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Show 1392 THE “THIRD ‘BOOKEOOFITHE the peopleofLancathire call by no othername thena tree Goofe ;whichplace aforefaide, andall thofé parts adioining do fo much aboundtherewith,that one of the beft isbought for three pence: for the truth heerof,ifany doubt,mayit pleafe themto repatre vnto me,and.t (hall fatisfie them by: the teftimonie of good witnefles. INDEX LATINVS COPIO: SISSIMVS. Moreover, it fhouldfeeme that’ there is another fort heerof; the Hiftorie ofwhichis true,and of and mine owneknowledge: fortrauelling vpon the fhores of our Englith coait betweene Douer Rumney, I founde the trunke of an olde rotten tree, which (with fome helpe that procured by fithermens wiues that were there attending their husbandes retufne ftom the fea) we dreweout of the water vpondry lande: on this rotten tree I founde growing many thoufandesoflong ctimfonbladders,in fhapelike vnto puddings newly filled before they be fodden, which were verie cleere and fhining,at the neather end whereof did growa {hell fifh,tafhioned fomwhatlike a finall Muskle,but much whiter, refembling a fhell fith that groweth vponthe rocks about Garnfey and Garfey, calleda Lympit: many ofthefe fhels I brought with me to London,which after Lhad ope- ned,I founde in them lining things without forme orfhape ; in others which were neerercometo coueripenes,l foundliuing things that were very naked, in fhape like a Birde; in others, the Birds red with foft downe, the fhell halfe open,and theBirdereadie to fallout, whichno doubt were the firft part of this foules called Barnakles. Idare not abfolutely auouch euery circumftance of the confiHiftorie concerning the tree that beareththofe buds aforefaide, but will leaueit to a further date deration:howbeit that which I hauefeene with mine eies, and handled with mine handes, I tree which confidently auouch,and boldly put downe for veritie, Noweifanywill obieét, that this or fome vioLfawe might be one ofthofe before mentioned , whicheither by the waues ofthe fea, falling intothofe feas lent winde,had beenc ouerturned,as many other trees are; or that anytrees hofefeas andwaters, reafonoft by foules, like the beare themfelues of about the Orchades, will iudice gainfaie, or thefe being fo probable coniectures, andlikely to be true, I may not withoutpre indeuorto confute. % Theplace. s bred the Barnakle,are The bordes and rotten plankes whereonare found thefe fhels whereini land, called thePile maine fromthe mile halfea Lancafhire, to taken vp in a finall and adioining ofFoulders. % The time. are formed in Maie andIune,, and come They fpawneas it were in March and Aprill ; the Geefe through Gods affiftance, difcourled having thus And monethafter. inthe feathers to fulneffe of and certaine excrefcences o! the Moffes, Trees, Shrubs, Herbes, fomewhat at largeof Grafles, conclude and ende out prefent earth, with other things moe incidentto the Hiftorie thereof, we honored andpraifed. volume,withthis woonder ofEngland. For which Godsname beeues Acjlum IN 1160 » Alfine 549 Aljine maior,minor minima , 983 Alfine marina ibid, eAlfineperran Acynos pagina 123 Bacus T13r.1182 Abies 42 2 Abiga Abretanum 949 ibid. Abrotamum mas cfemina Arotanum bumile 948 ibid; Mbrotanuminodorum ibid. Abrtanum campestre Aifathinm ravhicum 938 Aijathinin tennifolinms, fos Roma939 vn Afvabinins latifolium fine'Ponticum 937938 Mg. Winthium tenvifolium Ponticum Galen 937 Aifithinm marinim 941 Abjnthium marinum album 940 Mjnthinesmarinum latifolinm ibid. Avfiathinm arborefcens 943 ibid. Aifuthinm Agyptinm Whathiyen inodorum 45 L * s Ajuthium marinum, Abrotani?fa- wine facie Acanthus Acantbies fariswa Atiathitsfyluetris Atanthinm album 988 Actothigm Ilyricumpurpurelt ibid, Acacia T1so 4étcia Diofcoridis 1149 Actcia altera ibid. Y150 Acacia Ponticg ibid. * dtarng The end of the third and laft Booke of the Hiftorie of Plants. STIRPIVM HOC GOPERE I, GERARD DESCRIPTARVM. Ae *itna Theophralti ia Walerands Donrex. a Acer waior 997 TO12 ibid. 1300 Adiantum Adiantum candidum Adiantum nigrum Adiantum aureum 975-983 Adonisfos, c1u[q, varietas Ador Adovenim Agaricus vel Agaricum eLgilops Aljine folys Veronica cum ceteris fee. ibid, Alf ani , cAgilops Narbonenfis 491 492 ibid, 68 Jo 1142 Agi 425 487 634 495 1155-1156 Agrimonia filuefiris Agriocaft Agriori i 832 120 Alypummontis Ceti 575 841 906 54 422 Alaba ri Rofarnm,fine calyces 108% Alaternus eAlaternus Pliny Alaternus bamilior Albarus Albinum 1213 1212 ibid. Albscum Albucus Alcea Alces A ibid. shia. Acer minoy Acttabsilum Ammi Cre Amomum I 424 Mittofi tuberofa eh 321 914-915 ibid, 236 727 819 808 > Soritum byemale 819 ane ferum 820 uteum Pontica 821.822 Sutin baccif erum 829 Apel Amyg dalus Aemnitsens Batrac hiotde s tong, Sinz, palufris Sealeala feuselly 4 sHm «All Alliumalpin wen latifoliam “Alkansnan bulbofum Alnus ‘Alyus nigra Aloé mucronato foto Alopecuras 490 ibid, 1163 ekgilops Bromoides eAginychon cEthiopis eAtitys Agrifolium Ageratum Aglaophotis Agnus caftus Agrimonta 1171 310 62 ibid. 1184 4ot 488 ibid, 489 squatio’ aquasica mine 5 AgMatied Wainer |