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Show 748 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISPORTE St The names. Pertithkle is calleditn Greeke x cutsthoveres, bicaife it bringeth foorth ftalkes,which creepelike thofeofthe Vine, and Da phrotdes by reafonthatthe leaves arélike thofe of the Bay,as aforelaide: Piinycalleth it Vinca Per of which ‘ J rding there is anor } and ¢ hamadaphae snotwithftandin g there isan ther Chamailaphe in his place: The fame authotlikewifé calletly it Cestomenies? in high Dutch Ingtteein lowe Durch Gincagete, maeanen crupt: in French PacelageWauche c I erwanche’ in Tralian Pro: ith Perwingua: Be :in thoppes*Clemat®perainca: pest Pes ie in Enolith Perini on aL and ee sence :in Spanith nglith Peruinkle, Pervinkle, i i, Ff Pave ; P Perivinkle: a The temperature. Peruinkle is fomething hor,but withinthe fécond degree, fomething diie atid attringenty % The wer ines. A B Anhardfullof the leaues ftamped andthe iuice' given to“drmke in red wine; ftoppeth the laske and bloodie flixe {petting of blood) which newer faileth in any bodie; either than or woniant itlikewife foppeththe inordinate courfe ofthe monethlyficknefle. , Of Capers... 4A PLANT'S. 749 4» Thefecond kiride of Caper is likewife aprick] qyflender'branches fer full of {harpe prickles. : Bramble f groweth,befet with round blackifht leauesdiford bufh; hauing ma- h vpon the place where jit iL a }. ¢like thofe ofs§ At Aftrabacca , but mmeth foorth afmalland tender sieaterapproching tothe forme ofFolefoote : amo medtwigge,chatged at the end wich'a finallknap otf 1 openeth it felfe toa {mall ftarretkefowetyofa pléafanc fweere {inel], in place whereof comes.a finall finite, long and rounde like Tlie leaties boiled in wine and drunken ftoppetlithe laske and bloudie fixe. f OF doopen or fpead abroad into faire flowers, after which.commeth in place long fruite, liketo an diieandofthe fame colourswhetin isContcined fas rough feedé: sof adultie colour, The rooréis f yoody.and coucredwith a thicke barke or rinde whielyi ichLor vfed'in I Phific ; AH (hap.317. & Thekindes. fCapers efpecially,one with broad leaues fharpe pointed: the other with Brabandets hauealfo anatherfortcalled Capparssfabago,or beane Capers 2 Capparis rotundiorefolie, Roundleafed Capers. theComell berry,ofa browne colour. Theroo bathe ortindewhichis likewifevfed in medicine. i if i red und woody, and couer with a thicke iT % Thet Ace, The Capet groweth in Italy, Spaine, and other hot regions without manuring yin aleanedoile. hough placesamong rubbi(h,and vpon oldwal Diofioridesteporteth, 7 ‘ ‘Thephrafius writeth,that itis by nature wilde, and refufeth tobe} banded , yet in thefe our daisdidets vie to cherith the fame and to fet it in dry and {tony felfe Cit at the impreffion ieeteofplanted fome {eedesin the bricke wals of my garden, which as yet doe {pring and erowe gicenethefucceffle expect. at : 2 % The time. TheCapet flowrethin fommer , euen vntill Aucuimne, The knopsof the fowers before they Opetate thofe Capers ot fauce that we eate,which are gathered andpreferuedin pickle or fale, f t % The names. ‘ anneaes eerie: tf C apps oh but properly &ynosbatos,or Caniruhus, CappersCaper,and Capers, sitis generally called Cappers.in moft languages: inEneli th : See Cy 4 % The temperature. eee renee yet fully growen,t e of tempera turehot and of thinne Parts 5 if they ty ek ley yeeld very little nourifhia , and much leffe if they be falted, And therfore auce and medicine.then am TheyreSeok vp an appeti thioland i. th good ibafor amoift Beyomeatss seexe ; ftomack,and ftaieth ‘ the waterin : gA adivith mest at G egine thacclea veth — They open the ftoppin gs of the liuer lejatceaten boiled ay etan to be taken of thofe that hae a quartai agew,an ne dill {pleenes, tesnteboiled oa at etait firit wathedoff, ) with oileand vineger,as otherfall ads be,andfom; meate, ehaddeenennot Foot confifteth ofdiuers faculties,it heateth, clenfeth, purgeth , cut--B tsbatkeisa fin Meeeacettaine binding qualitie. ] tenandthe faye ie : paaly for hard {pleenes , being outwardly applied , andalfo inwardly Cc feats maner iled in vineger or oxymel , or being beaten and mixed with other fimples: *thbloy by vrine ote thickeand groffe humours, and conticieth away, the fame mixed atklebones taken An alfo by fiege,whereby the milt or {pleene is helped, and thepaine of the “SUC ONOfthe vagh Moteouer it bringeth downe the defired ficknes , purgeth and draweth lefame barke of Galenwriteth, t tictlisand.¢ ; toftorides teacheth,, doth clenfe olde filthie fores , and fcoureth away the D Be tuits: about the edges,and being chewedit taketh awaythe toothac “cing am = h, tehUhtickines oem) vith vineger, it“ {Coureth awaytetters or Ringwoormes, ; ae and hard {wellings, cu- E y bekings barke euilt:! Pofiterh machieres ofCapers is good againft the hardnes and ftopping of the fpleene, and F Ot brufed by “5 Sitienin drink to fuch as hauethe {ciatica,the palfie,and thofe that are buri j pricl mens He Caperisa hornes , trail be ve bos, ang ftom fome high place: icdoth mightily prouoke vrine , infomuch, thac % Thedefiription. fi tf pa rubbe,the fhootes or braunches whereofbefu lofafharpe nde if they be not fupported ot prot oct e of the Quincetree, but broader and te kn0P5 9" KnOP? a eek C ; , whereon do growrou ow rounde uch tomefoorthlong flenderfooteftalkes ae, 099 Sinuch, or giuen in too gteat aquantitic, it procureth bloud to. come withthe |