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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF 2 Sium mains. HISTORIE THE _ The water Crefle to be eaten in fallades, fheweth it felfe infommerwith thereft, Small water Crefle Great water Parfnep. -OF PI flowerin Iuly. Simm mini. Se The names. The firftis called in Latine Siwm maius , and Lauer maius of Dioftorides wnodoratum Tragi,andallo Pastrnaca aquatica. of others itis called The fecondiscalled in Greeke ov: in Latine Sivmalterum,and allo Sifymbrium: inEng| water Creffe,for that it hath the tafte of garden Crefles, Water Crefle is called of Cratewa Sium,and Sifjmbr iumaquaticum: of the newewriters 27 tinmaguationm, and Lauer Cratene: in Englith water Crefles,or browne Creflés, % The temperature. Water Creffeis cuidently hot anddric. , st The vertues. Water Crefle being boiledin wine or milke, and drunke for certaine daies togither ; is good againft the fcuruie or fcorbute, verie A ’ Being choppedand boiledin the broth of flefh, 'andeaten for xxx. daies togither at mor noone and night,prouoketh vrine,wafteth the ftone,and driueth it foorth. Taken in the fa ner,it doth cure yoong maidens of the greene fickneffe,bringeth downe theirtermes, and { into the face their accuftomed liuely colour, loft bythe ft pping oftheir menftrue. Ofwilde water Crejfes,or Cuckowflowers. Chap.18. % The kindes. There befixe kindes ofwilde herbes numbred among the water Crefle which followe inorder: 1 Cardamine. Gockowe flowers, 2 Cardamine altera, Ladies finockes. % The defcription. | 2 and weakehol: Water Creffes hath many fat lowe braunches, trailing vponthe gravel an earth where it groweth, taking holde and ootitg in fundrie places as it creepeth ; by meanest fe ofthe plant fpreadeth ouer a great comp? is grounde, The leauesare likewile compact am winged with many{mal leaues, fet vponai a ribbe one againft another except the point whieh ftandeth byhimfelfe , as doth that 0” Athe,ifit growe in his naturall place, ace a praucly fpring. ‘The ypper face of the Ve plant is 6fa browne colour, and greene a 4 s leaues, whichis a perfeét marke to knot ficall kinde fromthe others. The white ™ bs growein {pokie roundels, The roote se elfebut as it were a thrumor byndell ofthteet % Theplace. d marl The firft' groweth in, moo 5rifh an itr atbe erounds,andin medowes and woo des th domedrie, ein run” The feconde and thirde do. grom ¢ and gal J brookes of moft cleere fountaines a {ptings, where the beft for phifick 40 : gr0r a st: The time. They fpring and waxe § Cardamine & |