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Show HISTORIEOOF PLANTS, THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 484 CL se The de[cription. Of Hares ea es. j andbrittle braunches,befet with long andng. I T eeclties ackechooe many rounde the top ofthe ftalkes do growfal finole fawe;at likea edges the about roweleaues,hackt fatte m Mon/pelienfe ; Biplurum angnft > ifoliv ender and full of{trings, creeping flowers like the wilde fielde Daifie. The rooteist : the wholeplantisthape abroadein the earth, and in fhorttime occupieth very much grounde Chap. 179. 2 paleo lat folium Monffelien/e. s:oad leafed Har fome haue called it wilde Pe biting the toong and mouthlike Pellitorie of Spaine,for which caufe name Stermutamentoriaghat litorie.The finellofthis plant procureth fneezing,whereofittooke the aaa isthe herbe which dothprocure Sneefing, ot Neefewoort. » Double fowred Sneefewoort,or Prarmica,islike vnto the formerin leaues,ftalks, androotes, andit is'exceeding that vnleffe you behold the fower,you can not difcerne the one fromthe other, itbecutdowne andif beautie, ofgreat plantis w. This Fetherfe double vnto white,and doublelike ersfai in thetime of his fowringthere will come within a monethafter fupplie or cropofflow thenthe firft. %& The defeription. Thereis alfoanother kind heerof, ofexcet- 3 ding great beautie, hauing long leaues fomwhat narrowlike thofe ofthe Oliue tree :the ftalke ofacubitehigh, on the top wherofdogrowyey beautiful flowers of the bignefle ofa finallfi Marigold, confifting of fifteeneorfixteene leaues, of a bright fhining redcolour tendit purple; fer about aball of thrummie fublt fuchasis in the middle of the Daifie, in manne of apale ,which flowers ftandin {calieknops! thofe of Knapweede, or Matfellon. Therooteis ftraight,and thrufteth deepe into the ground. , se Theplace. The fir kinde of Sneefewoort groweth it andi in drie and barren paftures in many places, the three greatfieldes next adioining toav Kentifh towne, andial neere London : called dryfieldes in Kent about Southfleete. 'N others alfo. fandtie ¢t fe ieakes ae leautes of Lachtyma lob sorGladiolus, freaked or balked asit w 2 ot: The time. The(ta +)sate a cubiteand ee along eueryleafe, as Pliny {peaketh ofhis y They flower from Mayto the ende ofSept ber. The names. Sneefewoortis called offome.any Prarmtts® (ylutfits : and alfo Draco [ies Pyrethrum fpluestre, Tarcon ,of neelings % rs molt‘ 5ter nubamentoray® k g [ylueftris ( fromhis effect, bicaufeit procuretitnes ° fae walsaceaticviia tic i tian taftes butitis altogither vnlike in proportionto thetrue Pellitorie, %& The nature i thi degree, They5 are hot and drie in the ethirde % The vertues, aes p ur # in e En) {rom aloun: acutum TragusTanacetu s fer : m Pee ‘Sa litorie of Spaine , taking that name + g ‘ ace a mixed with vineger andholdenin the moutheafeththe paine of thetoothach. nie . re from the braine ; ainthe mouth, bringeth her! e s; probes flimic © mightily re1¢ mn ce Pellitori eof thereof. % The defcription. Behe haa : zag,ktom which the nameor figure difagreeth nowit hath in fome The fecond growethin my garden,and 1 Attowe (le Giies is calledin Greeke Bendieor, and is reputed ofthe Lati fe owe ~ for a wilde fee : : = ; for 20°" Spaine,, and therefore ftomtime totime it bath beene taken Pitybchinch, se alfe ong.full ofknots or knees, very roughorftif fete Nches : at the topswheteof growe yellowflowersin roundetu asbigge asa fin Ser,and blackelike Peacedamum, whereuntoitis like in ; = nblance of of feed whi fed. __chblance iW peake-and oe doth the more perfivade methatit is the true Bapleurum , whereof ey) wie authoritie ofAscander and Pliny confirmed. = ve f i br. Kinde called sou Pon Thefeconde kinde cal the verie , tufts, and flowers, is fanewith the former on broade leafed Hareseares, in figure 7 “a: h oP Kinde hollowinthe midft:i {tiffer,and more broader & thatthe f leaues are acs hath edited t > of : f ° it Paves eto . tisfaine The cq it Hares eares, hauing in the middle ofthe leafe fome hollowneffe re- "© ,. }O0te Is greater andofa woodie {ubftance, % The plice ve i Narbone, I haue founde them dnd hark Ok woodsieidietie harde grounds in in ftonie and tirally ae ; OvidAONE yMnonethe bufhesvponBeiftone caftell in Chefhire, ie >= The time . {Reh Adiverariay bring fan. * “OWerand Cdting foorth their fede in Iulie and Aueutt Base seie eg % The names. Tas Fan decal] Piss aa Bupleurum:in Grecke GemLeq the Apothecaries of Montpelierin ANCEetecalled : si Bae ‘ “ricula ‘i eforés, and therefore I termeit in Englifh Hares eares : Yalerizs Cordus Yophjlloneit uve phwaencehe had tharname,itis not knowell, %& The Hh 3 |