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Show se D___BoththeRams Ciches,* as D/o/éordes{aith; the whiteland-the blackepronoke vine,a ifthedeo = c 5 ‘ 2 ctionthereof be made with Rofemarie,and giuen to thofethathauecithertheidrophieory s 8 5 ~ ats : : ; E } iaundife;but theyare hurtfull to the bladder and kidneiesthathaue vicers in them, = a ! : ilde Ciches Ofif wilde Ciches.:i:Chapit.94.; pst O 4. ; , L * Thekindes. ears p ree 78 medaith Doforédes, biir ie differethin feede:the laterwriters “ hauefet nau el downe fundrykindes of Ciches,as fhall be declaréé 1 Cicer fylucftre: ; The wilde Ciche, 22. Crter-filnelthe latifolium. Broadleafedidee w Ide Cich, 7 HISTORIB OF PLA NTS. yThereisanotherkinchofwild Cichthachathalf(é a great nuniberoffalks Iyine vo ; we C pea: 1 rit in? ypon the ¢ aboutwhichftande foft leaues,fomthing hairyandwhitd;cenGline of thr eee the ¢ won amiddleribthe leaftofwhich flandeneerett tothe ny . ow CSCIC COMIC Kem sand a}the p . < eae myandeh agwers Come foorth aethoborcome ofthtleanesy Sib pameect. 7 GnallionehnsteeNOGe ghibHatvielimeudriy am togither 6ficolow OrowiTkai ls t¢ \ ih Leuery one whereot jer oo oS iihe littl iaélé Gielslitngs&. “oaidly ‘ A ei ind ipee \ e we Theplice, Thefeare {c wen in the parts beyondthe feastforite: feede thO tiesvetches atid fuclPotherbate pulftoicry be sedate ici Had2ud Ot yelTbeg) Thetime an{wereth the fetchortare, % Thence: Cict 2 : . ich hath no other namein karinghincye-cigpig : Coen fpliefires the eTheremperainvedal vertyes, ite and wertues arclreferredrol thé garden G Cichis imaltthingshi ke'yneathar oft elt : : all:byfeafonit is hore Hortéeranddr itrandalfomborebiris OpLeprilfe I Lees mator. Great Lentils. %& The defcription. rth agrear numberof ftalkes bre , confifting ofmany ypotrone tibas norelike to the le Axcicl ferro the ftalkes,ofa | i¢ and bignesof the fruit « e;thatis fmall,hard. flat aftned with many firings. ‘i,n, butin bucin PI Phiti nat THEZSECON Di BOO KE IOF SHE Some give the fame to ftalion horfes.Moreouer,Giches do {cower more than do the true lean . ~ c wy Ss info ~much1as cettaine of them do manifeftly, diminith orwafteaway thé {tones in the kidnéies. < = Rae 5 TS or esa sD fs q rs , w095 thofebe the pacers little Ciches called 4réetina, or Rams Ciches; butit is better to drinke the broth them { in water. water 4 broth of of themfodden in ‘s a F Se : eleeteee 1048 C |