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Show HisT ORIECOF*PLAN-TS. THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE OfS.Peters woort,orfquare SFobnsgraffe. Chmenon Itaborum. Turfan,or Parke leaucs. Chap.t51. cAfeyron. §.Peters woort, % The defeription, Aint Peters woort groweth to the heightof a cubit and a halfe, heuing a ftraight vp. right {quare {talke, fomewhat browne,feby rod doth growe, ina wood byRailie in manyother places. % Thetime. It Aowreth in uly and Auguft. The feede in ti couples at certaine ‘diftances with leauesmuch meane time waxeth ripe. The leaues becor in Autumne 5 at that time is very eafily prefied foorth hiswinie iuice. Ye Thenames. like thofe of S.Tohns woort, buegreater ; the bofome of which leaves come foorthm ny finaller leaues , the which are not bored through as thofe of S. lohns woort ate: yetfontime there be foie few feene {0 bored thro ‘The flowers growat the topof the branchesof yellowcolour :the leaues and flowetswhenthey are brufed, do yeeld foorth a bloodie iuice, as It is calledin Greeke avSescacuor: and the Latines alfoAndrofamon; ivislikewife called Diony/iza, as Galen witnefleth, They are far fromthe truth,that take it tobe Clymenum, andit is neediefle to finde fault withtheir error: it is alfo called sie¢liana, ind Herba Siciliana ; in Englifh Tutfan, and Parke leaues, : doth S.lohns woort whereofthis is a kinde, The roote is tough and of a wooddie fubftance, we The place. 5 % The temperature. S.Peters woort,orfquare S.Iohns gtalle,gron The faculties ate ftch as S$, Peters woort,which doth fifficiently declareit to be hot and drie, % The vertues. found it in manyplaces of Kent, efpciall Cops by MatterSéd/eyes houfe,neere Southfleet, se Thetime. The feede hereof beaten to powder, anddrunke A tothe weight of two drams, doth purge chelericke excrements,as Dio/corides writeth, and is afingular remedie for the Sciatica, provided that the patient do drinke water fora dayot two after purging. The herbe cureth burnings, andapplied vpon B new. woundes, it ftancheth the blood , andbealeth It flourethand flourifheth whenSaintlolits woortdoth. 7 he names. Iris called in Greeke ve no other name but this atines have a iscalled of fome Andrefemum: Galew maketnt both akinde ofTutfan, and S.[ohns woorts am faithitis named A/feyron and A/iyreid jifh S, Peters woort, Square otgreat o. * grafle:and offome Hardhay. Few Apothecate % Theplace. Tutfan groweth in wooddes, and efpecially in Hampiteed wood, wher them. The leaueslaide vpon brokenfhins and feabbed.legs, healeth them, and manyother hurtes and C BUCiesWw! heteofit tooke his name Tout faine,or Tutfanejofhealing all things. do knoweit from S.Iohns woott. f %& The temperature. This herbe is of temperature hot and dric. ; A. | Ofthegreat Centorie. % Thevertues. Chap.153. Itisendued with the fame vertues that $.Iohns woortis indued withall. "The feede, faith D4* rides, being drtinke in fower ounces and a halfe of Meade, doth plentifilly purge by fiege, “ae Ficke excrements, Galen dothlikewife affirme the fanic. OfTutfan, or Parke leanes.. : Chap.152. % The defeription. ees. ; &THep,Steat Centorie bringethole foorth round finoothftalkes, three cubits high: the leaues are on itwerein manyparcels liketo thofe of the Walnuttree , fomewhat fipt bei. ee like the teeth ofa fawe, The fowers groweat the top of theftalkes in — hy % The deferiiption. He ttalkes of Turfan be ftraight,tound,chamfered or ctefted hardand wooddie,being et moft part two foote high. The leaues are three or fower timess bigger bigg than thofeot oe §.fom woort, which beatthe firlt greene; afterwardes, andin the end of Sommerof: pan of which is prefled a iuice not like to blacke bloat but to Clareror GafcoineW td aeratecarePespoce uhhiho eeen {ecdesihe rooteis hard,woodie,and sindcotta continuance; g cs, ‘nap weede,the middle thrums wherof are ofalight blew,or skie colour a = rire " 3 8 founda - i knap orhead turneth toa downie {ubftance, like thehead ofan tthe feede of” moot feede, bearded at one endlikethofe of Baftard Saffion, called Cartaou colt onthei arduws benedséfus, The roteis great,long, black¢ on the outfide, and ofa fan7 ng de, fomewhar fweete in tafte,and biting the toong. *teishkewi fe ano ther fore hereof,hauing great and large leaues like thofe of the water Dock, atiniptor is ~80lGous than the other, buttheroote or Fy], toothed about theedges, The {talkeis thorter tofinice, otherwife like, Ee 2 Centaarium |