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Show THE THIRD BOOKE? OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS, % Thedefeription. Thisadulterine or counterfeite or forged Ciftus , groweth tothe heig rs : ‘Gus thacl: bis Ns aid art yg 18Thisother Ciftu thaclafteth butone yere,ha hlong ftalks, diuided into other bran hee height of two cubits; whereon do growlong rough leaues fer three rogithe Tee d ttaine ther a } aucs 5 > J : a hemiddlemoft 4 whereof : is longer then the other two; zi the ° e he thefides Bade of= 05 tl flowers vets Sroweont cheslikethe bikiskinde. female Ciftus,of a whice colour :the roote is ofa woodiefubfta nce, asas ate are all J IDITANCe, all the refk} Baths the branches are long andbritcle, whereon do growe long leaues like t hofe of the Willow, ofan ouerworne ruffetcolour, The flowers are fall, confifting of fiue little yellowleaues, Thewhole plant being well viewed, feemeth to be a Willow, but at che firft fight, one ofthe Ciftuss forhatie % Theplace. Prec : ae oe na, if Traly, Spaine,and Languedoc , andjn'the countries bordering vpontt ut e ina etruria and Maffiles,and in manyother of the hotter prouinces of Euiroy ; he according piii ; a aces,varyin aing toto the diuerfitie ofthe regions g infinitely g here they where they srox grow ofwaienT haue two forts in my garden,thac is the firft and the laft but one, G9 % Thetime, ; 7 They dower from Maie to September, %& The names R fe is Greeke xi j i alfo Ciftus, xicos edin Greeke is calledin TheaHollieRofe 045 OF x# in Latine and Rofa fpluatic ¥ isa plant participating of both. The roote is woodie, 16 This kinde of Ciftus, which DoGtor Pennie ( a famous Phifition of Londondeceafed) did gather yponthe Lands Maiorica or Maiorca, and called it by the name sup mx/se, in Latine cAfyrty. hs Balearica,isathrubbytree, growing to thehe hrofthree cubjres,hauing avery rough barke, befetround about with rough & {cabbed wartes, which bark will of it felfecafilyfall awayfromthe 1es of this tree are almoft likethem of Azyrtus, very oldebranches or boughes of the tree, Th rouch vaderneath like the branches aforefaid : butthe leaues that growe hig! ofthe branches arefinoothe, growing about the branchesverythicketogit } onthetopof the twigs, confifting of fiue long sof Ciftus.. The flowers are ycllow, es, fillof manyvery long chives within. Whenthe flowers be vaded, therefoll ndfiue {quare head orhuske, full of feede he wholetreeis veryJ {weete,out of which fet! eum or rofine,or rathera thicke, clammie andfat ivice, fich as commetli foorth of thekindes of oyete ee 4s ‘an Scrébonius feeLarguswrite SM th,: butnot properlysin y 18 Spanith Eftbe] ¢oft opa othe P rortin- ha Gis Roa: in Englith Hollie Rofe, and Ciftus after the Grecke name, That Fungus excrefen which the roote roote of of Ciftus,is Ml growethat ove calledinin Greek Ciltus,is called Gre bicaule iti erowetheadecdici vam, bicaule vaderthe fheul nis Citiss itis alto called Limodoron: wav amongx whomis whom P I Ge who AEgineta, Paulus lers cali iitt waves, inesdiverscall Toth nok call chs ae call that Fypotiftis which groweth vnderthe fhrub Crus, bur the iuice heerofs wher ee Ladum. ; 17 CiStus annuus. Ciftus lafting one yeere. ie 5 es A , f " v J u 15 iicr~ ar the worde Hypecz sis, bywhich the Apathecaries do rudely name: this juice 18 Ciffusannuus io when nakdned : taitishardned: Long leafedyee: if ifs 2 ee fome i ofof fome itis ' ritinus and called Erithanon,C Hypoguifisdos. ae ei - ee % Thetemperature. ly ric, dr faith dothgreatlyd e necre handin the feconddegree ,anditi @rwithalla tensperare heares fee a : thalla temperate hegte; the the! { > ai) giluch+ fortrtrac as they mayclofe vpvic 4 ETLHES. The flowers are of moft force which bei l Weakenes the he : ofthe belly,duxesjand ouerflowings 4 of ley cure purified vicers beingapt being apt 1 dinma cit “ vicers Hogi i > 2 ting nov ocnlleA; (~ tabla ao vicersKc scalled in Greeke ia: ings {caldings,an BS d old vicers Bis ids ore ten ding set is of that’ coldnes ; buds being Faebeaten,do onely i le heated and2 the fieft drie and 1 1 id ioine togither new wounds, tth sc A moift ht Irs. ™ pultis: Dyoforedes Ds teacheth that they area I f f apultis: I rc A et: ‘ g annointed cherwith, andthat theycure bur- es a come of fluxes 9aas that for all infirmities binding , itis a1 fure remedie more AS ae muchSS wie ofblo pe sis ened oa ae whites,the laske,and; the bloudie fixe: but if it be requifite totae trengthen that i arweakned iwi heey f ts ouerweaknedwitha fuperfluous moifture, it3 doth notably comfort & ftrengthen the £ hing, hisexcel] Uisexcelle batead with & : . tisput re be mixedwith fomentations that ferue for the ftomacke andliuer, D Putinto the Treac] bmend comtorran rensthen weake wea bodies, $i as Gib> eric eacle of “viper. vipers,to the end iticthould fhould comfort and ftrengthen Ofotherplants reckonedfor dwarffekinds of Cistus. I 5 Chap.4. % The defeription. er Pao [ eeislhaware Citaseate ee PanaxChironium(but there is anot iu eeeenon ; whichIholdtobethe true and right Pamax3 notwithftanding 2nd others feta ertedic amongi{t the kindes of Ciftus, as being indifferent to idine with ys fing tough ee isa lowe and bafe plant creeping ypon the fet t ti sfitand full oriecin browne colour: whereondo growelitrle leaues ha 1 Hoon other lefler | fubltance,and couered over with a foft downesfro: nthe bol 17 %& The defeription. This annuall'Cifus growethvp from feede with one vprig : confifting oF eee ftalkes, the of top the groweat flowers The colour. sreetie of fmali rece ng palt, there followeth a three fquare feedveffell full : doth it perifh when thefeedeis p erfectede rough leates into> other {mall branches : whereon do growe imes ditided ' ] o 7 u abr Sour mixed Gace? the flow ets before they be openare final] knaps or button 30f Ide Fans y Wowcolour Gnte ow; and being open& {pred abroad ar like thofe of th Sof z meee ul 3 Thefecondis ss me yellowerchiues in the middles the roote is thick ckethrut too; crs vntothe precedent, fauing thatthe leaves are long,and don 1 Beehoecial dis. et,and are more woolly 5the flowersare greater, and ofa whitec erence confifteth : the rooreis like the former, Bbbb 4 1 Heljanthes eeitlaee 1098 |