714 Witch hafetl 1296 i00ab 394 iomd grate 3 1Omd ruthie grafle 20 wWoudwaren,thatic Gremowd 1136 Wadbind and his kinds. TATA Wiew wWodbind, op ladiegbomer 743 Uipright Wor Weodz00ffe, 02 Wright is Chelidonia. MBeokeleake ts tuater Daagons. Pacint 106 Wolen,that is MD towlfes bane and his kinds tomlfes claw Hointer wolf Pellox tomifes fitts crop Worne gratle, that ts great Stone 44 Wopznfeed,ozwomledmart 942 a Engith Woznted,loke Camel Wornwod 33 Polic Wozmewnd 93 Romane woznewd Small leafed, gardert oF Crp Wormwod Sea Wozmewmarde F onven 02 baftard Wort eon, Woundwontt,{. Confownd 5° i Woundwozt and ht Fenights water ae py 678,953.92 Artow 18 L Che Pew tre Senthnoart,that is fandeaw Puta thatis Jace FE Gne, white Flotwer beluce, tell ig Cepea. Field Ciprelle tg Chamepitys. Field wortis Felivopt,o2 Oentians Filetvost ts Filago minor. Fleavdocke is Petafites. Fileatwoat ig Piylbum. Frorgetme not is Chamapitys. Fozebitten mozeis Dinels bit. Faueroleis water Dragons, Freiter is the herbe that beareth Straiwberviss, Sfrawberrier, Buches beanes, that is Trifoliumpaludofum. Buckram,thatis Aron, Cc. 2 tod nade ftones ’ Mrotherivo2t,chat is Dulioll mountamne. Bridlumpt,that is Vimaria. 13 Wor fower,o2z Wad fozrell, the lelué 1030.103 Dod rowell Woodfage,and garlickefage $3 Tond Mighthhade 27 Wood Chickwmerde,os war Apillet 85 oke Gime Botvivad,that is iknapined. Byotone beale is Bugle. Mroleivwzt,that is Confolida minor. Ardiacke is Aliaria. Carles is Crefles. Catmint ig Nepea. Cencletfe is Daffovill. Cheruelt oz Cheuerell twas called (though dnéruly) lpiuim rifus, Churles Creacleig Alinm. Churchwoztis Penniroyall. Clitheis the wuroacke, Citherenis Gotegras 02 Cliners. G, G Aingall meke is Ariffotrotnnda, Gandergotles is Zakes. Geckvoris Aparine, Gofechite ts Agrinonie, Gofegras vas fometime called Argentina. @ote bill Aparine. (arden Ginger is Piperits. @lona is Cow Walill, Grone Mullard is Dittander, , @roundiwillis Groundfivell atum Mufc Grounonecdle Ground Cur Citeig Lappa. Clone tongig Evebories uiger. Cochesforte is Columbine, Cocke fote ig Chelidonia maior. Cot fat is Cow Wakil. Criftaloze is the letter Centopie. ‘onebervie: 9 Vaccinia palastr Cioberries, Erica baccefera. Ctowo (oye is Hopetvoort, MW lekeig Wyacinthus Anglicus. Cropp is Iacea nigra. ” erinortis Columbine. Chtbervole ano Cutbertill, is Weanke oytine, Ds D inofe Cyclamen. Donninetyellis wild emp» pL 1024.1025 Shrub Crefotic 1292 ra? Water o2 marlh Crefotic Samach irene is Cliners, gie ofthe wall Panimerwort ts qpellito Pardhotwis Parygols:f Lycos L Wares etets darebell ts Crowlake. mepitys. erbe Zucis Cha bellisipenbane, Ben re [fri;s« HederaYAterre) 3 ihow ss Pe erbexseanet is Wemloches illip. {erbe peter Cowrs ‘ tu\8 Ma Herba mar Chames TyOse Perteclow7e 1s rtiportis Praxis: Herta is pull ol mountain? Hpiltwort niells UT non UT yer Hippia maior COW enedMingaed Dwallowort¢ his kinds 7.751.911 Hwete willow, thatis Gavie 1228 |