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Show Seinena eekees THE SECOND! BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE kennefle,and manytimes fleepe sas after the takin s The defeription. ringqualitie, and therefore isnot without Abaco or Henbane of Peru, hath very great ftalkes ofthe bignefle of a childes ame, growing in fertill andwell dunged ground, of feauen « yr eight fate high, denidingit ele into {undrie braunches ofgreat length, whereon are placed in moft comelyorder-yeri faftned faite long leanes,broade,{mooth,and fharpe pointed, foft, and ofalight greene colour,o aboutthe ftalks, that they feeme to embrace and compafie it about.The flowers growatthe top of ofa lightcatnation the {talks in fhape like a bel flower, fomwhat long and cornered,hollow within, colour,tending to whitne fle toward the brims , The feede is conteined in long fharpepointed cods orfeede vellels,like vnto the fede ofyellow Henbane, bur fomewhat finaller and brownerofco: lour. The roote is great, thicke,and ofa wooddie fubftaunce, with fome threddie ftrings.annexed thereto. 2 ‘Trinidada Tabacohath athicke,toughand fibrous roote, from which immediately rife vp long broadeleauies,and fnooth,ofa greenifhcolour, lefler then thofe ofPeru; among which rifethypa flalke diuidingit felfeat the grounde into diuers braunches, whereonarefet confufedly the lie Jeaues, but leffer: at the topof theftalks,{tande vp long necked hollowflowersofa pale purple,en. ding toa blufh colours after which fucceede the cods or feede yeflels, including manyfinallfeeds like vnto the feede of Marierom. The whole plant perifhethat the firftapproch ofwinter. %& Theplace. Tewas firt broughtinto Europe out of the prouinces of America,which is called the welt Indies, in which is the prouince or countreyof Peru: but being nowplantedinthe gardens of Eutops,it profpereth very well,andcommeth fromfeede in. one yeere to beare both flowers and feede, The which Ltake to be better for the conftitution of our bodies, then thatwhichis brought fromIndi and that growing inthe Indies better forthe people of the fame countrey5 notwithftandingiti not fo thought nor receiuedofour Tabackians; for according to the Englith prouerbes Farfetch anddeere boughtis beft for Ladies. a ‘ %& The time. : Tabaco muft be fowen in the moft fruitefull grounde that maybe founde, carelefly caft abi Aprill,a dfome in thebeginning ofMaie, bicaufeI durft not hazard all myfeede at onetime !d! fome vnkindlyblaft fhould happenafter the fowingwhich might be a great enimic thereunto. , ; % The names. Ihe sa people of America callit Petun: others Sacra Herba, fanita Herba, and famajanie Cicolaas Me dos um, LObelij and Pene,and fome Hyofcyamus Peruuianus, or Henbane ofPeru: air - nameth it Tabaco :thatitis Hyoftyami (peciesor akinde ofHenbane, not onelythe formed? eee me ee mela alta doth declare; for it bringeth ‘ori taking ofthe fume onely5as ss as it were drunke by Theuctus teltifierh,(: and common ex perience fheweth: ( ee ) of fomeit is called Nicotiana? the whit . h refer tothe yellowe Henbane fordifting 5 arts : Oe ; 4 Trishoras id drie,and that in the feconddeor g ' > ween f difcuffe a or » refoluej andto clenfefe awa : ature. 1g ; coe) Monardathinketh: and is withall ofpo! wel ' cesiie y filthie humours, hauing alfo acertaine fimall aftrictiot r that writethiting ftoole: bythe ower to re Gtk, a itie, and purgeth : * c and cMonardés qual 1¢ Pow of dre eaneca thes poifon. And to prooue it tobee ofa hot temperature the biting qi" eng or benummin i cd u fern Pe perceauedbytafte: alfo the greene leaues laid vpon” i fee attsinav m3 iseafily : : ? o) Cit RC ie eng ane ee they do drawourfiltt n aie “a sae Nae of heate in. this plant; bicaufe rupted eed matter, which acold fimple would Pre hae ved dra dot! < : ple would neuer do, The leaues likewife eing chewed dra flegmeandwater.as when the leaues are dried: which things declt en hoe alicel be this Ms isnot little hot: for for whee whatthings Oe de;in che ith 1% brin brin mouth eyehelde bei: chewedor oeuer t being the mot ath flegmeandwater. tt . = a a ny xno Ae and other things oflike pow tal cciued, ined, for for vpon vpon the the taking otpg sie oe ed nic 2 fre aot Peliirari y ‘ petrus Belloninsin his thirde booke of fingularities oth declares whe Titkes do oftentimes vie Opium, and take one dramand a halfe ther other hurt following,fauing that