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Show 798 2 THE SECOND‘BOOKE HISTORIE) OF) PLANTS, OF 'THE ThisCranes bill,being’a baftardkindeof the former, hath long — branches bing . the hight oftwoor'three cubits, {et about with very great leaues not wns eae @ . Helios Ofdiners wilde Cranes bils, but fomwhat lefler,of an overworne greene colour, among which rife vplittle footeftalkes, onthe endes whereofdo growfmall flowers,tmuchleffer then thofe of the precedent,and ofamutreyco. 7 Jour :the head andfeedes are like alfo, but much leffer: therootes do likewife die atthe fitftap- proch ofwinter, 2- Geranium Malacoides. I Geranium Creticum. Candie Cranes bill, Baftard Candie Cranesbill, 3 Chap.34.7. % The kindes, Here be.diuers forts or kindes of Cranes b ls whick 1 haue novbeenetémembred OFthé ancient, tor much fpoken of by the later writers 4 allwh ich Lideane to comprehend ©! ynderthis Chapter,making as it were of chenya Chapterof vilde Cran es bils, although fone of then paceid out London gardens, andchat woorth| » elpecially for the beautieo 1¢ flowe rs anesthallbe exprefled intheir feuérall titles rnaturesandfacultiésare sefer ted to ef Cranes bilssorifyou pleafe to'a furth er con fic 4Cration, I Gérepivn maculatumfivefafeaper, Spotted Cranes bill . i VS. ea Theplace. Aes:the whichao ich do.grom* Thefe are ftrangers in England,except in the gardens.offome Herbarifts in mygardenvery plentifully, i j : % The time. ; The time anfivereth the reft ofthe Cranesbill,yet doth thatof Candie fower for themoltpat with me in Maie. %& The names. : ‘There isnot moreto befaid of the names then hath beerie remembredin t heir feverall o** They may be called in Englith Cranesbils,or Storkesbils, % Thetemperature. Their temperature an{fwereth.that of Honss foote, we. Thevertues. iP r, fame put #8 Their Facultiesin working are equallto thofe of Douesfoote,, and aene nical {and tightly)efpecially being vied in wounde drinks, forthe whichit dot i (Cranes bils.and is equall with any other herbe whatfocuer for the fame pup of % Thedeféription. I S Potted Cran es bill 20t Storkes bill,the which L’Obews defcr ibeth in the title thus, G (rains ’ fore liu: do, Purpurante e , er medio Candicante > 1S the { 5» *Bakin Yani(WR Hoontanum, Or Mountaine | St ks bill, whofe leaues ar nto Crewffoote 23 de doubs] effe ofCranes bill.called Quour, Vetnoraltopiti G " t dc2)ofabouerw ra duftie colour and ofa 5 , Rowers or ler vapleafant: afant the ftalkes are dry and Relic , atthe t: Fufleum *S:from the file, f exceeding faire purple colour y the middle pare w oF potntell thereof, commeth foorth a tuftof {mall E ‘ *t0dte is thicke and ver y brittle,lifting ie felfe foorth ofthe ground, infomuch thar many | te gtound naked without earth » cuienasthe rootes of Flower D cluces 4 The ih¢ |