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Show THE.SECOND 7BOOKE rn behhaeeee ee 298 OF iTHE HISTORIE’OF % The place. hele kindes ofPoppies are fowenin gardens, which do afterwardecomeof the falling’ of th feede. % Thetime. They flower moft commonlyin June, The {eedeis perfected in Iuly and Auguft, Of corne Rose,or wilde Poppie. Chap. 69. DApawer Cad. caducooft 2 Papauer 1 Papauer. Rhaas. 5 Yé Able wildeP witde Ponpp pie Double WildePoppic. %& The names, Poppicis called ofthe Graecians yi PLANTS. ofthe Latines Papaner: thefhoppes keepe the Lating name :icis calledin high Dutch Wag famentin lowe Dutc a puel and 99 ancop tin Englith Pop. pie, and Cheefebowles :in French Pawot,and Olsette Gallobelgss. ; The garden Poppie which hath blackefeedes, is furnamed of Diofiorides adpeto, orwilde, andisas he faith, called fas .bicaufe Opiumis gathered fromit: of P/imse andof the Latines Papaner i rum: andof moftof our age ofthe red colour of the flowers Papauer rubram , or tedde Poprie, whereofthere bee manyvariable colours and ofgreat beautie, althoughofeuill finell, whereupon our gentlewomendocall it Ione filuerpin. % Thetemperature. Allthe Poppies are colde, as Galen teftifiethin his booke of thefaculties offimple medicines, A B_ C_ % The verines. Thefeede,as Galen faithin his booke ofthe faculties of nourifhments, is good to feafonbieate withsbutthe white is better then the blacke. Hee alfo addeth that the fameis colde anidcauleth fleepe,and yeeldeth no commendable nourifhment to the bodie; it is often vfed in comfits,orf uedatthe table with other iunkettingdifhes, The oile whichis preffed outofitis pleafant and delightfull to be eaten, and is taken with bread or anyother waies in meate,withoutany fence ofcooling. , Agreater force is in the knobs ot heads whichdo {pecially preuaile tomooue fleepe,and toftay andrepreffe diftillations or theumes,and come neere in forceto Opiung, but more gentle. Opian,0t the harde iuice ofPoppicheadsisftrongeft of all: azeconinm (whichis the inice ofthe heads ani leaues)is weaker, Both ofthem any waies takeneither inwardly, or outwardly applied to the heace, steep fleepe. Opium fomewhattoo plentifully taken dothalfobring death, as Plinie truelic wi reth, It mitigateth all kindes of paines: butit leaueth behinde it oftentimes a mifchiefe wobtleda *s D : . a . fs ober the difeafe it felfe, and that hard to be cured,as.adead palfie and fuch like. E Thevie of it,as Galezin his 11.booke ofmedicines according to the places affected faith,isfoot; rer, to the firme and folide partes of the bodie, as that they hadneedeafterwardes to beeit F % The defeription. Soalfo colliries or eie medicines made with Opiwa haue beene hurtfull to manysinfomuich ta they haue weaknedthe cies, & dulledthe fight ofthofe that hane viedit:ic bringeth hardnes ot het ring whatfoeuer is compounded of Opium to mittigate the extretme paines of the h cates. Whett all thofe medicines and compoundes are to i be fhunned that are made of- Opium, and are nottotom vfed but in extremeneceffitie sand thatis, whenno other mitigate r orthe aflwager ofpaine cng thing preuaile, as Galen in his thirde booke of medicines accordingto places affected,dothelt dentlydeclare, g G , ieee of Poppie boiledin waterwith alittle fugar & drunke,caufethflee pe:ot if itbe bole * e Teh thehead, feete, and temples bathed therewith, it dotheffeét the lamé 1¢ heads of Poppy : oe iledi a : P againft rheumes ere neiicl ip Water with {ugar in mannerofa firupe caufethfleepe,ane? a > cough, Imes the and catatrhes that diftill and falldownefromthe braine a into the lungs,ane™ : barly meale. ; ftamped with I ‘The greene »# reafe,helpethJ; Saitt & |; stcene knopsxnops of of Poppie ymeale, & little barrowes greafe,neP Anthoniesfier,called Tenis [acer P K_ Theleaues, ssand aues knops.and &fe ;: ; : ‘ aftfoal ee ee ne ee ~~ (anotherkind ofSine Amie mre ith vineger,womans milke,and faffton cina 3 + into the funaame oils nthonies fire: and eafe OF Oa ome afeth the gout mightily,and putinto ) aclifter,caufeth fleepe, wc ; ofblack Thefeede L 1 acke Poppie drunke iti wi li the over M_ flowing of womens Gln fe Bi ofwhi Acaudlem Cof the feede qual adeof fleepe, - foppeth the luxe ofthe bellie, and i : d 1, cine sca tite Pop pie,or madeinto almondemilke,and fo give 1 ib He {tallkes of wilde Poppie be blacke , tender ,andbrittle, fomewhat haitie. The leaues ate cut tounde about with deepe gathes like thofé of Succorie, or of Rocket. The flowers growfoorth atthe tops ofthe ftalks; being of a beautifull and galla red colour, y growen, acatian ilh that ofthe garden Poppie. The feede is {mall and blacke. need ; , Thereis alfo a leffer kinde heereof,with {inaller leaues,not fo deepely {nipt about the edges,but threddes compaffing about the middle part of thehead: which l with the former, {auing that the flowers of this xtor tootheds taki in other poitits agreeing % Theplace. rowe in eatable grounds among wheat, fpelt, rie, barley,otes,andother graine, andin iets of fieldes, rhifhed and ouerfpred with thef %& The na iscalled in Greeke ofDioftorides: :in Latine Papauer erraticum: Ga papauer Rhea, vida:in thops P pauerrubrit:ofL Obelizs ay3 which name Rhquzes mayforthe fame fe be com alleen _ befo called of thefpeedie falling ofthe flowers : Be sf 1 ea fhall it be proper toalit ie tel EL wholed er 0 of the feed (asirappeereth)then odie. es licklyfallawaie,biit che (eede allo tin French Cocguelitat ,Confanons, 1 nokfawuages utch Solan bloemen; Copen vate gin high'Datch Blapper Rollins &T HE |