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Show 644 ssa dial Aaah We otiid oie THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE flowersate in finelllike the Maie fowers,or Hawthorn: the feedeis {mall'and blacke, containedy of fttings, {inalpointelslike vnto white Saxifrage. The rooteis fcalie and full not before his time remembted 2 Thefecondkinde ofSanicle,which C/u/i calleth Pineusew/a,towards the roote, andfharpe ih broad hathfandrie {mall thicke leaues,fat andfull ofiuice,being whereoffprourethor middeft ofthe tafte:out in bitter colour,and awards the point,ofa faint greene fame plant; one of Kindebut differing infome points,whereas in truth they are burone and the felfe haue left foorth ofoar: volame , but fearing . that fomenot: knowingg thewhichI would willingly s but hincekoorHie Laualictber thot thattheybeone, might aske the caufe why weleft icouts was made thar fa fuccede will leatie it outas needelefic, confidering they knowthat SnepiGture fhooteth vp anaked flender ftalke, nine inches long, eueryftalke bearing one flower andnomore byadtieand withered plant,and the other by the lively herbe i Munkes hoods,called Con/elida rega/ishaving the like {pur or Larkes heele annexed thereto, 3 Sanieule Alpina Clufigfine Cortufa Mathioli. (ometimes white, and commonlyofa blewifh purple colour, fafhioned like vnto the common 645 the fame There is another figure fet foorth which may feemé vito the ignorant to be on¢ of - Beares eae Sanicle, 2 Pinguicula fine Sanicula Eboracenfs, 1 Sanicnle guttata. Butterwoort,or Yorkthire Sanicle, Spotted Sanicle. by, % Thedefiription. , Ja alpinafrt®f ’ Samsem called haue cea pune® 2. Thethirdekinde ofmountaine Sanicle, fome Herbarifts and fat 5am d arclikeap the leaues fhoote foorthin the beginning ofthe fpring , very thicke ad,the YP ¢! younde lumpe,at their firft comming out ofthe ground sand whenit is {p red abro 44, 01 ht thereofis full of vaines or finewes, and houenvpor curled like Renuncalies Ne Jeafe is crumpling of acabbageleafe, and are not onely indented:about the edges,but serwarne grt ftals dedinto fixe or more iagges or cuts, deepely hackt, greenifh aboue,andofan ot ed colour vnderneath.hor'in whereoffhooteth eestiBaredwersFe oahg : : ey fromthe middle r tafte: 3 fine? $,DUCO) | saa inches. longfomewhatpurple mehass at the top a tafrofa faa Sal in colour; bearing hanging downwardslike little bels ;not valike in forme to the common Cow! aie gallo cet "7 . : . verte . red colour tending to purple,hauing in the middle a certaine ting orcircleot it 1é vant is coum . . pointels of firings whichtiiine into an head whereinis contained {eede/The whore? (as it were)with a rough woollineffe:the rooteis fibrotus and threddic. 4 ne % Theplace. Thefe | a : : mountaines oaris the alpith : ‘ England,theirnaturall ‘eeplants are ftrangersin ‘ Thess countrie of Heluewoh 2 Oeowe 1D M y garden, wherethey flourith exceedingly, except Buttetwoort which: gto’ our Enel; “r PtoWeth ao {qually wet grounds, and will notye Je toanyculturing or tran{planting 1 Crosbie, Rauenfwaithin Weftmer "pon lnaleborou ve field called Craggeclofe, < gh fels, twelue miles from Lancafter, and in Harwoode in the fame countie neere TBlaclh *PaCxDurne. e, +,ten . ; ee Oa eee tenets i ° Rit andinthe bopeiemedoives miles from Prefton in Anderneffé vponthe bogs S<marith grounds, about Bithops Hatfielde; and alfo in the fens, in the waie to Wittles meare from* Adonin Fy elutingdonfhire, Tr ‘ % The time. *y Gower and floutith from Maie to the ende Iulie ”. me Sits Th at d ets 1ere ot wherewi Y Oba 18 called ‘Simiewty gguttates4 iyee ne ae rers are marked ,of e;of our London fpottec anes NS pt Drath; ‘Alpinum, making it akinde of Auens :in Englifh 4 Thee ting Parnell fatning, in Yorkfhire Whe, er cod is cal] Cd Pineuscula, of thefatnes orfulnes ofthe leafe , or of ne Ay i # ‘7 Goth efper; me Butter (ote, and whites, gtowe, and in greateft abundance, itis called Butterwoorts, “© roote, but that name belongeth more properly ynto Salomonsfeale. Sf 3 % The |