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Show THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE 92 HISTORIP COF whereinis contained yellowith feede of thebigneffe ofa tare orfitch: the roote is roundelikethe Onion,couered ouer with certaine browne skins or filmes, 2 Changeable Flower deluce hath leaueslike the former, butthinner, narrower, and fharpe pointed, The ftalke and rootes are alfolike vito the formet r but leffer. The flowergrowethatthe top hauinglikewife the forme of the Fower de-luce, thatis to fay, confifting of fixe greaterleatis, and three leffer: thegreater leaues fold backward and hang downeward, the lefferftand vpright, Andinthe middle of the leaves there rifeth vp a yellow welt , white about the brims, and thy. PLANTS, r a be any fich)apreeth withthe fof 4 This pale yellow ath colotired bulbus Pidwer'de-luce (ifthere ere is none fuch differing froma merin defcription. [fay ifhere be any fuch; forin mineopinionth the‘othet. 4. Iris bulbofaflorepallido, 3 Iris bulbofaflore luteo. Athcolourde Flower de-luce. Yellow bulbed Flower de-luce. dowedall ouer with awath of thin blew tending toa watchet colour : toward the ftalke theyare ftripped ouerwith alight pyrple colour, and likewsfe amongft the hollowplaces ofthofe thatftand ypright, whichcannot be expreft in the figure, there is the fame faire purple colour: the {imell and fauourvery {weete and pleafant. The roote is Onionfathion or bulbus,like rhe other. 3 Ofwhich kinde orfort there is anotherin my garden, which I receiued of my brother Jams Garret Apothecarie far more beautifull chan the laft defcribed, ‘The whichis datht ouer in fteedof the blewor watchet colour, with a mioft pleafant gold yellow colour, offinell exceeding fiveet, with bulbed rootes like thofe ofthe otherfort. 4. Itisreported, thatthereis inthe gardenof the Prince ele@torthe Landgraue of Heflens gar den one of this fort or kinde,withwhite flowers,the whichasyet I haue not feene. 1 Iris bulbofi. . 2 Iris bulbofa flore vario. ofa Flower de-luce, Changeable Onion Flower de-luce, Bhd dk Par LEYTE sree or I % Theplace. The firft ofthefe bulbed Flower de-luces doth grow wilde, or ofit felfe in the corne fields of the moft parts of England,as. about Bathe and Wels,andthofe places adiacent;from whence they were firft brought into London, where they be naturalized and increafé in great plentie in our London gardens, ~ The other forts dogrownatutally iri Spaine & Italit wilde, from whencewe halie liad plants for our Londongardens,whereofthey dogreatly abound. % The tithe. Theyflowerin Iune and Iuly,and feldome after. ; % The nanes. oa The Bulbed Flower de-Juce is called of 2 Obeliustris Bulbofayand alfo Hyatinthus flre iridis of fome Hyacinthus pottarwmand peraduentureitisthe famethat eApuleius mentionérhin thétwenty one chapter, faying,that /risnamed among the old-writers Hierissmay alfo be'called and not viipros petly Hierobulbus or Hicribulbus,as though you fhould fay Iris Bulbofa;or BulbediIreos;vnlefle you would havieitestiates, calleda greareror larger Bulbe saiin is ‘cerraine that! great and huge things ; were called of the Ancientsieee,or Sacra’: in Englifhholy. al ‘ ti 3 Theyellow bulbed Flower desluceh % The defey; Joription, or char ! onlead, . athlea) geableforts diff nfaradin ot areddi} Sting notablyin two ae Tootes, aH ftalks and Gowerslike vnto the varibt col ersofthefebe ofafaine vato the ground whitielses thats to fay,the ftalks ofthis kinde do appe™ Mataire Pold a yell, ? Bold yellow colour,and x theo} : colour, andthe he flo flow of 4 ereenith thers areeine, senateother ofvatiable colours 4 ‘Ths %& Thewmature: ; The nature of thefe Bulbed Flower de-luces} are‘teferredtothe kinds of Afphodils, % Thewertues. Take faith Apuleius, of the herbe Hierobulbus fixe 3.Goates fuetas much olleiof Aleanetone A pound, |