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Show THE SECOND 5$4 by BOOKE) HISTORIB (OF PLANTS. OF THE is foft cand couered with a white downeleflertha whole herbe cogither with the leauesand (talkes head :ithath ahortafte withacertaine i fa tharpe! mell, and pearferh intothe HorfeMints itiso i ; bitternefle, and narrower leafe, and noroffowhite longer a th thatha hereof, kiwde nother salfoa Therei > of aredlightptiple [quates the flowers be more plentifull, a colour the ftalkes hereof arc fower ftronger,bur the hereofis {mel the s: fpecke purple fine colourinclining to blew,{prinkled withlittle place, and that are ve watdly, by meanes of fome fall recciued fromanhigh wine ormeade, t, to bring downetheir ficknes, ar hes anddecoétionsfor women to fit oue Itisvedin bat l. tful frui make them AW icebegiuen with OfHorfe Minezor Water eMint.» tafte is more biting. Chap.207; 2 Sifymbria Mentha. Sweete Water Mint. 1 Mentha aquatica. 2, Atenta Cattaria altera, Great Gar Mint. 1 Mentha Felina,fea Cattaria. 1 Nep,or Cat Mint. $99 auch bruifed, if t] 1¢ Water Mint, > HA %& The place. Aeon They groweabout the borders ofgardens and fieldes,neere to rough bankes, ditches, ane into gardens. monwaies: itis delighted with moift and watetie foiles 5 itis brought : : % The time. The Cat Mints flourith by and byafter the fpring :theyflower in Tuly and Augutt. %e The names. s are very™ Thelatter herbarifts do callit. Herba Cattaréa, and Herba Catti, bicaufe th ecat felues b them delighted herewith ; for the finell thereofis fo pleafant vnto them, that they 1 ‘jy. andwallowor tumblein it, and alfo fede on the branches andleaues verygree ily. name Iris je roa the Apothecaries 2¢epeta : but Wepeta is properly called (aswe haue faid) wilde Pennen Fin Tealian Gattaria, ot Herm vr high DutchStat3en SDuntz+ in lowe Dutch Cattecruljt Spanith Yerwa Gatera :in Englith Cat Mint and Nep. a _. % The temperature. Nepis of temperature hotanddtie andhath the faculties ofthe Calamints; ; : & The vertues. A fe difeaies™™ Itiscommendedagainft olde paines ofthe head, ftomacke, and matrix, and tho gre Dt that growcoffiegme, and rawe humots, and of winde, Itis a prefent helpe forth jem nereof : Minatlikeletothe firft garden Mint,the deanics thereof ReaMint ie e Mint,itis ares ° ofc s nde banditisa a darke redoaiont? hs mies ae a — ones boththe leaues and ftalkes are of and the herbe it felfe isofa “tongerfnell: the Gain os arabroad, but every part is greater, reimfhape like thor, sin the tops of the braunches are gathered togither intoa long fpikie heleton hs ne red Mace,of apurple colour. fe Sg que in echerefpeé is like the offers , faning that the fame hatha being hardly touched,the btrisouet haere ae cing ightly touched with the hand; otherwife the toppe,of alight toward tufts fundrie in fowers his beareth ‘o,and plecolour. The : : «> % Theplace. } : that hawe water1n them, ft and waterie places, as in medows neer ntoditches ¥ Stowin moift and wareri 4 by riners : & The time. ) 8Ower wI ee 1en the other Mints do,and reuiue in the {pring, Lhev flow, lt oo Scalledin Gr eee ge % The HAMS. defi tfewesinLatine Sifymbrium:in high Dutch Rakymut *SNCN Aes wage: in Englith Water Mint,Fith Mint,Brooke Mint, an |