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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE Of Herbe Robert. Chap.342. ped orknobbed which w« Geranium Robertianwn. Herbe Robert, % The defcriprion, ErbeRobert bringeth foorth {lender, weake andbrittle ftalkes , fomewhat haitie , and of a reddifh colour, as are oftentimes the leaues dbe. all tuberous, les bill haue: the roote js th Geraniumtuberofirn. Knobbie Cranesbill. % The place, yi Beet ae Thi s kinde of Cranes billis a ftrangerin Ey and, notwithftanding I hale j alfo, which are iagged and deepely cut; like ynto thofe of Cheruile,, of a moft lothfome Stinking finell. The flowersare of a moft bright purple Jour; which being paft,there followcertaine {mall heads,with fharpe beakes or bils of birds: the root is very{nall and threddie. arden, 3 The time. The time anfwereth the reft of the % The names: % Theplace. Herbe Robert groweth vponoldwals, as wel inalé. commonly thofe made ofbricke andftone,as thofe ofmudde orearth: it growethlikewife among rubbith,inthe bodies of trees that are cut downe, andinmoilt andfhadowie ditch banks. % Thetime. It féwreth from Aprill cill fommer bealinot fpent : the herbeis greenein winter alfo,8ishatd- of thiskindesit is #:in Iralia Roftrod: grua:in 3 French Bec de Grue: in Spanith Pjcods Cig h co delgrou: in high Dutch lowe Dutch Difenaers beck+ i ly hurt withcolde, s The names, I Rg- Cstonie » of tl ] 1 Cranes bill; or €s Dill: Of Lome Acws mofeata, but thatname bill}Craneshill, Hearons bill, and Pit : itis alfo called of fome Geranium tuber Geranium bultofam: itis likewile Ger Iris calledin high Dutch Ruppecht krautn low Dutch Rabhzechts kruijt, and thereuponits coridis primum, ox Dioftorrdes his fick bill ewhichis founde tobe called by certaine-ba. tardenames , as Ouchinafirun, orEchingSram, namedin Latine Ruberta, and Roberti Herbs: Mi. elhses callethit Robertiana, and we Robertianimse Taber Montantus, Rupertianum :i Engl Hist mironins, and fuchlike. Robert. He that conferreththis Cranesbil - : + The temperat Diofcorides his thirde Sideritis , (all plainly pe Therootes of tl kindeofheatin them, % Thevertues. ceiue , thactheyare both one, and that this is moft appatently Séderitis 3. Diafcoridiss for) vides fetteth downe three Sideritides, one with the leafe of Horehound the next withthe | Fearne; and the. thirde growethin walsand vineyardes: the natiuefoile of Herbe Robertagi Diofeoy; ; ftorides faith th atthe at the rootes @O may 17-447 be eaten, 1 andJ thata dram €and conf there likewife the leaues,being like ynto Gheruile,andnot vnlike to thofé of Corian according to Déoftorides defcription. . ve The temperature. ding Herbe Robertis oftemperature fomewhatcolde: but yet both {cowring and fomwhat binding, ici aculties. % The vertues. ty loud A. Itis good forsvounds andvicers ofthe dugges anidfecret parts; itis thoughtto ftanch lied itof themdrunke in wine, mT awaythe ofthe matrix An atimeth Mat that the roote rowindines art clotedMe ts pei, the heereof:is fingularagoodfor fuchas after weaknes craue to B Ieir ormer {trength . Meap " Meauthrafiraie apain(t the tnthat the Waight of a dramof ie drunke in wine three times ina daie,is C; §800d 0 d ag, Prificke,or confumption ofthe lungs. which thing D/ofeortdes doth attribute to his thirde Siderités : the vertue ofthis (faith he)'s 4 to heale vp bloudy woundes, Of MMusked Cranesbill. Chap.34.4.. Ofknobbed Cranes bill. Chap 343: % The defeription. af His kinde ofCranes bill hath marly flexible branches, weake and tend er fatand fullo fture whereonare placed very great leaues; cut into divers {mall fectior 4s ot dinifions; eater, OF bling the leaues ofthe tuberous wAmemone, or VWindfower , but fomewbat 8 grow! is ouerwornegreenith colour :among which come foorth lon gfooteftalkes, whercon dort % Thede/eription: \ A Cr anes bill h Ly an do ct, ath many weake’ and feeble branches trailing ypon the erotnide, whete140 Stowe lo ng | i +Sbotttheedoe. sehig many {mallerleaues , fet vpon amiddle ib ; fripedt-ctit Me flawers a _ P. eA ant fweete fmell,aat voliketo that of Muskezatnong which come h Pon tenderfooreftalks; ofa red:dolourjcompad of fiue imal Meates z *Ppecre ff{ 4 : ; hplomelee ; iy Soteisfinall mall heads and pointed beakesorbils like the other kindes ofp Cranes bils# "auland threddie, c1 Geranium |