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Show 958 THESSECOND: BOOKE OF THE full of ioifits:from whichcome foorth finall thin leaves, ftiffeand fharpe pointed, fomewhat hairy in number commonly fower,{tanding like a Burgonion crofle ftom the bofome ofwhich come foorth certaine tufts of faller leaves thruft togither vpon.aheape : the flowers growatthe top of the ftalkes of apale yellowifh colour: % The place. Forthe roote hereof taken any maner of wilethenRubarb doth make normaking it thicker t healthwhich thing do doth; for by n Maddetis plantedin gardens,andis very. cominon in moft places ofEngland, : The feconde groweth in moift medowes, in moorith grounds , and vnderbuthes almoft enierie here. ‘ ; moft places. Q growethbythe fea fide in r Thelaft % The time. ‘Theyflourith from Maie vntothe endof Auguft: the rootes are gathered anddriedin Autums, and folde to the vie of Diers,and Medicine. . ¥ "tlThe names. of his : Madderis called in Greeke tputesteror, Erythrodinwm: in Latine Rubsajand Rabeia :vin fhops Rubis tinttorum: Paulus AEginetatheweththat it isnamed:Thap/om which the Diers vie, and the mainescallit Herba Rubia: in Italian Rubbia, and Robbia: in Spanifh Rusa, Roya, and Granza: it French Garance: in high Dutch atte 3 in lowe Dutch Mer, and Aer crappeis in Englifh Madder,and red Madder, % The temperature. E tl i binding j t t withthemthey mixe all ielarnitd woulde be quickly; athenvile iGtope : erifh huimours d ger temain i nthe things cx lours out ¢ of the ittice 1¢ colour ma thing vehemently cither clenfe or Of _ y and-that Diofcorideseach hath rathly s ) attributed vntoit this reft that follo wed, {tandingftiffelyto Kinde of qualitie and after him Gaden and the his opinion, Pine faiththat the ftalkes with the leaues pos of Madder.are vied ag ainft ferpent s. E The roote of Madderboiled in Meade o thonied water , and drunken » openeth the {toppings of | Pemiltandkidneies, et theluet,the and is Zooc againft the iaundife, fhescnit like manerprotioketh vrine vehemently ,infomuch thatthe often vie thereofx caleth one topific bloud, as tome haue dreamed, } Seg cachet excell ent it Phifition Phifitions s haue experime sxperi ntedt{the ame tto.amendethe | othfome J, he fame ae theKings euill 3 andhelpeth the vicers of the mot ith , if vate the decoc tion be adde da iteallime and honie of Rofes. Ofthe temperature of Madder, it hath beene difputed among the learned, andas yet notcenit ted,whether it do binde or open; fome fay both, divers diuerfly deeme :a greatPh fition (I donot fay the great learned ).called me to account as touchingthe faculties heereof, although he had no commiffion foto do,notivithftanding I was content to be examinedvponthe point, what the mz ture ofMadder was,bicanfe I haue written that it performeth contraryeffects,.as fhall be fhewec: the rootes ofMadder, which both the Phifitions 2ndDiers dovfe,as they bane an obfeure binding powerand force ; fo be theylikewif¢ of nature and temperature colde anddrie: they are ve diuers thin parts,by reafon whereof their colour doth eafily pearce: yet haue they atthe firlts Of Goofegraffe,or Chuers. 1 Aparine, Goole graffe or Cleuers. i tainelittle fweetenes, with an harfh binding qualitie prefently following its which notonelj at felues haue obferued, but alfo _Auscen the prince of Phifitions, (the great Phifitions matter) m in his 58.C! r hath written,that the roote of Madderhatha roughandhaith rafter ne vet it bide or open I hane anfwered,attending your cenfure bur if {haue-en fter Dogtorwhether itis with the multitude,andthofe of the beft,andbeft learned. %& The vertues. n, The decoétionof the rootes of Madderis enery where commended for thofe that arebutite brufed,wounded,and that haue fallen front high places, B_ Itftancheth bleeding , mitigateth inflammations , and helpeth thofe parts that be hurt and brufed. ¢ dvinkes: in Cc Forthefe caufes they be mixed with potions , which the]ater Phifitions call ror coed which there is fuch force andvertue, as A¢athiolus alfo reporteth, that there is likewile gia Pp ofcuring of deadly wounds in the cheft and intrails. : piition of Our opinionand iudgement is confirmedby that moft expert man, fomrimes P Eat don Johawnes Spiringus,whoin his Rapfodes hath noted, that the decoction of Madae bls Triphera , that grcat compofition is fingular goodto ftay the reds, the hemor! : eae of? flixe , and the fame approoued by diuers experiments : which confirmeth Maddet E aftringent and binding qualitie. «called 7108 _Ofthe fame opinion asit feemeth is alfo Eros tulsa hir freed man (commonly retharh ; i aed t choug had he if for who in a compofition againft vntimelybirth doth vie the fame: wereof fuch a qualitie as Diofcorides writethit to be ofhe woulde notin any wile haue #° thofe medicines which are good againft an vntimelybirth. : 4 yrine, For Diofeorides reporteth , that the roote of Madder doth plentifully ed butane grofie andthicke,and oftentimes bloudalfo, anditis fo great an opener, that » Ines oF plied,it bringeth downe the menfes; the birth, and afterbirch: but the exeeentt 7 ‘f deceiued him, thatimmediately followeth the taking of Madder , which no other thought,from bloud mixed therewith, which notwithftanding commeth the colour of the Madder, nerbes, for wh; y be retained andkeptI the longeriger,which loft, Bythefé things it manifeftl AT e uy appeercth that Madder doth no- may) eee, SS Chap.4.45. 2 Aparina maior Pling. Great Goofe graffe, |