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Show 2 932 IND TH ES! CON BOOKE"OFR BOOKE ‘OF Tur Ty! 5 Radixcaua purpurea variegata. Purple Hollow root of two 6 colours, + HISTORIE Radix cava alba variegata, White Hollowroote diuerfly mixed » Radixcaua tennéfoliapurpurea " Purple Hollowroore with this leaues. h OF PLANTs. Seed dens pinachs Ww fallow White Holl ow roote with 922 ASD thin leauetA o> — ta me PREZ ee = == a menteeserase ee />. 9 Rade“Mb cane MitMor, woe Bunnhens Holwire i . 30t Hollowroote, % The de/cription. A) x cane minima, ti ‘vidi 10 Radix “itha virias fore, Smal Bunnikens Holwort with greenflowers ee ii Thiskinde of Hollowroote is alfolike the laft deferibed, fauing thatthe flowersheerala | with purple and white,which maketh it to differ fromthe others. Feeip here is not any difference thatis poffible to bediftinguifhed from the laft deferibed, the flowershecreofare of a mixt colour, whiteandy urple, with fome yellowe intheho thefame,wherein confifteth the difference from the precedent. { flowpl/ 7 This thin leafed Hollowroote,hath likewife an hollow roote, couered ouerwith ayene ile lingsofithe bignes ofatennice ball? fromwhich fhootevpleaues {pred vponthe ground, e vatethe leaues of Columbines,aswelliniforme as colonrsburnmch thinner, mote iaggets? togitherJeflér: amongwhichtrife yp{mall tenderftalkes, weake, andfeeble, of an Beat bearing fromthe middle thereof to thé top veryfine flowers, faflaioned vnto one peeceo y lumbine flower, which refembleth a little birde of a purple colour, pes foottt 8 This otherthinleafed Hollowrootis like the precedent, fauing that this plant pringethle white flowers tending to ycllownes;orasicwere the colour ofthe field Primrole. dleaues gt° 9 Buntykens hotiwoztel¢,as the Durch men do call ir} Hathimaty. {malliagge do gfowe immediately fronythe g among which rife vp very {lender ftalkes, whereon fie vatoe F ground:on the topof thé branchés/ftaid faire purple flowersslix leaues as thofe next the othegs ofhiskinde, fauing thar theflowers heereof areas ir-were {mall birde C parts wee fare ofa hite colot it ,wherein it differeth frorryall the reftot the Me “1 lelfet a 195 The lat d{inall Hollowro ote is like the latt defcribed,fauing thattt baile the flowers heerof ate of a greene colour not vnlike in fhape tothe flowers of Thefeptan ake Theplace. bandit do grow about hedges,brambles, and in the bordersof fieldes and vineyardes, in Coat stounds,in Germanie andthe lowe countries , neuertheleffe the two firft , and alfo e{ctibed do gtow in my garden, Nan 3 The |