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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE an hotie cotton or downe like the former :the : arial fowers do growat the topof the Ralkes, which teidis hori .t ; ; ; , an 4 , e branciiés,and are ota pt sle colour; ferora > al Mea - 1 about wit round rather flarper thornesthen the aforelaid, 1 Acanthium +) HISTORIE OF PLANTS, sats mile . ; atteneand {peckled with white and milkie {pots andlines drawne divers waies:: the ftalke is high . vers andas ets bigge Orawef as aman's finger : the flowers : mee gtowe foorth ofc heads full ofere i | ? ptickles, being | threds purpie Colour the { leede * 1s wrappedij 5 q aé t the like, or n and white, album. The white cotton Thiftle. ae vent D nie KC ¢ that of cott o OLO: downe Carduis Marie, i Thiftle, ible Ladies 7 : I ftle: ¢* 1€4 reote2 is lo g 5 thick a e 3 % Theplace, Te groweth vpon wafteand common places by high waies,and by dunghils, almoft enery where, % The time. It flowreth and {eedeth when cotton ‘I hiftle doth, ] , ey 0888 %& The names, Itiscalledin Latine carduus Lacteus, and Car- * duns Marie: in high Dutch Dnfer Grouwen Oiftell; in Freach Chardon de noffre Dame D + in os Englith our Ladies Thiftle + tt may properly be led Leucographus, ofthe white {pots ‘and lines that are onthe leaues : p/ixyin his 27.-bo It, chapter makech mention ofan herbe called Leucographis, but what maner of one it is héha exprefled; therefore it would'be harde to2 firme thistobe théYame that Carduns Lencographus is, and this is thought to be Spina alba, calle Greek dkav9z acini, or white Thiftle, milke Thiftle, andCarduis Ramptarius,of the Arabians Redoard, ot Bedeguar,as Matthaus Spluaticus celifierh, %& The temperature and vertues, he tender leaues ofCarduns Léucographus, the fy % Theplace. ‘se * The< time ° esuebloudie fixe thatit ftaiech bleedings ,wafterli awaycolde fwellings;cafeth the paineof the sand ee in then r * They flowerfrom Iune vntill Augnft, the fecond yeere ahretslinyote inmolt oft the thorowe ripe 1¢ feede feede waxeth waxeth , which as doe likewile which being beingthoro petthe herbe DE | perifheth, ea ; iue nono long: longes then till che feedbe fully come to maturiuc. live other Thiftle which EO a % The: names. which Dio/coriaes Thisie Thiftle is : takenthyfor that whichis called in Greeke Aviva; which Rakes r vith a thinpe hauneleanes fet with prickles round about the edges, andto See A sed, 1 ° {pun i like tholc thofe of garments of,»f. like Q ". 5 web , that: maybe may be gathere gathered and ' copweb Beto make cere ae ech piftel in French Char@ itis called (aieils wee Diiteli + iders in low Dutch Tattte Waiech uiltel ewh +m Thi! é : Ar eay white in Englifh< e Thiftle,or cotton Thiftle,white cotton I3 hiftle,wilde aii ues. verta ser Thiftle. i % Thetemperature and orthofe that navet heir Diofeorides faith thatthe leaues and rootesheercof are a remedy : eae , Coe srature hots drawne backwards ; thereby Ga/efuppofeth that thefe are of temperature : lithey the he fee, be wathed eae with /g decoétion eRe. thereof. ah ls des afitineth that the “fe he: feeds béing cing drink drtin are 4 By bom Chap.4.62: % The kindes. Ther i ~ "© ate divers kindec skindes of Globe Thittl Thiftles. ood thereofbe grear,broade,large gafhedin the edges,armed with amu oithser Sippere™ og finewes D wifi) O; theglobe Thistle. & % The defeription. prickles,as are thofe ofOre Thiftles but theyare without down die forriinfants that haue their uer.andfor thofe that be bittet of ferpents: aiidthat it is thought to dritie’a Mtbe hanoed mitbe but hansed about the necke, 3 AOI. Chap r Rie Thiftl ante cotton He leaues of our Ladies Thiftle are as bigge as‘5. thofe FO aaa ies Thift! i thofe of of wwh hite 5 eS n f ‘ 4 cdethereofis ofathin effenceandhorfacultie, therfore hef hehat it is good for thofe C ~ troubled Bigswith'cramps. : | aes erciie ar f ly Aen eda jai ok or Of our Laates This : h, that the rootes of Spina alba, B dothdrie and moderatelybinde; that thereforeit tsgoodfor thofe that be troubled with thelaske a hwaies fides,andin ditches almoft euery where. % offare fometiines viedto be eaten ? : % The de(cription. ; ’ (FlotThiti hath avery long ftalke,andleaues iaggéd,gre at,long, &broad,dee Spe 4, heeo atell fomwhat green onthe vpper fide,andonthe neather fide w hiter and downie: Ne; flowers Stowe foorth ofa rounde headlike a globe, A we whichftandeth on the tops of the “Ses sthey : ; : j tone}.8¢ White and{mall with vith haires ¢ blewthreds in the midft ; the feede is long , with x haires ofa “eth: the toote is thicke and branched, Pile Caras a ce es rickles |