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Show HISTORIE a Ra af OF PLANTS 1057/ % The vertues. Being drunke it is acceptable to the ftomacke,and remooueth {toppings out ofthe intrailes.and A oflike vertue be the newe leaues and tendercrops ofthe whole plant, Dioforides fheweth that it is alfo goodfor the ftomacke being taken in drinke,andis counterpoifons, And itis thought to hinder conception, ifit be applied with hony before the a@ es 3 mixed with B C Heeof Axwoor Awe Dea te sof ok Ses ope eieents , lieleede openeththe t PEE {topping the liner,th eobftructionoC of the fpleene, and 1¢ of D altheinward parts, Hotle fhooe is bitter andlike in nature to Axfeede, se Thefeeds of thefe plants are hot and dryofcomplexion, Sas Hennyngham, mex? e vntilledand ° Pe phar Horfec thooe commetha vpin certain funny places of Italy and Languedock:it gt0weth likewife in my garden, % The time. Thefe plants do flower in Iune,and their feedeis ripe in Auguft, % The names. ee ssiame this,whether it be a pulfe oraninfirmitie among come is ev the Latines ofthe forme of the feede Securidaca,and Hedyfarum :inEnglith Axfeede, Axwoort, Ax-fitch, and Hatchet Fitch; itis vnknowne tothe Apo Horfe fhooe ; is commonly calledin Italian Sferro de cawalb: you may name itin Latine Ferram wguionm : in Englith Horfe fhooe. % The temperature. Cire places of the fame coiritrey; and in Effex about Dunmow, and in the townes called Clareand Of Peafe Earth nut. Chap.5o1. Terre clandes. Peafe Earth nur, little,growing vpon fle : ping tendrels atthe ends, with which itimbraceth andtaketh holdoffuch things as ftand neere vnto it: the flowers on the tops of the ftalkes are like to thofe of Peafe,butlefler, ofa red purple colour, in {mell not vnpleafant:in their places come vp long former,but mt as ls nches : of a palee the top of th turne into roug round anat / cods, in which are three or fower round feeds :the al ; > h rootes bethicke, long, likeaf tera f \ f /N A\ve VA \W/ / WYN VIN AES Be oe acorns, ~ tafte like to the Cheflenut: out of wh doth hang along flender ftring; there the fame alfo other ftrit 1 ofthe ftalke, vnto which creey otherkernelledroc multiplie itfelfe, % Thepl ‘his sroweth in corne fieldes , y about the borders « corne it felfe, ritis fo amongbriers woods and paftures of Engl: weth in Hampfteed woode neere London: RichmondHeath,and in Coome Parkelikewife rooteis{o ret ats {c but much greater, blacke withour, gra -c do erow inmy dies SE OO a k inde fc Sf way on therig stag Se 1 ! : SS : % Thetime. : Tc fowreth in Iune anc ueft be diggec %& The names. 7 ees ee St %& Thedefiription. He Peafe Earth nut,commeth ypwith flen der and weakeftalkes st I |