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Show 692 THE? SECON Di BOIOKE COFMTHE 1ISTORIE muchrefembling the leauesiof-Iuie,or A farabacc’,but {inallet andnot of fodarke 2. colony am OF PLANTS. 1 Saxifraga alba White Saxifrage. thefe leaues {pring vp {mall ftalkes a foarte high, bear ing little white fowersatthe top whichh ing fallen andpaft,there come vpround knops orheads, wheréin is conteined a redditfeede The ne rooteisfomwhat thicke with many{trings annexéd. thereto, 2 Saxifragaaures. Golden Saxifrage, 2... Thefecond kinde of Gramen Parna/t, doth aufwertheformer in eche refpedt, fauing that the leaues are fomewhatlarger, and the flowers doubl¢,otherwile yerie like; % Theplace. The firft growethveryplentifully.in Lanfdall and Craiien,in the northparts ofEngland:at Don eaftet,and in Thorneton fieldes in the fame countrie : moteouerin the Moore necre toLinryn h Cambtidge,at Heffet alfo in Suffolke,at a placé named Drinkftone,in che medowe calledBirchers tneade, The fecondis a ftranger as yet in England. %& The time. Thefe herbes do fower in the end of Iuly,andtheir feedeisxipe in the end ofAugutt, % The names. Valerius Cordushath among manythat haue writtenof thefe herbesfaide fomething ofthem to good purpofe,calling them by the nameof Hepatica alba (whereofwithout controuerfie'they are kinds) in Englifh white Liuerwoort; although there is another plant called Hepatics alba, which for diftinétion fake I haue thought good to Englith, Noble white Liuerwoort. The fecond maybe called Noble white Liuerwoort. %& The nature. Thefeede ofParnaflis Graffe,or white Liuerwoort.is drie and offubtill parts. 3 The vertues. , The decoétion ofthe leaues ofParnaflus Grafle drunken, dothdrie 8 ftrengthen the feeblea moift ftomacke,ftoppeththe belliejand taketh awaythe defire to vomite. ‘ B The fameboiledin wine or water, and drunken, efpeciallythe feede thereof, prowoketh it breakeththe ftone,and driuethit foorth. A places ther oreene places bythe fea fide at Lee in Effex,amongthe rufhes, and in fundrie. other ae andelfe where Golden Saxifrace i: : : : theMootesbyBenne wethin the moift and marrith grounds about Bath and Wels s alfo in y Bolton and Wisbichin Lincolnthire. Thewhj : %& Thetime. Whute §; sat cinigc : tiay Wrenseneo flowreth in Maie and Iune:the iherbe with his fower arenomorefeen vn Ofwhite Saxifrage,andgolden Saxifrage. (bap.295% Thedefeription. He white Saxifrage hath roundeleaues fpread vpon the grounde,and fomewbat about the edges,not muchvnlike the leaues ofground Iuie,butfofter and final morefaint yellowifh greene: among which rifeth vpa rounde hairie ftalke a cup The f beating at the top fmall white flowers, almoft like Stockgilloflowers : the roote 1s com number ofblacke ftrings, whereunto are faftned very many finall reddifh graineso! roll oh as bigge aspepper cornes, whichare vfedin medicine, and are called Semen ‘ie thatis, the feede of white Saxiftage , or Stonebreake , although(befide thele forefai ney knobs) it hath alfo fmall feede containedinlittle huskes , following his flower 4s otht haue. a jit e boraJetrs , 2 Golden Saxiftage hath rounde compaffed leaues , bluntly indented d about th or Wie etwo the former,among which rife vp ftalks an handfull high, atthe top whereof grow r,afte™ tle leaues togither, out ofthe middle ofthem{pring {mall flowers of a golden co Jou comelittle huskes, wherein is contained the redfeede, not vnlike the former: the creepingin the groundewithlongs thredsorhaires. % Theplace. Thewhj. asitae é mle, growethplentifully infundrie places ofEngland , andefpecally ina fielde teas “ ghthehigh way,as you gofrom the place of execution called Saint Thomas Wastlsdlointhe ford by London. It groweth alfoin the great fielde by Iflington called the Mane : Selden Saxi§age flowrethinMarch and April, The fir; ; | % The names. Meondigcate Latine Saxifeaga. alba : in, Englith white Saxifrage, or white Stonébreakes The fi called goldeiy Saxiftage,or golden Stonebreake. s¢ The : : nature. : Tehith ofthe es Golden Sina efpecially the'roote and feede thereofisofaiwarme or hotcomplexion: ; ageis ofacold nature;as:thetaftedoth manifeftly declare. betactentyt: The vertues. ofw ; : . é ° * . andblaa hite Saxifrage boiledinwineand drunken,prouoketh vrine; clenfeth thekidneis, ‘At whe eteaketh the : tee : : thereto; th theftonejand drinethit foorth;andisfingularagainft the Mtrangurie:andiall he ittbesaecrteins inthe taines; : sl »tsa finoy fis tienSa {rage areyet wnto.vsvnknowneynotwithftanding fanmof thismind, B gular vound herbe,equall with Sanicle, Xx 3 of |