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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS, THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE founde like thofe of themale,the fruite isa¢pons, thar isnot firto be eaten and a late finite, whichis ri) yoongand tender branches whereof be red, and haue,as we haue written, a pith within: the fruie orbetries be vnpleafant,and require alongtime before they canberipe, % The temperature. The berries heereof be of vnlike parts , for they haue fome hot, bitter; and clenfing, and verie many colde,dry,harth, andbinding,yet they haueno vf in medicine. & The vertues. A Afathioluswriteth,that out ofthe berries firft boiled and afterwardspreffed, there iflueth anoile, which Avanien/es rujfict; do vie in lampes : butitis norcertaine,nor verylike chat the barke of this wilde Cornell tree hath that operation which P/inie reporteth of Virga fangnines, forhefaith, as we haue alreadyfer downe,thatthe inner barke thereofdoth breake and Jaie open the fearswhich theybefore hauc healed, prsers % The deferittion. not ripe till after the Autumne xzquinodtiall 5 andfiich is the wilde Cornell tree or Gatertreesthe 2 This other fortof Exprzymos groweth to the forme « the ttunke ‘or bodie whereof is ofthe thickneffe of arn bed barké; of an ouerworne ruffer colour, The branches a ueiedwith’a greene barke whileft they be yet yoone andt fome pith inthe middlelike that of the Elder. Th ot finewes, difperféd like thofé ofPlantai faked; whereondo‘gtowefmall flowers confifting riettee,but leffer, of a white colour tending toa'bluth, w tercommerh the fruite ; which as ‘yer we han C andwoodie, difperfingit fel abroadvnderthe vpper OfSpindle tree or Prickewood. Chap.too. & Exonywrus Theophrafti. 2 Euonymuslatifolin. Broad leafedSpindle tree, * Englifh Pricke timber tree. 3 Enonyimos Pannonica. Hungarie Spindle tree. % The defeription. 3a The fame authorferteth foorthanother 1 which hefound in the mountaine Mora ; ; Hungarie, hau ut the firft; a lackf{pot top into divers { eafictabteake, w ples alfo, one oppol about the ed meth the fru the common kince, and agolde yell pot red betric pails % The defeription. s ie preadeth farre with Rickwoodis no high fhrub, of thc bignes‘of the Pomegranatetree: 2 and tio! 4 7? Pus branches ; theolde ftalkes haue their barke foméwhatiwhite 5 manne aa ofthe woodisha a are lately erowne,be greerie,and fower fc uaresthe {ubftance e whites 4 ryellow: thé leaues be eng baseplate : the flowers b are,ted,anee talke like almoft toa {poked nindle: the fruite is fower {qu ery one whiereofis covered withia yellowe coate,whi ch being take® fearch. Mth: ir; t amongfhrubs, Vv 4 oftentimes : ferueth alfo for hedgesin fieldes, o; “omes. aa other forts Carolus Clafins founde ina woode of H Pon the mountaines of Morauia,and otherplace sae pan ee eet << 2i rms ES2Pe At SL 254 |