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Show HISTORIE) OF PLANTS, OF'THE Double Columbines. %& The place. Theyare fet and fowen in gardens forthe beau, tic and variable colours of the flowers, % The time. [heyflowerin Maie,Tune,and luly, % The names, Columbine is called ofthe later Herbarifes Agquil 14, Aquilina and Aguilegia: of Coffews Pothos,of Gefnerus Leontoftamum, of Dalecampinsof Louaine, Jonis flos : of foe Herbg Leonit, of the herbe wherein the Lion doth delight : in hich Dutch Apieyyin low Dutch Fketevensin French pecretothe contrarysfor in the Alpes of Galatia a countr eyin Afia minor it groweth in desorokee ryand therfore may ratherbe called Gzletinm Sardomicumand not Saieoniicwns :butleauing ddceres uctliesiinpertinent to the Hiltory, itis the Ponticke Wormewood of Galens deced ent and fo holden ofthelearned Paladane,who for his fingular knowledge in plants, is woorthietriplehonor andlikewife manic others, BOT 5 1 Abfiathinm latifolinmfue ponticum. sd Worthw Wy, Broad leafed ood. 2 Abjinthium tennifolium ponticum Galeni : Pontick : e Wormwo ees od, ‘ Small Ancoiles :in Englith Columbine, ~ % The temperature, Columbines are thought tobe temperatebe- tweenc heate and moifture, % The vertues. Notwithf{tanding what temperatureor ver: tues Colombines hane , ‘is not yet fufficiently knowne;; for theyare vfed efpecially to decke the gardens ofthe curious, gatlandes, and houles: neuerthelefle Tague writeth, thata dram waight of the feede, with halfea fcruple or tengraines of faffron giuen in wine,is a good and effeCtuall medicine forthe {topping ofthe liuer,and theyellow iaundife ; but faith he , that who fo hath taken it muft bee well couered with clothes, and then {weate, Mott do attribute vntoit the vertues of wilde Otes; others of Centory,but rafhly,and without anyteafon ;moft in thefe daies following others bytradition , do vfe to boile the leaues in milke againft the foreneffe ofthe throte, falling and excoriation of vuula; but the ancientwritetshave aide nothing heerof: Ruellius reporteth, that the lowers of Colombines are not vfed in medicine, ISS ‘AUk yet fome there be that do affirme theyare good againft the {topping oftheliver, which effeé the leaues doalfo performe. Of Wormewood. Chap.432. %& The kindes. her otht ete be diuers forts of Wormewood 5 one with broade leaues that excelleth thereft:0 two haue fmallerand flenderer leaues: the reft arebaftardkinds :Diofe‘orides maketh mention? three forts of Wormewood > Ponticum,Seriphizm,and Santonicum, whichate tob e referred to ti formerkindes, colour,very much cut of iagged,and very bitter: the ftalkes are of awoodie fubftance cubites highjandfull ofbranches,alonpft which do growlittle yellowith bosons is found fall feedelike the feede of Tanfey,butfinaller; the roote is likewife ofawoodie! andfull of fibres: 2. ; % The place. pacer Wormewood delighteth eat of rockes and mountaines, andinvntilled Dislotideyic auch vpon dry bankes, itis commoneuery where in all countries 5 the ie faith \ titiood is ha in:Pontus, Cappadocia 3 andion mount Taurus; Pliny writeth that f onticke Wop diesines etter then that of Italie ; Ovid in thefe words dothdeclare that Ponticke Worme- € bitter: : % The defeription. ‘pyle Hefirft kinde being our conmimonandbeltknowne Wormewood, hath Jeaues ota a Thefecond kinde of Wormwood bringeth foorth {lender ftalkes about a foote h ighot nto me what mote,garnifhed with leaues like the former,but muchleffer, andcutot jagged ee and finalcuts or diuiffons :the flowers are like the former, hanging vpon fall fkems 4 939 heads downward: the rootes are whitith , {mall and many, crawling and crambling one over another, and thereby infinitely doincreafe, of fauourl effe pleafant then thecommon Wormewoode Somehaue termedthis plant abfinthiumfantonicum, but theyhad flender reafon fo to do fi rifit wasfo called bicaufe it was imagined togrowein the prouin ce ofSantaigo: it may ver well ap- Turpiadeformescignunt abjinthia camps, Terraquedefiuctu,quamfit amaradocet. Vatilled barren groundthe filthy lothfome Wormwoodyeelds, And liniadyenenone itsby the fruite howbitter/are the fieldes: sent atedade HUWrenner firft booke of fingularities'chap.76. doth fhewe, On tae’ ot a ican oohis eioiringmthe certainie colde COURSE ant sfSwitsertindewhich "Yreafon ofthe chil, there sit is likewife founide in proninzetofPgaits ’ : spe Thee itcteen; ulneffe of the aire rifethnot vp, but creepeth vponthe ground, wherupo Ping Wormwood ; : % The eineSSee THE SECOND BOOKE’ 3 Aquilina multiplex. |