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Show thereof do vie amifle the iuice of the;fruite of Woodbine, andthat. not without great errout,9s Hbe . He we hauealreadie written, Diofeoridesteacheth tomakeof Rha pue,which is good for thofe things that Lycium is, andis vied when Zycium is notto be had,anditis fitto putitin all medicines in fteede thereof. ; % Thetemperature. Lycian or the iuice ofBoxe Thorne,is as Ga/en teacheth,ofadrying qualitie,and compounded of , %: 1153 a. é i % 7 he time. Th WS R AIM 1S gteene togit 1¢er with his leauesoe: the ie, fruit orb erries iesr remaine ir on ¢ he fhrub yea y cuen ens: ihe % The names, eGrecians call this thorne f¢v@ Lati taans Med thitid Pamcathect oie; the oo alfo Rhavinus, and ofpage diuersitis named apo . * at @aida,ok white Knotne Spina Cerualts,or Harts thorne, as we finde writ éarthie and colde,by divers kindes of fubftances,one ofthinne parts digefting and hot; another ne tenamonethe he baftar: worde25S. Marcellusnameth itits)Spinafaluearisand } pele Herta falutarts,which hath,. aitnhe,asit were a Grape, Itiscalledin Iealian A¢arrucaand Rhamno: in Spanith Scambrones sin %& The vertues. Lyciumelecreth the fight faith Diofeoridesithealeth the (curuie feftred fores of the eielidss the itchs and oldfluxes,or diftillations ofhumours; it is a cemedie forthe running of the caress forylcers inthe gtims,and almondsof the throte,and againft thechapsandgallings ofthe lipsand fun- a ciscinuteé cos % Thetemperature, Po eam,pt fait m e- lot ndtie i and digeftin igelti the fecond fi i the later end of the degtee,iti coolethin gtee,and in the beginning ofthe fecond, ; % The vertues, eeitis Didfeorides, are laid pulcus wife vponhot cholerike inflammations and Saint A nthonies fire,bue weinuft vie chem whileft they.be yet buttender,as Ga/enaddeth, which itinioyeth his binding facultie: itis hot ina meane, and therefore it is vfed for diuets pi. poles. A HISTORIE OF PLANTS, BOOKEOOF (THE dament. OfRammeor Harts thorne. Chap.26. Englifh Ramor Harts thorne, i % The kindes. leaues ,whic — ee leanes; the other with white leaues said the thirde with rounde , theone ee he ue et blackith: Theophraffusand Biinie affitme that there are buttwo e an ones , . bothwhich do beare Thornes :but by the labourandinduftrie ot thenew tupitance, Paliurus, Chriftes Thorne, , leaues are finall,broad andalmoft round,fome- Uy * The defeription. Se, » whattharpe pointedsfirft ofa.darke greene coJour, andthenfomewhatreddifh, The flowers groweinclufters at the top of the ftalkes of2 yellow colour: the huskes wherein the feedes be contained, are flat and broad, yery like ynto {mall bucklers as harde as wood, wherein are and g in He Ba is a fhrubbe growin Hisee i aa nae bringing ‘forth ftraight branches ana thofe thornes, like to of the Ha wt tls oft: i oe little leaues, long, fomething fatand us t GeLCtibded eo is e learned man Clufies hath that notabl contained three or fowerthin and flat feedes, like the feede of Line or Flaxe, er more diligently in thefe wordes: pet fhrub fttomake hedges of,with brie It df parting it felfe into manytwl§s» eat ; teat withftiffe andftrong thories,hauing Tue i yers or row by fowe ring | moft pare growe for the ng OG roote ofeuery Thorne, long,0 fomethi Dut at white, ae iF at to thofe of the Oliue tree , fomewh in a which iuice; of full and tender i ling : 8i gro wing newe : i off, leauing fall times ora A are e Autumn in ces : the fowers %& Theplace. This Thorne growethin Lybia ; itis better efteemed of inthe countrie of Cyrena than is theirLotetree,as Pay affirmeth.Ofthis fhrub Diphilus Siphnius in Atheneusinhis 14. booke, maketh mentionfaying, that he didoften eate of the famein Alexandria that beautifull citie, Petrus Belloniwhotrauelled oner the holy Jand, faith, thacthis fhrubbie thorne Paliurus into fiue patts, brims atthe in h divided whitit fhewasin Gelfemin s » feede. ya V was the thorne wherewith they crowned our aS nce 10fe Sauiour Chrift shis reafon for the proofe here. of is this, that in Iudaea there was not any thorne fo common, fo pliant or fofit for of to parte with{tanding it was ee ely ail ana thicke s ei theroot fruit: a Theplace. ; parks of Ho! found This Ramme is found on the ab land, and efpecially of eee beefui other places in vallies or ¢3 i ViHe” et ashe Pe atts rea s, as neere yntonto - Lycum ftreame where Palerins Cardusdid ost himfelfe wriceth. #1 % The defiription. Hriftes Thome orRam ofLybia,is a very Crest and hard fhrubbie tree, growing but the thornes that growe about the leaues arelefier,and not {o pricklie asthe former. The ng thomes. pricking fharpe ricki fet w wiith moft fharpep ches, fet iggiie,and pliant branches, i ht twigg ning alfo many {traig placesis leftafeece, ' vp fomtimes yntothe height ofataltree, haning very long and fharpepricklie branches; e of themiare plants of a woodie arefound fundry forts moe, all whichand everyon Soe . Of Chriftes Thorne. Chap.r6. Rhamni, one with lenge i and e A Feerthe opinion cfDioforides therebe three forts of Rhamnustertins Clusi. Ramor Harts thorne. : of, norany fo full make acrowne or garland abundance,that it is their Tt gtowerh throughout the whole countric in fuch fharpe Prickles Commonfey ll Ge Brakes,and Broomis here Broo! withtthem there,as our Gorfic,Brakes,and with n burne,yea fo common Are ? mu“sllys, vellto that thisthorne hath the faith, s'an chapter uitie d)t1. Antiq e of book firft his nein q siPh 1 henmore tormented,the Iewes t mig! nt be the of any other, and therfore that'Ghrif wa than any other. Of which] hauea finall tree growing in my garden, that I haue this les OX Prick bo on toorth by fowing of the feede. * The iyEe?Cie Oe assess0. THE THIRD ee2 et aee 1192 being.a ftrange thing, and knowne to very fewes the apothecaties. know it not, who-in:fleede |