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Show 1 Malus Carbonaria, The Pome Water tree, The place. ods, ot if the The wilde Peares growe of themfelues without manutingin moft pl aces, asinwo ters offields, andneere vnto highwaies. % The tiwe. ing forthiemolt The time ofwilde Peares anfwereth the rame or mannted Peare; notwithftand part theyare not ripe muchbefore winter, % The names. be by 2 wilde Pearetree is called in Latine Pyrws /y/uestrésand Pyrafter':in Greckesxess The furnames among the old writers; fe name bott 5 the fruitand tree are knowen, Pzares haue diuets tl fpecially in Penie in his 15.booke 15.chapter,none ofwhich-areknowen to he Laterwriters(OF alfo diners mame He Apple tree hath a bodie: of tri ‘ a Rr long oe Peates hau e defired) enerycitic or euery counttie haue names of thémfelues,and according to theplaces. Not 5 f very11 ee andan % The temperature. mie ance sot . AllPeares areof a colde temperature,-and the moft patto f chem ‘of a binding qual earthiefubftance, & The vertues. - ao heir binding , The vertues of the wilde Pearesare referred vnto the garden Peares’as touching = manytteess is common to ; He Latinename AZa/wsreacheth faramong the olde writers, and whofe ftocke on™ trees, butwe will briefely firft intreate of Aa, properly called Apple Htme, colouran pal, ately acco and fo, ecte oftafte, o1 f wet, thewhichtodiftinguith 2 a peculiar volumeofffJ | hath done notl Mathecan dc > he Mathath beene ae Po {,aide, fhallfuffice fo Chap.95: % The kindes. Hower are v 4 Mtenderh tow facultie but ate not to beeaten,bicaufe their nourifhment is litele and bad, Ofthe Apple tree. t ee genetall de{cription for the wlhole, ded Lt lied eee is fo infinite, that we haue thought it not amifle, to vfe the fame ord that we haue; done with Peares, thatis,to gine themfeuerall titles in Latine at 6 Pyrus Coruina, TheC § The Crowe Peare tree, |