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Show 1380 HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE & Fucus marinus. Corall Moffe,or mountaine Coraline, Disforides commendeth it to be goodforthe gout,which hath neede to be cooled. Thelarer Phifitions haue founde by experience, thatitkilleth wormes in thebelly; it is giuen B Fenell Coralline,or Fenell Mofle, ainftthefe to children in thewaight ofa.dramor thereabouts, r f That which cleaueth to Cortall andisofa reddi(h colour,.is of moft, menpreferred and taken C frthebeft : they count that whichis whitifh, to be the woorfer, Notwithftanding in the French Ocean, the Britaine, the lowe countrey, or elfe in the Germaine Oceanfea, there is {carce founde qyother then the whitifh Coralline,whichthe nations neeteadioining do effectuallyvie, Of Corral. (hap.161. % The kindes. T= bediuers forts ofCorrall differing in colour, one red,anotherblacke; and one of awhite colour, 1 Corallium rubrum. 2 Corallium nigrum,fne Atipathes. Red Corrall. % Thedefeription. § Blacke Corral. © : Thereisfound vpon the rocks and mountaines ofFrance, bordering vpon the Mediterranean manet fea,acertaine kinde of Coralline,whichin thefe parts hath not beene found: it growethin like vnto a branch ofCorall, butaltogither lefler , of a fhining red colour, and of a ftonie fubftance, ,a 6 Thereisalfo found vpon the rocks neere vnto Narbonein France, an dnotfar fromthe fea grow kinde ofCoralline; it growethvp to the forme ofa {mall {hrub,branched diue rfly;wheron do fubftance, fall graffe like leaues, very finely cut or iagged,like vnto Fenell; yet are theyo fa ftonie as are the reft of the Corallines; ofa darke ruflet colour, 2% Theplace. fhels MufThefe Moffes grow in the fea vponthe rockes,andare oftentimes found ypon Oyfter e,t me Margat d an Reculuers thereofvnder greatplentic verie found I vponftones: kell fhels,and Tle of Thanet and in otherplaces alongft the fands from thence ynto Douer. o The time. The time anfwereththe other Moffes,and are found at all times ofthe yeere. % The wames. . The defeription. a Mufeus marinus: of the Apothec aries,lta Sea Moffe is called in Greeke Bpvoy Sare'zoror: in Latine % ecrmofy , lians,and French men‘Coralina: in Spanith Atalbarquiana yerua : in high Dutch wom low Dutch Jee WBofeh: in Englith fea Moffe,andof many Corallina,after the Aporhecaries and it maybe called Corall Moffe. The titles thall diftinguiththe otherkinds. =: 2. The temperature. F c, -aide:for bY ofthemcolde: on Corallina confifteth as Galen faith,of an earthie and wateri theffence,both : theeartl cooleth his cafte it bindeth, and being applied to any hot infirmitie, it alfo evidently 1 e it drieth m! effence of this Moffe hathinit alfo a certaine faltnes by reafon whereot I ikewif Lthough Corrall be a matteror fubftance, euen as s harhardd asfton as” ess} to place and infert it here next vntothe Mofles, and the rather g, a5. asintl dothew them{elues, as well in the manner of their gr _ he Pe Ynto the Moffes. This later age wherein we liue, hath found m ¢ kinds heere fe we gro , oo mentioned among the old authors. Some of thele forme, with crags and lou” aN).orftonie matter ; others in a {traight ~*tsthe which for that theyare fo well knowne, andin furch requett tor ofapale pfeleribe; onely this remember, that there is fome Comal “@8ted andfome white, Vvvvit yellowe color rs Peeeeeeee % The vertues. 5 MMuajfeus Corallinusfine Corallinamontans. |