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Show THE THIRD BOOKE se The temperature. HISTORIE : vied. r0inted therwith,digeftionis helpedthereby; italfo preferueththeftoiwindineffle sichelpeth the hardnes ofthe {pleene; eafeth the griefes ling of cold caules. f s.proceeding ofcolde caufes,ifthey be annointedtherwith; ye wer therein and laide thereon:v{edin the fame maner, itdit ineth the weake members. softhe fin effects tha > annointedtherewith, innewe and greene wounds , were heere tolong tofet d whe, and alfo fuperfiuous ; configering the skilfull Chirurgion whom ft moft concerneth, Mou . doth knewthe vie therof; andas for the beggerly Quackfaluers, Runnagates,andknauifh banks, we are not willing to inftruct inthingsfo farre abouetheir reach,capacitie and worthi as alfothofe that hauc defcribed the fingularities therof.Myfelfe with divers otis gsnamely Matter Necholas Lete,awotthipfull marchant of the citie of London: and all sit tt dilfall Apothecarie, Matter ames Garret, who haue teceiuedfeedes thereof bai sie ehetle potable the Lord of Hunfdon, Lord high Chamberlaine of England, woorthie oftriple Honor forhis cate in getting, as alfo for his curious keeping rate and ftrange things brought ftom the fathelt parts ofthe world 3 which feedes we haue fowen in our gatdens, where they haue brought foorth plants ofa footehi ehs and alfo their beautifull leaties: notwithftanding our care, diligence, mdinduftrythey haue perifhedat the firft approch of winter, as not being able byreafonof their r tendetnes to indure the colde of our'winter blatts, 4 The time, Astouching the time ofhis flourifhing,and bringing his fruite to maturitie 5 we hatieas yet no : cettaine know ledge,butis chought to be greene both winter and fommer. : se The names. Thismoft notable tree is called by the Indiai’names@cleof fome Molly, and Muelle,takenfrom histender foftnes,as {ome haue deemed: it may be called the Fennell tree,or one of the Balme, or Bilfametrees, &: Thetemperature. fBalme,or Balfame tree. Chap.14.0. % The defcription. ys defcription. , ! His tree which the people of the Indies do call azelli, eroweth tothe bignes of a great tree ; hauing a trunke or bo dy of a datke inkled ouer with many afhicogreene colour, Touredfpots: the branches are many,and otvel great beauty ; whereupon do growleauesn like to thofe of the Ath tree, confifting crow! {mall leaues, fet vpon a middle rib5 gro y pate pa cuety point, sthe toward cuet rower wes et} ofa { on the fides likee the tecth one iagged ,r whichbeing plucked from the ftemme ‘ foorth I nd Ikieiui c iuice,tougha amilki This tree is thought to be ofan aftringentor binding qualitie ; whereby it appeeres befides the hottemperacureic hath,to be compoundedofother diuers faculties. % Thevertues. The Indians vfe to feeth the fiuite orberries heereofin water, and byafpeciall skill they hauein 4 theboilingdo make a moft holfome wine ordrinke.as alfo a kinde of vineget, and fometimes hohefethree things being fo contrary in tafte, c tie; which are-very ftra: Theleaues boiléd.and the decoGtion« runke,belpeth themofany difeafe proceeding ofa colde B cafe, The gum whichiffieth fromthe trée’, being white like vnto Manna , diffolued in milke, taketh CG maythe web ofthe cies, atid cleereth the fight,being wipedovert with it f Wegods gaue itthe name ofMoly , andfo writeth Ouid, Patifer huic dederat florem Cyllenins album, Mell vocant Superi, nigra radce tenttur. * Cyllenivs bearing Peace, vponthis{ tree. . aue and beftowdaflowre or bloflome white: * Afoly the gods would haueitnamed bee, raf Pts held to hane aroote tha’ts blacke in fight, ; t Zoes Mercurie *i eeWieee ek d g witcheratt. inthe difcourfe of itferfoorth TanV; be defiIrous to fee r more dea learned re heereof theypen may readeaiea le cated to he: ‘tren the hiftorie chercot, des Wi laroe sat fare (0008 by s, the learned tge L’Obeliu who hathatla w hen heerof; faithfully ouerfee ¢ and tc tine cenkineyp his oN aa : i Bht Honorable,che Lord Chamberlaine,aF tthe Impre r Dotto wae, Vow c fie n before remembred, Malter mined by the leatnied Phifitio mite lame, tent vhich time. John A bene f did fee: fince which time, / tarie vntothe f king , GiGib D mththedeco@tionditiers times,taketh awayboth infirmities in fhort {pace, _ this ttee is offach eftimation arnong the Indians, thatthey worthipit asa god , a ccording to E of Homers Moly the matt renowme d Weir atiage tites and cerefonies:much like as P/:myreporteth asitis tecorded, ofallptanis, whichthey hadin old time in fuch eftimation and reuerence ; that y {aHOrIOs ™ clammy,tanon ell, and as itieemet like the b : the flowers es fc e intatt like thole OF hes. , liket % ranches hat s vpon clufter nes be {0l “ ore the grapes be i sef the Vine tree a s, 10 rie ber or ite med: after followeth t rin ,, of ano nes cor what greater then cornes ol ke red ftanc 3 he fir {t, and of a. aaike : F Thebatke of this tree boiled aidthe legs that be {wollen andfull of paine, bathed and wafhed Of 5oeSis h confimptions,clenfeth the barren wombe,cfpecially being annointed ypon.apelffary, ee akenin a motningfa ting with alittle Rofe wateror wine,tothe quantitie of Ipeth thofe that be matike,orfhort of winde;it preuaileth againft the pains eth thefamemightily; &alfo amendetha ftinking breth; ywaythe thaking fits of the quotidian ague,ifit be taken twoorthree times, es thereof, Whichwordeés I haue ae j ry : the handes ofa famous learne n; called’M: Lancelot Browne DsQdrin? cl e andPh a ynto the Queenes Maieftic,at he impreffion heerofsfaithfullytra nflated outofdieseanth ae without a 3 or taking anything away. Saga a> ntifullyin the vales andlow grounds of Peri, as all affirme that haue trauelled t P= ¥ The vertues. iwpofitorie,arid PLANTS, Oo hotand dryin the feconddegree, with aftriGtion, x OF hid Fragolws, in his ownegarden atree fo large, and offich beautie, thathe was neuer fatisfe withlooking it, and meditating vpon thevertu |