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Show 760 THE SECON Di BOOKE OF as teftifieth Aferccllns Empericas anolde writer : inhigh Duteh ate nith Grlbarbepras i kende palttysin Italian Re/co,and Portegops : 10 ; hulme,Kneehulue I 71ers Droom e HIS TORT vs in lowe Ditch ap, lith Knecholitie Knee: OF 1 Hippeglafionrcs. hemale Horle toong ree. callit Oxymyr fire. There be fome faith Piiwéein his 25.booke 1 2.chap,that i Serzdzo in his 288. rfuppoferh that U¢yrtius agria or wilde Myrtle is the famethae Gabeba ate:‘hicalleat thateafon, bicaule Gack hath notdelcribed ALprtim seria, or Kneeholtie, neither DiofcCorides Cubeba whichasitis a:reafonofno account; foisiral owithourtruth: Fot Gelen Se Vint fss (oats ‘i doth no where maken tion of ubebe: andbei tl 1¢ had, itfhould not refore follow, that 37. chaptermakethto hist in whiclicuicen Carpefum, Knecholitieis Cubebe, Galemfpeakethof be Cubebazandthat Carpefavm doth mu ch differ from Kneeholine; thofe things declare which Gap hath leftwritten hereofinhisfirtt booke ofcov nterpoifons. Carpelinm faith heyis an herbelike inkinde to that whichiscalled Phy or Setwall, but of greater force, and more aromaticall or fpicie. Th is groweth very plentifully in Sida a-citie of Pamphilia: alfo hefaith further, that fome oftheftickes of Carpe/ ware like to thofe of Cinnamom, There ee twokindes thereof: Ssctiidlcxpiid xatersoed and another that isicalled Ponticum, They both take theirnames of the mountaines on whichthey growe:' but Pomrscmyis the better; which is put into medicines, in which the herbe Phs ought to be put. For Carpe fans a5 Uhavie aid, is like vnto.Phy or Setwall,yet isit ftronger, and yeeldeth a certaine aromaticall qualitie,borhin tafte and finell.Phas far ate Galens words. eo yappeereth, that sate olmeis a Carya thavisto fay, duicennahis Cx be, as hall be furtherdec!lared in the cha in Serapiowas likewite deceiued, s(called Cubebs) t i 1 not fticks: yet do theyn iictieraeneesuath 4 iecholme,neit! : nwen vnto Galen, if acintthe fecondbooke ofhi spractife doth number itamo abb ond booke of hi spractitfealfo,in the nu is Niche aus Myr pfws,call thennCubebe;and teueryon ; & Thete erature, perately hor, anddriealfo in a meane, The1iSolkbfKriccholne, whichbe chiefly vfed, are te with a thinnefle ofeffence. A. Thedecod the ftone, dr The vertues. he rootes ofk biedholme and,vandal ] I ; nesand ch, and the t hofe tt ~5 y . aLerh en,prouoketh vrine, breaketh eke their waterwith grearpaine, mo 1, faith he,b Ouerand befides therootes d keth iin the lungs and cheft, anddo concoct he me OfHf toong or ‘Double toong. One toons Chap.32 %& The defttiption. Late ks'ofa {pan long; whereuponate ferlong, broad&‘ leth foortty round tral eaties, but not pricking as-are thofeo$Knecholmnot alee thele’ sheBay tree.butt leffer sgreaterthan thofe of oe 1olmes out ofthe middlicp cof commethfcr hanotherleafe; fhatpe pointed alfo, butfnall;and of the bignefic of ore Aba io “al Knecholme, refemblingallitde toong. Fromthe hofome of which two leaues commer berrie,6f che big nefle of a Peale, of Colour red when itis ripe, whichis fom efimesin am hid wnder the leafe/Theroote is white,long and tough,andofa fweeteeandpleafant {melh4 ftatuwre and colon oft Thefemale Horferoonediffereth nor fr m the precedent,buitin 2 comefoorit Theberries fingers, fiue fower6r of theheight to asuthor) tiy vp(faith rifeth it ofthelefler, of a faint yellowiths0¢ middle patt ofthe grearer leafe, and the fettiing‘on whercin confifterh the difference: Sake 3 which feene Thereis likewife another fort of Doubletootig {et foorthby Hee Horfe toong, beingin truch these fometo differ frona the firft defcribed orbeft k plane withoutanydifference’ notypienttanding Lhaue fet forththe ee rhacit may apeccicap® the fame: orvericlitle different; and chat not'to be diftinguifhed: buteMathiolus ma) él withoutreprehenfion,who knowing the yntrietranflation ‘ofRael ws would fet foortlrio ture in his commentanes, 3 Hippoglfion Mart); jol talian Horfe toon g. t, garden very plentifully % Thetime. That wlhich gtoweth in m j unsgof Mfay. The:fruicis ri »¢ inthe & Thenames. rf toongis called in Greek later Herbaritts Bontf LinzuaP. Vaplarza, B | iA and aev4 hef{ is alfo nained Troy whichis called Alex tater: Tro Liurus Alexandrina, or the bayof Alexand and Laurus Tex. This Arppo uns Bontfact Dutch 3ar dinktrautt inlow Dutch 1 Hlades in Spanith Language Cs angllo in Englith Horfe toong ,Toong blade;Double toong,and Laurell of Alexandria. wy Thet. rature. Hore toongis evidently hot in the feconde degree,and deie inthe firft: % The |