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Show Ba THE SECOND BOOKE OF: THE , 33 Abrotanum humile. HISTORIE 4. Abrotanum Incdorym, ; uotie : Sothe Vanfa rnwood, Dwarfe Sothernwood. OF PLANTS, cheson the tops, and alongft the ftalkes do growfinal 1 cf iftering Sowers ofa yellowco wholeplantisof a darke c¢ lour,as well leauesas {ta : id ofa ttrong vnfa norie {mel], aw % Thepl, Ce. Theephraffusfaith that Sothetnwood delighteth to prow in p} to the fine; 1, andin Hier. ‘ degafitmeth that it groweth in Cappadocia, and Galatiaacoun citiein Syria :itis planted in gardens almoft euery7 wheres that of mended of Pixie. % Thetime. The clufter buttons of Sothetnwood do fom ith and be in thei: then in September, % The names. ltiscalledin Greeke A’¢es70ver :the Latines and the Apotheéarjes keepe th tim: the Italians and diuers Spaniards calli Abrotanos and other S inhighDutch Stabtwurts + in low Dutch Gt ereone, and Suererit't: A the F Aureefve : the Englifhmen Sothernwood ; it hath divers, baftarde names in 7 i i ae a nd terkindeis Diofcorsdes his Famina , or female a tofcorides : the grea. Sothernwood, and Pliny his Mentinum or morn. laine Sothetnwood ; the mountaine Sothernwood we take for the female, &the champion male, There be notwith{tandingfome that for the take Lauander Cotton tobe the'female Sothetnoon grounding thereupon,bicaufe it bringeth foorth yellowe flowersin top ofthe fprigs butions; bt iftheyhad more diligently i like ifter pondered Dioftorideshis words, they would not haue ofthis opinionsthe leffer Sothernwood is avathem 5 &1s alfo Phnieschat cham ih Aline Camppe/tre, The thirde as we haue pion Soth Sathetnvood bicaule it is ofa {weeter faide is ewile the female, andis vfuall fent thenthe reft; Dofcorides leeme E linSicilian Sothernwood, in % The temperature, Sothetnwood is hotand dryin the endof thethird degree: ithath alfo fanum W. a; campeltre. on. te Soh aa ny Vee reg Y £€ & % The defcripti f inde is alfo fhorter : theleauesot 3 3 Thethirde kinde is allotho this beliagged and deep ely cutae after the manner d they aliens” wa but eee wood , Pe 3c of the greater+ Sothern the y fog white,yet more fweete, wherein my be ' I aisanide® cotton This kindeis 0! alonegilt nd ande aon La clufter burtons ftande the evento the very top and be ofaglitrering ) the roote is like to thereft, rowes flatt vp ; 4 The vnfauorie Sothernwoo 8 i e ae broade with grounde on the thole ore" jagged inthe edges like S which rife vp weake # ae io rt: among Whit? ri om Muegwoo ble ftalkes, trailinglikew! FAB oe east confufedlyheere & there with i ass cold rel = a Se 7 DO! § grownext the ground, ofa gray ‘oe a altogither without ae) 1l a wit Vi as baa 4i 7 rh heftalke longeftt chafhie: theroéote is rough anc fuingsurinexed thereto. = aie Mek 522 Eis wilde Ser aes thick ‘ ee court iohand vWoodie; hi roorejtoughiarid a {cdliebarkelike thefcalict x fe vari of the fame colour from wh 10 Pofai eno ¥ Jequeshkethofe of E1 erine ARGH y4ma colour: among whica gre 4 force to diftribute and to rat % The vertues. Thetops, flowers, or feed boiled or ftamped rawe with water and drunke,helpeth themthatcan A Pa theit breath without holding their neckes ftraight vp,andisa remedie ice “apa sfor Z the {ciatita alfo, and for chem thar can! Ile 8 oO Dring downe t ie termes, : oe Baa ee win Mwormes and driueth them out :if itbe drunke with wine, itis aremedie againft d 3h bash pained ftinging of {corpions and fielde {p Me sy buti hthe ft aii kee Hae withoileit taketh away the fhiuering cold that commet Fie pous ; odyifit be annointed therewith before th fits docome, bi a eo ia barly meale andlaide to puthes,ic taketh them away. ; belaapplied armiations ofthe cies ; with the pulpe.of arofted Quince, or with crums ofR Theathe oe pu s wife, lad kt ‘ Chui Rai ene othernwood with fomekinde ofoyle , thatis of thinneparts, asof Paltia G on be €, oyle offiveete Marierome, or Organie, cureth the pilling of the haire of the Chotemicr cn the beard to growquickly: being ftrowed about the bedora fume made of it vp~ Mtcketh vers uth away ferpents: if but a branch belaid vnderthe beds head,theyfay thatit : erie, dig Mleede ofSothe twood madeinto powder, or boiled in wine and drunke, is gooc againft thecH7 3 it expelleth, wafteth, confumerh » and ites allcolde hu¢ thetwood o/Mime.andfle dntes gme, which do viually ftopthe fpleene;kidneies andbladder, Bengahe Tickates rg run sein wine is good againft all venome auepaiton. a aneretiselianley wieale batoves o, othernwood boiled inwater vail they be foft, and ftan Ps d anieie hatte} mc lexte Steale vntothe formeof a plaifter 5 diflolueth,andwafteth all colde humoursand aide thereto, Me Lauander Cotton drunkin wine,is good againft thebitings of ferpents, [, ip Hesin children,as daily experience prooueth, for womend ou fiiccefie, o yfe ito that purpofe é Ooo 3 Y \A |