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Show 518 Chan > ND BOOKE OF THE THE SECO a 4 ChamamelymRomanum, " ame Anclicum flore multiplict. o AS 3) Chamamelen Double fowred Cammomill. HISTORIEB’OF PLANTS. The decodtion made in white wine and drunke,expelleth the a ; birth fpeedily,and clenfech thofe parts. — Romifh Cammomill, : dea The herbe boiled in poflet ale , and giuen to drinke , eaferly the painein the cheft comr winde,and expelleth tough and clammie flegme,and helpeth children of the ague. The herbe vfed in bathes prouoketh fiveate, rarifieth the skit, and jpenéth the pores, itmitigatethgripings and gnawings ofthe belly, icalaieth the paines of the fides, oll fwellings,and wafteth awaie rawe and vndigefted humouts, briefly G h hard¢ Yfy iste Theoilecompoundedof the fowers,performeththe fame , andis a remedie againft all weari- 1 fomnefle, andis with goodfiiccefle mixedwith all thofe things that are applied tomitiga tepaine. OfMaie weede,or wilde Cammomill. Chapr4£9. % Thekindes. Hetebethree kitides of wilde Cammomils whichare generally called ine Cotale sone ftinking., and wo.other nor ftinking : the one hath his fowerall wh oughout the compalle, as alfoin the middle; and the ot low. Befides thefe, there is anotherwithverie faite donble flowers voide of {mell , which a Kenrifh gentleman called Mafter Bartelmeuue Lane foundgrowing wildein a fielde in the Ile of Thanermeere vnto.a houfe called Qu thehoule ofSir Henrie Crifpe. Likewife Matter Heskerh before remembred., foundit int ofhis Inne at Barnet (ifmy memorie faile me not) at the figne of the red Lion,orelfe neere ynto it, Mapoore womans garden,as he wasriding into Lancafhire, 1 Cotule g fatida. Maie weede. % The place. Thefe plantsare fetin gardens both for pleafire and alfo profite. ¥e The time. They dower moft part of all the Sommer. & The nauiese fo Lewcantht a jin eRe a is,; and allo Lewanit Cammomillis called chansamelum, of {c Anthemis, and Lestaase™ fromthe whitenei mon, e{pecially thatdouble flowred Cam of his flower: inEnglith Cammomill iris called v,or.an appleswhichis plainly perceitied in Ti i = . nich Greeke name acd wershauet finelot Cammomill bicaufe the Ho common Cammomill. Le ature. eh ; ‘ is of sorcet arts: i1¢t 180} Cammomillfaith Galen is hot anddi rftdegree, and alge arts, vcal com Rofe in thinnefle oe digeft,flacken,and rarifie ; alfo it is thought to be like the ; Ravens : the operation of oile in heate, which are tom “Te iaraeand ae aperate: ae W‘dfuppleth,an 4| helpe againft wearifomneffe,it eafeth and mitigatet! paine, it mollifiet at eit heatethm neh , operations are in our vulgar Cammomill, as common experience teac rately,and driethlittle, % The vertuts. F fingulatin ana i . 5 : moft fingwa’ © ©°Gammomill ispood againft tlie collickeand ftone, prouoketh vrine ,:1s = dé aoniatt Raeuenaa: whieh are made againit the forefaid difeafes, > Fackeaid aine,brufingss (rinks B Oileof Cammomill is exceeding good againft all maner of ac P e of finewes hardnefle, and colde fwellings. aft i theft om es in A dn madeinwine and dranke; is’good som zeol“fe The decosionSfCammomill s id s ; = ; ¥ ourie. ‘ eherefoneeo™ + y mont fewer belchings}voideth windesaird mightily bith gerh downe the D ~"Re Egyptianshaue vfeditfor aremedi¢againtt all colde agites + tucy C it,as Galenfaith, 2 Cotulalutes. Yellow Maie weede., - |