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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLAN TS ’ F SefeliCreticum, WT netemperature ar ! vertues, : Theittemperature andfaculties in workir rare referred o ib Ue iClerredt ~’ Pignell hath ftalkes r couered ouer with a thicke barke, the fubftance whereofis firft gummie, afterward fharpe,andasit ) werefull of {pattles fromthe vpperpartof the roote proceede manyknobs orthicke{welling rootes, out of which there iffueth great and large wings ot branches of leaues, fome whereofare notched and dentedround about, growing vnto one fide ortib of the leafe, ftanding alfo one oppofite ynto another, There isa baftarde kiride of Spignelllike yn. fhining aboue, but vnderneath ofa grayithorAfhe to the former, forthe f fauiingg that the leaues are are not 1 fo Anely cut or lageed: the flowersaretufted more Nicbealis thicker then the former: the rootes aré manie, color:from amoneft thefe leaues there arifethafira- ked orguttered ftalke,a cubite and ahalfe high,fome times aninch thicke, having many iointes ot knees, thicke,andfull of fappe. and many branches growing about them,andypon each ioint lefler branches of Jeanes. Atthetop ot % The place. Mewe.orMe “ewe,or Meon,growethi the ftalkes, and vpper endes of the branches growe little cups or bottles of pale flowets; whieh being tard, fewe Baftarde Mewe, wafte mountaines of Ita] growing for a time cuen withthe earthjand fpredthereuponjanddinided into many see vee itpiand like vnto Feru arthe not much valike Siler montanun: among whichrife vp ftalkes fower cubites high, bearing he foie {pokie tuftes like vntothe laft before rehearfed, ofa good fauour, ‘The rooteisilike vato tm in fhape,ub{tance,and fanour,bur chart is greater. % Theplate. Thefe plants are ftrangers in Englandnotwithftanding I haue them in my garden. % Thetime, i >» gtoweth in the A it hath beene tolde n €) vpc rocke byBritttowe, where I {pent two dai fecke it, butit was fore I make fome do almoftlike to the former for the moft part inal] things, in'the round {pokie ruftes or vinbles , Det ucwotElIder‘, e fmell like Samb ring ftiffe andfa white flowers in fhape like them of Cinkfoil , in Sambi ike i ile, i Whenthe floweris vaded, there: commethin place.afC yellow guttered feede, ofa fpicie aiid very ! hot tafte.The roote is :thicke andb!acke without,which rortethand perifheth in the Oegrouidened (aswe may{eein many gummie or Ferulousplants ). afterit hath feeded, neitherwill icf ower before the asit were knees; bearing at the top thereof tuftes like vnto Dill,and feede fomewhatlong oat ‘ neted,ofa fharpe and biting tafte, The rooteis long and thicke likévarothe great Saxifrage, © I in Weltmerland,at 1 Hound-tawait -Round-thwait becwixe Aplehj betwixt Aplebic and Ken7.ll and Kendall in the parifh of¥ Oiton, vaded,there commeth in place a feede,whichis vety like Sitter montanum, ‘y There isalfo akinde of seé/#, which Pema fetteth foorth forthe firltkinde of ‘Daucus, whereot takeit to be akinde, growing euery where inthe paftures about London, that hath large leaps the commoiFennell. “The ftalke growethto the height ot three cubites, haning knotte i a? ! alkés do growe {do ihe roores are thicke an Sanam tre ai hir 1 ftance,fineiling well,and chafi:C toong ofa reafonable goc ofa darke and delaied greene colour, and fomewhat fecondorthird yetreafter it is fowen, h clouen Thereis likewife akinde of Sefelzcalled Se/eli Ma/@léenfe, which hathleauesvety ee thao: of cut,and finely taggedjvery much'like vnto the leaues offweere Fennell,greater and thic — Of.a cubitea Thefe herbes do flower in Iune andIuly,and yceldetheir feede in Auguft. %: The names. tots OL hoy, likewtfe of the Latines Afeum : of the Italians cA in high Ditch» Ct SIC is called Jeperatrex : in diuers places of Spaine Siffra, in others eevee aes 7 f Spa Bier fnrpee ob ortucfim, arya aks teurts + in French Siftre: Ruelkws faith that it is namedin France knell,of fo Plieftre, or writhed Dill,and wilde Dill: al{ it iscalled in EnglifhSpig: *tlecond yg b tg Mewe,or Baldmony,andBearewoort. y *calledbaftard Balémony,or vaftard Spicknell, “e tibes efbecjally 5 ct »rOOtKec w The temperature. fe : y ee ‘Y Me footes ofaleright Me on, ishotin the thirde degree, anddriein the fe» % The verties. Be sand bla = aldmony boiled in water and drunke, mightily openeth the ftoppings A: PPng gut) a ig Hs Windines aidd a ooke vrine and bodilyluftjeafeand helpe the {trangurie’; and ¢onaken ivi po cnines ofthe ftomacke, re ° 1 Bt ae f idnsl appeate ta Goth i ae the griefe of thebelly; andis> excellent againft all Ca- B | : — foits,as alfo any phlegme falling vpun thelungs. “terwife vponthe bellies ofchildren,it maketh themto piffe well, aR EePR &7 he defeription. are butthe newand yoong plants beare rootes aninch thicke , with fome knobs and tuberousfprowtes, about the lower part ;therooteis thicke, rough,and Chap.4.09. Meum, Spignell, a as big as amans arme,efpecially if the plant be olde; Of Spignell, Spicknell, or «Mow e. SOS the other Se/éleos Cheruill, and the feede hath nofuch wreathed ing about the edges as the former, » There is likewife akinde of Se/eé thathathatoot They flowerandflourifh in September, T he names, ee There is akinde ofSe/e/# Creticum,calledalfo Typ. Theteis another Seyed of Maffilia, which hath large and great leaues %# Thernames haue peene touched in their feuerall defcripticns, & The defeription. ylicn , andis verylike vnto the former, fauing thar his Icaues are more like ynto common Parfneps than pleafant fmell and {harpe in tafte. k Se eeee rear Sefeleos of Candie. ; |