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Show SECOND BOOKE OF. THE HISTORIE OF PL ANTS, Itftaies the cough ifit be drunke, Itclenfeth monthlyflowres, If you it feéthe in water, and x The defertpti fore} on. s Harmell is one of the wilde Rues § it bring eth foorth immediately from the roote divers little ftalkes. of a cubite high: whereupon doe growe greene leates diuerflic cutte into long peeces , longer and wilde ftrong {melling Rue: the fldwers be white, ym poled of fiue white leaues: the fruitis three nted Rue, if -e. bigver then that of the th: the roote is thicke, long, Thereto put *wine that {couress Such broth doth ftaié the belly gripes, Sn elms 5 Harmala, Stan i Rue with white { Wilde Ithelpethbreft andloongs Itcures the ficknes ofthe fides, Cald*P/earfe in Greeke toong, The gout andthe {ciatica, Andaguesit doth cure, Ifitbe drunke : andotherthings, Aswriters doaffure, <2 in THE Pliviefaith in his 20. booke 13,chapter,that it opénet h the matrix, and bringeth it into het tight B paceifthe belly all ouer,andthe fhare(the breft fay the oldfalfe copies) be annointed therewith: bing tempered with honie, itis aremedie againft the inflammation and {welling of the ftones, proceeding of long abftinence from venerie,called ofour Englith Mountibankes, the Coltes eu ll, titbe boiled with Barrows gicace, Baieleaues, and the powders of Fenugreeke andLinfeede be auded thetto, and applied pultis wife, whereuponthe Poet hath thus written: / Hac etian tees‘Poker’ curare tumentes, Cumfolijs Laurs bene tritam, fifuperaddas; Withthis likewife you may reftore the cods when as theyfivell, Ifthereunto you put Baie leaues,all brufed very well, that it prc pe ee. Thebelt lttaketh away the cruditie or rawnes ofthe humou a tllomackes where on Adacer haththus written: rs, and likewife windines, and olde paines of G Piganonin GracalinCub quod Ruta vocatur , Wius Aitidoti confectio talis habetur : Pondere iungepari nitrum,paper, atque Cymnin um Detribus his, quantum de ruta,potetto tanium : ne-part of treewn! tha thenekFigge a fe it vnlef it be leffe th awaythe the ranknies of the Rue. Sedprius exacrivinomacerarec.‘yninum Conuenit, in ferropoft afaricalefacto: Onnis deindefimulbene trita ex melle ingabis, sher countries fooner. iff; in other Petioyis,ch lateris, decors, renumaue dolores Hoc ex* antidocurantur [ape comefto, Extennat brlem,mollitfine tormine ventrem, whichis Horten/is Ruta, ga : keepe the Latinename: 1 the Italians and Apc hecaries : . in Englifh Rue,andh Wilde Rueis cailec € aryaVor, Peganon : The tempe Rue, which in Greekeis called Piganon; 1emaking ofhis antidote heere warne each one: Of Nitre, Pepper,and Cumine,like waight ofall rake you, >f0.as muchofthefe famethree in quantitie as Rue; utfirfty'ts meete youlayto foke in vineger your Cumen, Andafter tobe baked,put it ina heated ouens ts Then all togitherbrufed well,with honie youfhall ioine: €paines and forenes ofthe breft, the liuer,fides, andloines And kidneies helped are, bythis good medcine eaten oft: tmakes thin choler,bellie free fromgripes,it maketh foft ; Vntothe ftomacke comfort great, ature. uimeth winde;it cuttet Me dhudioni the ficlines,expelleththedead¢? taken, or the decodtion drunke , andis:good for the mothers nto Macey aadeth in thefe verles, Jtur com pefcit, menfirua pergats suis hance in 29tA, cui Vinwin inn xeracre pe [out La tes decoltiotormivaventris: nesinwat ¢pectusyso bog, meattur rsCtia pleurifioi wocat atticalingHa. reticos,Scyafimgue iunat,febribufqnemedetur H.aufta oe. * antidcte Confortat ftomachum,facit vt bene digerat efcams (s Harmala: ofthe Ara os * furno Caufing it well to brooke iemeate. Ruch F : *SUh hortnes chof fidewh and huckle cheft, gupings, itis hase ned iththvineger,remooueth vi ipi iti good ae againft the ftittn toe the seaiee ms, ® Dreath vponacoldecaufe andalfo againit thep The py |