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Show Ks feprofie: L There ismade ofthis an antidote,or compofition which Ga/eninhis fourth booke ofthe gouer. ment ofhealth,defcribeth bythe name of Diacalaminthos , that doth not onely notablie diget of watte awaie, but alfois maruellous goodfor yoong maidens that want their courfes;iftheitbodies be firftwell purged, for in continuaunce oftimeit bringeth them downeverie gently withoutforce, Of Bawme. Chap.219. % The kindes. Here be diuers herbes comprehended vader this generall title aze/s/a,or Bawme,takingthi I denominationof their natiue countries, I Meliffa. Bawme. 2 Meliffa Tarcicar Turkie Bawme. ands % The defcription. : ma Segheea is our common beft knowne Balme , or Baume,hauing talkes and blackifh leaues ues lik like t6 Ballo c e H o r e l it larger, 084 fame P Mee BO celic infinel drawinngg neere {mell sdrawi a ee T ofaca ynacio! : the flowersare a Citron vrito imell l andand fauour neere in lour the toote of a wooddie {ubftance, 2. The fecondekinde of Bawm b ught into i teee my arden and others by hisis feed awme wasbro parts ofTutkie;wherefore we have calledit Tiirkie Balme: itexcelleth the reft ofthe kindest refpeét the fweere fanioiir and goodly beantie thereof, and deferuetha moteliuely deletions my.tude pencandeliuer. ‘Fhis rare plant hath fundeie {mall Wek and brittle fquare braunches, mounting tothe height ofa cubiteand foriewhat ere befet with leaues mandery of Scordium, indentedor toothed very bluntly about the edges, butfomn bat tha tedat the top. The flowers growe in {mall crownets,of a purplith blewe colour. ‘The 100 HISTORIE yy Apuleius affirmeth, ifthe leaues be often eaten, they area fire andcertaine teinedieagaint the OF‘SPLANTS. andthreddi¢,aind dieth at che firft approch of winter, andmuft be fowen anewe inthe beginni of Maie,in good andfertill sround, Buchfius fertech foorth:a kinde of Balme having a fquare ftalke, with leaneslike -vnto comm Bawne,butlarger andblacker , and of an euill fauour; the flowers white , andmuich great P thoeofthe common Bawne: the roote hard and of a woodie{ubftance tn THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 558 Thereisakindof Balme called Herbs tud ica, which L'Obelius callech Tetrahit, that hath m weake S¢tender fquare haiti¢ branches; fome leaning backward, &others turning inward, div themfeluesinito fundrie other{mall armes.ortwigges , which are befetwith longrough leaties ¢ tedabontand {mallerthan the leaues of Sage. And growingin another foile or climate, you fl fee the leaues like to the oken leafe; in otherplaces like Marrubiumcreticum, verie hoarie, Ww cauled Dioftorides to defcribe it with fo many fhapes , andalfo the flowers, which ate for blewatd pirple, and oftentimes white: the roote is {mall and crookedwith fome hairie ftring 3; fienedthereto.All the whole plant draweth to the fauour of Balme,called atelj/a. 3 Meliffa molucca Lents. Smooth Molucca Baume, 4. Molucca fpinofa. ‘Thornie Molucca Baume. Sek i % The defeription. 3. Therebe aif theother ae ome other plants comprehendedvnder the kinds of Balme, the one "i ike ae ie at ugh not knowne to many Herbarifts , and haue bene of fome calledbyt he title o fa estichiftkinde Feng calleth Cardiaca Melica , ot Molucca Syriaca , {o called for that it was a wooddie fromLav many fhootes i ree cubits high,and yeeldeth I Syria; it srowerhth Stout of d men MEE lof many whitithftrings: the ftalkes be rouinde, fomewhat thicke , andof a reddifh pich ate hollowe within , with certaine obf{cure prints , or f mall furrowes along the or joint ftand twoleaues " equall fpaces halfekneed or knotted, and at every fuch knee shother,tufted like Aze/i/fa, but more rough and deepely indented , yet not fo deepely Meet called Motherwoort,nor fo tharpe pointed :about the knees ate a manycorners, thinne tteprickles, withfixe oreight {mall open wide bels , hauing of the edge ws hand of the fame colour,fomewhat ftiffe and long and at the top ¢ ? |