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Show HISTORIE‘OF PLANTS, 90 5 Theyellow Violet is by nature one ofthe wilde Violets, forit groweth feldome any where biie ypon moft high and claggi¢ mountaines, from whence it hath beene diuets times brought into the guden,butitcanhardly be brought toculeure,or growe inthe gatden without great indufttie And bytherelation-ofa Gentleman often.remembred » Called Mafter: 7 homes Hesketh, who fourdit growing ypon the hils in Lacathire neer yvnto.a villa gecalled Latham, & though he brought then intohisgatden,yet theywithered andpined away, Thewhol eplantis deferibedto be like¥nto the feld Violet,aad differeth from it, inthat that this plane bringeth foorth yellow flowers, yetlikein formeand figure but without finell. 6 Thewildeield Violet with long leaues, rifeth fodrth of the grotind front a.Abrous roote, with long flender branches, whereupon do growe Jong finooth leaues, The flowets growe at thé tos of theflalkessofa light blew colour. Ofwhichkinde Fhaue foundanother fort growing wilde wich,at Elthamparkeswich Aowers of.a bright reddifh purplencere vnto Blackeheath by Greenecolour, Thereis foundin Germanie about Noremberg and Strasborough, akinde of Violet whichi s alogitheraftranger in thefe parts. Irhath faith myauthor, athicke and tough roote, of awoodie fibltance,ftom which rifech vp.ftalke diniding ir felfe into diuers branches,ofa woody fubttatic e, whereupon do growe long iagged leayes, like thofe of the Panfey. The flowers orowe at the top compact offine leaues apeece,ofa watcher colour, B : % Theplace: The Violet groweth in gardens almoft euery where the others whichare ftrangers, hae becna touched in their defcriptions, : %& Thetime The flowers for the moft patt appeere in March,a . cthe furtheft in April, names. The % The Violet is calledin Greeke ty,0f Theophra stus black Violet,of the blackifh purple colour ofthe both tivuday Sz ueralter, in Latine NigraV iolaor flowers. The Apothecaries keepe the Latin Fulebutheycallic Herba Violaria, G mater name Violarum: in high Dutch Matt Giet Gloletens in French Violette de mays: in Italian + inloweDiarc h Vislamammole: in Spanith Yzofete -in Engl:fh Vio. “ Nicander in his Geoponickes beleeueth (as Hermolaus fheweth) that the Grecian s didcallit “bicaule certaine Nimphes ofIonia gaue that flower firft to Jupiters othersfayit was called ier, biz cngter badtore the yoong Damfell Zo whom he tenderly Joued into a Cor, the ata this ect for hirfoode : which being:made for hit fake, receiued eure Saved ee ibis thought, that the Latines alfo called it/z, as though they fhoutc oskaa mg out the letter +, Serusus teporteth, that for the fame caufe, the Latines do actiniumalledging the place of Virgilin his Bucolicks : Alba liguitya Caduntvaccinia nigraleg untur. White Privet i dowers to ground do fall,fade andof ttimes fterue, HV 1 : When Purple 7 Violets are kept for vfes goodto ferue. INotyj 1; Yirgillin ere y it bftanding hans his 10,Eclog soe fheweth that Vaccinium and Pitrawins alf + Ree "Sra viole fant,cr vaccinianigra. : J ach Viole do differ, woe . in his€auenth booke of Archite@ure or building,doth bs ss letheweth that the colourofyellow Oker diftinguith Y7o/e ftom Pacedy of Athensis madeex Prlzor Violet, andthe Athene 4 6x Vatcinio or ofPriuet. The diersfaith he when they would counterfeit yellow Oker Watdes then 2 ae the dried Violets intoa fat, kettle or Cawdron & boile them wi th water, after: : i the f tempered they powreit into alinnenftrainer and wringing it withtheir handes, quor coloured with the Violets, andfteeping bole of Ereth init Vastinison oy Dein a the colour of yellow Okerof Athens. Afterthe fame maninert y ‘ll “ites and putting milke ynto itdoe make a gallantpuiplecolour, Butwhat ewill elfe where declare,and that intheir proper place, De flow, ' %& The temperature. ‘Mtinig are y, “*oWers and leaues ofthe Violets are cold a moift, by Thea mae % The vertues. {IS ate ACHE OF the good for allinflammations efpecially of the fides and lungs, they rake awaythe A cheftthe tuggednefle of the winde pipeandiawes, alaieth the extreme — of the |