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Show ———— ——— ae aa nnnd aa — THE I N SECOND BOOKE se The defeription. OF HISTORIE OF THE te . e, brittle, and full ofituice, parted into Aie weede bringeth foorth roundeftalkes, green momill 3 the leauesin like manet C of thofe then r matie branches,thicker,andhighe in forme and colour, The the flowers like are wider, andof a an ar colour, Si PLANTS. % The defcription. I trebrom,in Engl 1 Pellitoric of Spaine(by the name whereof, f w Prterpane, which is indeede the true Jmperatoriz , or matter alle, and tenderroote, ian high werhvp afecble Se Nakweeds hath a fmall hath great and fat leaues,like vato Fennell,trailing vpon the g diately fromthe toote,tifeth vpa fat greene ftem,beariagat the top as b inthe midftis yc thegreat fingle white Daifie, whofe tthe topof but thinner, and fewerin number. The dowers growa ke faire purple colour: the roote is lon,g Jant he (tinketh.and giueth a rankeimed, 5 thee upon do grow ca valine ca dividing it felfe into many other branches, where the tta kes , of a goldeyellone we Theplace. wT They growe in Corne fieldes,neere E ‘They flower in Tulyand Auguft. fieldes, vnto path w aies,andin the borders of se The time. iG se The names. ns 2 Parthenium, and 7g Fuch/i rtus Leonha of da faeti Cotula fhops n Maie weedcis calledi e: in es Daeee in butnot truely : ofothers, xrerdqude: in high Dutch rotmill,and ftinking Mathes. Cammo e French E/pargontte: in Englifh Maie weede,wild ' % The temperature and verbues. and therefore the faculties are basil ine, medic nor meate for vied not s A Maieweedei and ike ae a fort in ae B~ andbordered about with a pale of final eaues, exceeding white on tl » and bignes ofa finger, vetic hor,at d ofaburning tafte. 2 ThewildePellicorie groweth vp ynto wilde Cheruile, refembling , aquicke and nipping tafte,like the leanes of Dittander or Pepper woort;the top offleniderftalkes in finall tufts or {pokie ymbles, ofa white colour :the rooteis tough, andof thebignefleofalittle finger, with foie threds thereto belonging andof a quickebiti 1ent raft 7 talte, ; % Theplace. Itgrowethin my gardenvery plentifully, : ; %& The time. Itflowreth and feedethin Iuly and Augutt. pe? aie E ; The names. ht to be hot and drie, not founde out, yet all of themare thoug ay ont ing with mans nature; notwithftan Cammomill, butnothing at all agree a fe papi a good are hings nkingt alffti aint the infirmities ofthe mother,fecing s vpon the handes of th Pellitorie ofSpaine is calledin Greeke apsSesr, by reafon of his Pyrethrm: in Latine Salinaris: in Italian Pyrethro :in Spanith Pe thatis tofaie, Pes Cdlexandrinws,or Alexanders foote: in hig EnglifhPellitorie ofSpaine,and offome Bertramafter the Dutchnan trimorPellitorie of Spaine.for that whichdiuers take to be the ri and reapers. commonly called Imperatoriasoxr Mafterwoort, but vntruly, being r Tiptcopies,teading one thing for another, : g fech blifter Itisanvnprofitable weede among corne, andrai Of Pellitorie of Spaine. Chap.250. 1. Pyrethrumofficinarum Pellitorie ofSpaine. 2 Pyrethrumfyluefire. Wilde Pellitorie, ae |eee % The temperature andvertues. Mile very hotand burning,by reafon whereof it taketh awaie the A with adead paife Bae ne beene oflong continuance, and is goodfor thofe that are taken TheG re eas Dy Corides writeth, eheee eee aah ado ance f i Poe a pas ae if ee heat a ne ing lotdllcoldeand contiroll Bhicher aa ns of the hea land finew ns Thetoot chewed Oe onie, is good againft all colde difeafes of th emouth sdraweth foorthgreat {tore ofrheume,flime, and tina fall basen ge ofthe teeth,efpeciallyif irbe ftampedwith alittle Staph mours,and sand éafeth the Ftbeboiled ene put into the mouth,and there fu ret rae ‘ Meciletsherein ae and kept warme in the mouth ithaththe fame eff a andisexcetent pod . ttoriehath beene boiled,is goodto annoint the bodie roprocure fweating ning Morerio, ‘oO. annointany part that is brufed and blacke, although then listen Gnoulae¢ as goodalfo for fuch as are ftriken with the palfie. gular for the Chirurgiais of the Hofpirals;toput into their vnctions contra ALeapo“tireniorbum and fac hotherdifeafes that be cofin germaine thereunto, OfLeopards bane. : (hap.251. % The defcription. A 3 F this onely touch fower; whom () Dod S plant Dorenécumehere befundrie kindesj whereofI will sia L Ionéus Voy Properly calleth<Aconitum pardatianches, which hat hapnedthroughthe __, Negligence ‘of Dioftcrides and-TFheophrafius,whoin defcribing Doronicum,haue not onely , neat 2€ flow. 4 8 Out in m “© troub| sts thereofbut haue commirted that negligence in many Reneich they hane defcribed, the fpeciall: nd determination of the beft Herbarifts of and diuersother plants, t I |