they are thereupon taken with a certaine] were, Soalfothis Tabacobeingin tafte biting, and in temperature benumming qualitie. Heereuponit feemeth to follow, that noronelythis F fotheiiceiofpoppieorherwife called Opium, confifteth of diversparts, forme biting others extreme colde,thatis to faie,{tupifieng or benumming: if fo bethat this be proceede ofextremecolde (as Ga/eandall the olde phifitions holde opinion) but ifthe mitig facultie doth not depende ofan extreme colde qualitie,and that in thefourth de cecdeth ofthe eflence of the fubftance; then may Tabaco bebotlicolde and alfo ben temperature hot and benumming, notby reafon ofhis temperature, but th his fubftaunce;otherwife then a purging medicine, which hath his force no butfrom thé eflence ofthe whole fubftance. % The vertues. Nitolens Monardis{aith that the leaueshereofarea remedie for the paine in the head called Megram or Migraime that hath beené oflong contintiance : oforacolde ftomacke, efp ally in children ; and thatit is goodagaintt the paines in theki ; Itisaprefentremedie forthe fits of the mother: it mitigateth the paine of the gout if they bee B roltedinhot embers and applied to the greeued part. i i i Ef _tislikewife a remediefot the’toothach , if the teeth and gummes bee rubbed witha linnen C cloth dipped in the iuicesanid afterward a’rounde ball oftheleaues laid vntothe place. ‘ Thece boiled with figarin forme of a firupe andinwardlytaken, driueth foarth woormes of D thebelliesif withall a leafe be laide to the nauell. : ; at doth likewife {couiteand clenfe oldeand rotten vicers , and bringeth themto perfec& E : ion as the fame author affirmeth: in thefowing without raking it into the grounde or anyfuchpaine or induftrie taken, as isteq in the fowing ofothe: feedes as myfelfe haue found byproofe, who haue experimented every" to caufe it ‘quick!' y togrowe: for l haue committed fome to the earth in the ende of March,fome ‘ doth foorthwith fhewe,cauling a certat Spaine 5 Of Te ot, asthe roote of Pellitoric of Spait Fad tt ber uer the benummine qualitie heereof notharato™, ie themouth there oofolloweth ait infirmiticlikevt"™ 3 ++ Lile ynit0 at Kens : ae he vied againft{cabs and filthinefle ofthe skin,&forthe cure ofwounds: Weis not fein iantipate viedbut onely tohot ae Hide boule for the fay tha F th t aha fith)abaine a, . : I el for padi a i Bates America(as The ncight offowsroun € a Be: tun oy seasons ao uw no wa V Sa if Me andpidciterh sheraloue ce oO a iice heereof drunke purg hboth vpw ards and down thata trons dhinterai “ae ‘ leepe,as we hatielearnedof a friend by obfernation, affin 3 lis lepecelled oe ae wah oe age hauing a dropfie, tookeof it, ae being wakened out of Moteouet the fat ate and drinke,and after that bécattie perfectly whole, faivic me man reported, that he had cured manycountriemenofagues with the deftil- H wie leaties driinkea little while beforethe fir. 5: ’ fiche there is anoile to be taken outofthe leaties that healech merrie galles,kibed heeles and I 'sg00d a Tt is oi * ‘ 1 Bes raat cae : 5: Orthe moe poifonjand taketh awaythemalignirie thereof, ifthe inice be giuen todrinke, K Orvenemous beafts be wafhed therewith. Thedri P heareet BE taken inapipe fet onfire and fuckt into the ftomacke, and thruft 1, whieteoffoetiet the a, 28 oe the ee ofthe head,rheumes,aches in/anypatt of the bodie, fatniliarand belt k pinall doth proceed, whether from Fraunce,Iealy, Spaine Indies,or from our howne difeafes::hofé leaues do palliate or eafe'for a time,but. never performe any Cure ov abt; Dfolutely for altho ughthey emptie the bodie ofhumours, yer the caufe ofthe eriefe cannot = taken away. Butfom hecratieth em fome haue learned this principle;that repletion requireth euacuations thatis, 9 10 tc ieee “era aflure themfelues ofhealth: but this dothnot take Cothneuetyeelde fics if ay, but the next bringeth with ic mores as for example, a’WVell oC / ch Hore of water aswhenit is moft drawne and emptied. My felfe fpeake by r00fe. tho| _, 2 Who haue Chieti baths ‘3 : ters Werther of that infegtious difeafe a great many;diuers of which had couered orkepe efickneflecured b: bare wee he yet Sara due beene becne conftrained conten oe) ' .Sve vnito fiich a the helpe ofTabaco as they thought, in the ende have . oe knot;a crabbed wedge,orelfe had veterlyperifhed. Me veto d HNC it (as itis tearmed) for wantonnefie or ratherciiftcme, and cannotforbeare M it |