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Show THE THIRD e. wi is not eaten ‘ HISTORIE OF PLANTS, BOOKE OF THE the nut or {tone within is longer than thar of the . {te {weete, and manytines 1 foketh out hereof is like thatofthe The naturall place of the Almondisinthehot zions , yet we haue them in our London gat 1s and orchards in gC 0d plentie, ve Thetime. The Almondflowreth betimes withthe Peach; the fruit is ripe in Auguft, % The names. Thetrec is called in Greeke euvyevan: in Latine Amydalus : in French Amandier : in Englith Al mond tree, The fruitis called in Greckedwyleai. in Lating Amycdalwn : infhops Amyga sla: in high Dutch Banhvells in lowe Dutch Amannelens in Italian ndolesin Spanith Admendras,Amilles,and7- mendoas : in French CApandes in Englifh Al mond, vature and Vertes. when they be withered be onesaté na drie, but the bitter ondde rec. Thereisin both andoylie fubftance whichis .out by prefiin 5 fant to Almonds being new gatheredareplet the tafte ; they yeelde fome Kinde rifhment, but the fame grofle and eatthie a i t :¢ ( {tone. of : ‘ f a : the ;kic i 253: ittflackneth the paflages ofthe vrine, and makeththem elib or e. nore readic the {ke t : : ilippetie, and morereaaic to lutter=r the ft ne to haue free paflage: irmaketh the belly foluble, and theteforeitis likewife vfed for the collicke, : i Itis goodfor women that are newlydelinered) forit quickly remooueth the thioweswhich re- | 1 maine after the deliuerie, ‘ sided ; fmooththe 4 hands andface : Theoyle of: Almond s do make ofdelicate perfons, and clenfeth the I skin ftom all {pots pimples and lentils, Bitter Almonds do make thin and open, they remooue {toppings out of the literand {pleene, K therefore they be good againft paine in the fides: theymake the bodyfoluble, protioke v rine, bring downe the menfes ,helpe the ftrangutie, and clenfe foorthof th oft clan mi¢ humors: ifthey be mixed with fomekinde of looch or medicine tolicke theyftay the {petring ofblood, And itis reportedthat fiue or fixe being takenfalting dokeepe aman frombeingdrunke. Thefe alfo clenfe and take away{pots and blemithes in the face, andin otherparts of the bods they mundifie or make cleane fouleeating ylcers. i With honythey arelaid vpon the bitings of mad dogss being applied to the temples with vine- N gttor oyle of Rofes,they rake awaythe headach,as Diofcorides writeth. They are alfo good again{t the coughandfhortnes of winde, Theyare likewife goodfor thofe that {pet blood,iftheybe taken with the fine flower of Amylin Thete is alfo prefled out of thefe an oyle which prouoketh vrine,but efpecially ifa fewfeorpions Q bedrowned and fteeped therein, ‘ i “With oyleitisfingular good forthofe that haue the ftone, and cannot eafily make with extremitic ofpaine, if the fhareandplace betweene the cods and fundament be anno) therewith, Disfoorsdes faith, that the gumdothheate and binde; which qualities notwithftandi Perceinedin it, Ithelpertithem that fpet bloodnot by a binding facultie, but thorowthe clammineffeof his fi flance, and thatis by clofing vp ofthepaflages andpores, and fo mayitalfo cure olde cou and mitigate extreme painesthat proceede of the ftone,andefpeciallytake away the fharpneile of Wine, ifit be drunke with Baftard,or with anyother fweete potion, as with the decoGtion of Lico tice,of of Raifons of the {unne. The fame dothlikewife kill retters in the outward partesof the bo Wle(as Dioftorides addeth)ifir be diffoluedin vineger. groflerthan t iofe that be drie, and bucoflateg thered, ‘Thefe dolike wife flowly defcend, clpect oe ally being.caten without their skins the huskes or brannie partes of come a me on bushel “heb driue'downe the grofie excrements of the belly, fodo likewife the skins Hanuswitneffeth, For thereis likewife inthe Almonds an opening and concot De and erue cheft and lungs,ot MMs certaine clenfing facultie,by which they ate medicinable to the ; A agent otte fleomea eatlriets le D ae be diuers s ; meat Voce There fortes of Peaches, ri ms blo Thereisdrawen out offweete Almonds, with liquor-added, a whiteiniceuke are troubled with the a oli andbefides that ir nourifheth, and is goodforthofe that vpfilthie sire i lil witht {pet and pleurifie the haue that thofe yt fe profitable itis flixe; forthe raifing Almond: excellent me fome me ftaie the bell lunges. flegme and rotten matter, ith{tandi e e; not notwe ttle: ith burt alittl ate do ftop the belly, and nour itht te a ica del y ver a Te a medicines, are therewith made for fundry greefes sye h dri¢fond ic wh e, lik iuch and , af marzchpanes, Io.smarchpanes off Almonds ond butter, cre: butter, creame Imond Seb tbe chechelt 5 inlice = %. : a : 00! or milke; andthey are as 8° ithe extracted ae or w hich aregineni® bot lfo to make the Phificall Barly water, andBarly creamest foment ig and a for other ficke andfeeble perfons for theirfurther comfort ani °F vhich is newlyprefled out ofthe {wecte Almonds, is amitigatet ner ofaches. (hap.88. Ofthe Peach tree. they do ne } therefore thofe that be blanched do foflowly defcend, as that the laske,orthe i © chou + wheteupon theyare giuen with goodfucceffe to thofe thar haue C.. 1257 isgiuen 4 “ to thofethachaue pleurifie be; 1 ; Sin Oma ts fhe e thethe pain firftlet bloud ;but efpecially tofuch as dre trou- ¢ I T He Peach tree is atree of no greatbignel tittle,as oftentimes they arebrokenwith the leauesbe long, nickedin the edges, like 2 bitter +t he flowers beofalightpurple colour. TI ) i chinke = orcleft on the one fide; they atecouere 1 Wi ugg or gh isarot wherof singtout,& ofa pleafant tafte;inthemiddle about thea {tone {tone isis of aaay wi like vnto the Almond; the meate feet kernel Ii “Stough and yellowith. aS l 7 f ted Peach treeis likewife a tree ofno great! hered . or aefle: it alfofendeth f i in ‘The leaues beIc andYea nicked che ; oe which be very brittle,the fornier cs or Peache Fs 3 the fruit lik vnto bealf®© like : in fid : he flowers the {tone isi ofa (e Very ;aide; Ji the tacate ern likewife about | colout red co’ lane rea gallant leat lke to wine in tate, and therefore matuellous iea Mmmm 3 |