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Show Sa a SEE OS $94 THE SECOND BOOKE OF HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE 8 Cranuspurpurens meultiflorus, 9 Cyanus caruleusmsultiflor us. Double purple Bottles, Double blewe Bottles. 595 fcke: from the bofome of which leaues, thruft foorth {mall tender ftalkes fet with the like leaues : Growat the top of the ftalkes confifting x ofa numberof purple leaues,dafhe butletier. he flowers 5 t Q ec uft , fet about with nine or ten fharpe pointed greenc leaues; j ouerasitwere witha | thewholeflowertcfembletha ftarre whenit is {pred abroade: forit fhuttethit felfe at twelue of tt theclocke,and fheweth nothis face open vntill the next daies funne do make it flower anew, wheruponitwasealled Gotobedat noone, when thefe flowers become to their full maturitie and ripe- riefle,itgroweth intoa downie bloweball like thofe of Dandelion, that is caried awaie with the winde, The feedeis long, having atthe ende one pecce of that downie matter hanging atit. The rooteis long and fingle,with fome fewe thteds thereto annexed, which perifheth whenit hathperfedted his feede,yeelding much quantitie ofa milkie iuice when it is cut or broken , as doth all th °¢ teftofthe plant, and perifheth when the fedeis ripe. 2) Theycllowe Goates beard haththelike leaues, {talkes,roote, feede and downie blow bals, that theotherhath, andalfo yeeldeth like quantitie of milke , infomuchthatif the pilling while it isgreene be pulled ftom the ftalkes,the milkie iuice followeth ; butwhen it hath there remained a linlewhile,it waxeth yellowe, The flowers heereofare ofa golde yellow colour, and hathnofuch greene leauesto garnith it withall,wherein confifteth the difference. I TraLopogonsDurpureum. 2 Tragopogon luteum. Purple Goates beard, Yellow Goates beard. & Theplace. nowt i e that Tkno i s, but not wild ift in h the e ga rdec ns of Herbar , and int c i ara Ds ey and other grailines it is {owe\n: rd n YS hin grow wer roe| des ong Wheate, Rie, Barl fir he e el am Be s and fomea The others growe in Corn fi i ic, become of other colours, i to, doth oftentimes ardens, which by cunning looking double,which hath beene touched in their ee He time. They bring foorththeir flowers fromthe beginning of Maie vnto the end of hatuelt & Thenames. ich itnaturally hath: mole forthe Ctl The olde Hetbarifts called it Cyanss flos, of theblewe colour which itn se let nll ca ahelaterfort folowing the common Germaine name, call it Flos ee tsh,asto otRep ¢ B Frenc in gemens Coatbi Dutch lowe in s nameit Cogn hiumett a0 us vulling 26 ene and voce, bara BladiBar Fior Campeféand Bladiferis, zd esSeris h ee oe*L, blewe ‘low Co it fhouldbecalled Bluptsfecula bicaufe it hindereth and annoiet , the edges oftheirfickles in reaping ofcorne?in Englith itis calledblewe flower, and hurtfickle, % The temperatureandvertues. oftii ere isno vie A Thefaculties ofthefeflowersare notyet firfficiently knowen. Sithtth tancia hf it eicw ation: No r ficke, we willleauethereft that mightbe faid toa further confider th d an etlo of temperature fomething coiae, : haue thought the commonBlew bottle tobe % Th e de feript againft the inflammations ofthe eies,as diners do thinke. Of Goates beard, or Goto bed at noone. (hap.24"- % The phSe and oft yt th , ane collet Oates beard or Go to bedde at noone, hath hollow ftalkes 5 eae witha greene colour, whereupon do grow longleaues crefted downe tf fhapeliket ole ribbe,fharpe pointedyeelding a milkic iuice when it ts broken, t ion. 10 {inal : y ‘ch rife foyp rt mofGoates bear ,0t Go to bed at noone, hatha thickerootefull ofa milkie fap, de Staflebut an y leaues {pread vpon the grounde,very long,natrowe, thinne, and like vnto th te doub ic Ket and groffer :amongwhich rife vp {lender ftalks,on the tops whereof do le yel] ~ Mee as theothe oweflowerslike the precedent, but leffer. The whole plant yeeldetha milkie ts do : it perifheth like as the other whenit hathperfetedhis fede. TragoPp2 : |