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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 3 ColuseeeIons. ‘ Of Clarie. de sabia (hap.254. %e The deferivtion. The thirde kinde of Horminuy Colus,veprefenteth inthe ‘ a diftafte, wrapped abot ofittooke his nam % The kindes, There be diuers kindes of Clarie,fome wilde, others of the garden, as fhall be declared, certaine {trings ann 2 Galktricum alternm. 1 Gallitricum CommonClarice. fae Small Clatie. The place. flowerin Iune,luly,and Auguft, % Thenames. > is called of the apothecaries,G amed Oruala, off Others Scarlea; Sclarea, Centrum d Mati “faln in Italian Seiarz Scharte8+ in Englith Clarie,or Clerc cie, A piers diftaffe.is cal Iouis,of forme Galeop (is lutea , but notproperly,of diners Mem ryelow Cate, ledandColts Horminuin Tridentinumm Ox Clarie of Trent, lorie ishotanddiiein te} eo Cae % The defeription. 4) etn He firft kinde of Clarie whichis the right,bringeth foorththicke ftalkes foratte ioe foote long,diuided into braunches:it hath many leaues growing both iron 5 s along the ftalkes and braunches by diftaunces,one againft another by two aot a handfull broadeor broader, fomewhat rough, vnequall,whitifh,and hairie, as ee blewe: Theflowers are like thofe of Sage, or ofdead Nettle, of colour white, out of alig wf a fy ve The temperature. the th ird degree, } Thef: eede-oe Cl %& The vertues. atie poudered,fine ly fearced and mixedwith honie,taketh awaythedi sand cleeréth the fight, Afam eftampedyinf Wed orJaide to fteepe in 1X 1 water tr Pp leaplaifterwife draw Le 5 c “th joortli ip linters of woode, thornes,otanyother thin Medodie ita| l {catterer ep ae er aes hand diffolueth all kindes o ffwelli e{peciallyin the iojt leede pondere dan d drunke witl h wine,ftirreth vp bodilyloft. ie Catles of Cla Me tak en anie nian er of waie, helpeth the weaknes of the backe procee h “obe imuch lowir ng of eaae th 1¢ whites, but moft efleau ally ifthey be fried with egges in manner, ofa Met the leanes ho }cor flamped, which growvp long toothed huskes in {teed of cods,in which is blacke feede. i. 1, itpe firings : the whole herbe yeeldeth foorth a ranke and {trong fmell that ftufferl che heae™ eth afterthe {eede is ripe,whichis in the fecond yeere after it is fowen. halfe bighs* ¢ 2 The feconde kinde of Clarie hath likewife fralkes fower fquare , a foote and a ‘oat leaues alfo be rough and rugged, leffer, and not {o white, The flowers be alike, of ¢¢ a deak lewe’ therootes beas thofe of the former are. This hath not {o ftrong.a fent bya $I talks. There isakind of Clarie which Fuch/ius picturethfor wild Clarie,thathath i wee alfo and fower{quare: the leaues leffer,long deeperindented : the flowers blewe ofco" ripe? of{inell but not fo fweete as thofe ofthe right Clarie: the huskes or cods when they . : downwardssthe feede is blackithsthe rootes inlike manerare blacke and fullof firing : % The de/éription, Cults Ch: ss ee est Q) ar Nore eis alfoakin de of Clarie,butleffer ; the ftal ibite high,{quated, ee h airiesth eleaués be broade, rough, and.ota ith greene colour, The STO is thick. pate along thettalks ofa blewillicolour, The feede is rounde, andblackith, mee $5,with fome threds anne dthereto, Rr2 |