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Show hniaiaaid a 636 THE SECOND BOOKE OP THE a peece: inthe pla. which,taperw ife are feta multitude ofycllowe flowers, confifting offiue leaues is conteinedveric {mall feede, The rooteislong, céswhereofcomeplittle round veffels,in which 5 without andfull offtrings. A a fingerthicke,blacke cottonie hoarie an vpon fet , leaues y woolle white 2° The fernale Mullein hath likewife many } height of fower or fue cubits :the top of the {talks refembletha torche decked st ftalk, of the kinde, being like pfinite white flowers; whichis the fpeciall marke to knowit from the male HISTORIE OF PLANTS. Ofbafe eMullein. (Chap.r57. 2 Verbafium nigrum. 1 Verbafum album. Bafe blacke Mullein; Bafe white Mullein. euerie otherrefpect. se The place. paftures, and plowed fieldes, orcau. Thefe plants do growe ofthemfelues neere the borders of fies.anddriefandyditch bankes,andin other v ntilled places, ‘They gtowingreac plentieneereynhouteatEl- as alfo about the Queens toalymekill vpon the end of blacke Heath next to London, tham.neere vito Dartford in Kent: in the high waics about Hiegate neere London, andin moft countriesof England that are ofa fandic {oile. se The tine, : Theyare foundwith their flower fronr uly to September , and bring foorth theirfeede, thefe conde yeere after the feede is fowen; & The names. {ulleinis called in Greeke oxtcws,in fhops Tap/us Bar batus, of diners Candela Regia, Candelarit, , andTaff Barnd Lanaria : Diofcorides, Plinie,and Galen,do call it Verbaféwm: in Italian Verbafio in Englifh Mullein,ot aff :in Spanith Gardolobo: in high Durch Taullkraut tin French Bouillon: , andof fome Hares rather Woolen, Higtaper,Torches,long Woort, and Bullockes Longwoort oa % The temperature. asGuen tein is oftemperature drie : the leanes hauealfo a digefting andclenfing qualitie, aflirmeth, % The vertues. and inflammations The leauies ofMullein being boiled in water, and laide vponhard fwellings, ofthe eies,cureth and ceafeththe paine. B c¢ Therooteboiledinred and driinke,{toppeth thelaskeandbloudie fixe. 1 =, for themthat are broken and hurt inwaraly a Thefame boiled in water and drunke, is ¢ ‘ chagainft the oldco prevail f Mullein, & laide to the piles or Hemorthoides 5 oe Alitele fine treacle {pred vpon a old hogges greafe,worketh che fame the fame: an ointment alfo made withthe leaues thereofand ‘ 5 effect. bringe ; The leaues worne vnder the feete daie andnight, in manner ofa fhoe fole, or focke, fome fockes, @ downein yoong maidenstheir defiredfickneffe , being kept vnto their fecte with other thingforfalling away, ; ; doegine their careell the seals The countrey people ,efpecially thofe husband menin Kent, Jame," the drinke againft the coughof the lungs,being anexcellent upon they docall it Bullocks Longwoort. approoued medicine for aleafe of the herbe boundto the place,and there kept yntill 1) the next dreffing. oh aboutone , doth helpe Ses nm There be fomewhothinke that this herbe being but caried notas yet borne flowers, and ite ficknefle, efpeciallytheleaues of that plant which hath thered whenthe funneis in Virgo, and the Moonein Aries, which thing notwithitanding®)” and fuperftitious. ’ warm I Thelater Phifitions commende the yellowe flowers , beeing fteepedin ole and{ett dung vntill they be wafted into the oile and confumed awaie, to. bee a reme ic pee piles. Leayes K _Thereport goeth faith Pinée that figges donot putrifie acall, thatare wrapped inde a Se LR aR San ! Maulleinwhich thing Dzo/corsdes alfo maketh mentionof. ete A ses Pati Orthe he campane . proven: cubits, garnifhedwith fa yith leaues like thofe of Ele: L Tn.it E A1.0ut leljer sthe tecolorir Wile teller the flowers growe rounde aboutthe {talkes taper or torch fafhion of “3 4 within clole ftool, ie Frankenfence and Mafticke burned in a chafing dith ofcoles, andfet the fume thereoftaken vnderneath, doth perfectly cure the piles, hemorrhoides,an' alla (which mutt be swile euene™ hapning in thofe lower parts,ifalfo there be at eueryfuch ch fuming G %The defeription. T He Bafe white Mulleinh Ralké ofthe heiat ath a thickewoodie roote, from whichrifech vp a ftiffe andhairy A : Ve I ; vitht olorofayne 2 Black 4 Certaine golden thrums thriinsi : : Ceteaine golden in the middle: the {ede followeth,fmall, andoffc the is > © Mulleie i uuein hath so] ae . : snot downie at all, xlarge and fharpe 2pointed, ofan ouerworne leaies ong oan eeneco a " en Ee W. Ji vd : the flowers growat the top of the den yell #Omewhat rotigh,ahd ftrongly {mellitig oe “Yi ata ts Bel ¢ Es AEN Yeilow ¢colouros evden w i t h cértaine thred a l e therof, he r o t differetl nor differeth root {he therof, middle the threds in ¥ colour with certaine Drecede eweeke Mioa exe Mii ta17a large, broadéjarid woollie: af: BG aeshrifeth Servevp a italke couered with the] like vito thoferrehir of the common uento the braunches wheron the topinfel toward iideth it ftall he by degice atid Wheteon is fet {eTeffer — white©atiefler oe etcon ts round about manyy wers , which oftentimes ; doe 2 Yatying accordingto the foile and climate. ‘Ihe roote is thicke and wood- cand] lea \ A * ‘ : Mulla; dle weeke Malleindiffereth af Pant Patt ofthis. ao little fromthe laft rehearfed , fauing thatthe whole io Aferene ; sat fauour. where; efpeciallyconfifteth » Of Detter er fauour,wherein the0. difference, Rr 4 2 Verbaleum |