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Show - THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE 5 ChamegenistaAmelica. 6 Chamacenifta Pannonita, ¢ : Dwarfte Broome of Hungatie, 4 Dwarffe Broome, Enelifh HISTORIE OF PLANTS, 1133 athinne eflence,andare of force toclenfeandopen, and efpecially the {cedewhich is drier and not fo full offupertluous moifture, yj The decoction of the twigs andtops of Broome dothclenfe and openthe'liuer, mile, and kid- B neies. Itdraweth away by the ftoole watery humours ,and thereforeiris wholefome for thofe that have Cc thedtopfic, efpecially being made with wine,but better for the otherinfimities with water; Thefeede alfo is commendedforthe fame p urpofes, D There isalfo made ofthe afhes of the ftalkes and branchés dried and burnt,a lie with thin white E wine, a8 Rhenifh wine, which is highly commendedof diners for the greene ficknes and droptic, adthisdoth mightily expell and driue foorth thin and waterie humors togither with the vrine, andthatby the bladder; but withallit doth byreafon of his fhappe qualitic many tinaes’ hurt and fietthe intrailes, : ewes faithchat there is in the Bowersarid branches a cutting moifturebur full ofexcrements, F andtherefore it cauferh yomite: and thatthe plant doth imalfhis partes trouble,cut, attenuatesand violently perge by vomite anditoole, flegme andrawhumors outofthe ivints, Butthefethings are not written of Broome, but ofSpartum, which purgech by vomite, after the G manner of Hellebor,as both Dio/forzles andPlinzedo teftifie, Mefiesalfo addeth,that Broome doth breakethe {tone ofthekidnei¢s and bladder, and fufferech H notthe matter whereof the ftone is made tolie long,or to become ftone. Theyoong budsorlittle flowers preferued in’ pickle, and eatenasafallad,ftir vp an appetite to I meate,and openthe ftoppingsofthe liuer and mile. Thefame being fullyblowen, {tamped and mixed with {wines gteace, do eafe the paine of the K gouute, And Mefaes writeth , that this tempered with honie of Rofes, or with an eg doth confiume away L theKings euill, % Theplace. : Therape of the Broome or Broome rape,being boyled in wine,is commended againftthe pains M ofthekidneies and bladder prouoketh vrine,breaketh the ftone,andexpellethit. Theiuice preffed foorth of Broome rape healeth greene wounds, andclenfetholde and filthie N teers: the later phificions do affirme thatit is alfo good for olde venemous andmalitious vicers, That woorthie Prince of famous memorie Henrie the eight King of England, was woont to 0 ttinke the diftilled water of Broome flowers againft furfers, anddifeafes thereofarifing. cn ThecommonBroome growethalmoft euery wherein drypaftures and lowe si 4 Broome "Lhe Broome Rape is norto be found but where Broome doth growe5 1¢ growet ae an fielde at the foote of Shooters hill next to London; vpon, Hampfteede Heath, places. onr Loridon Spanith Broome growethin diuers kingdomes ofSpaine,and Italy s we haue it in ardens. v in England; § The white Broome growethlikewife in Spaine and other hot regions;itisa inte wx of this Titus Calphurninus maketh mentionin the fecond Eclogof his Bucolickes, Cernis ut.eccepater,quas tradidit Ornite vacce Molle{ub hixfutaletusercplicuertgemifias Sce father,how the Kine firetch ont theirtender fide Vaderthe hairie broome,that growes in fields fowide. ve The time. rs aretone Broomeflowreth intheendof Aprill or Maie; and then theyoongbudsofte aon thered, and laid in pickle or {ale,which aftewards being wafhed and boiled, ae sabe ape pets be, and be eaten with noleffe delight : the cods and feedes: be ripe! ppeerethand is {cene efpecially in the monaiof lune. d ‘The Spanifh Broome doth fawerfooner;andis longerin flowing: cer eo Thevames. i +. tralian Genet This fhrub is called in Latine Geniffa, or.asfome woulde haue st ee roe reac Spanithlikewife Gene/ira,or Gieffra :in high DutchJPfctmmen+ 9 lowe Vat Gencft : in Englifh Bioomne. A C sk The temperatureanduertues. A heya aioo leetce: Thetwigs,flowers,and feedes ofBroomearshot andidryin the fetonde deg Sit Thomas Fit=harbert Knight,was woonttocliFe the Blacke iatindies.withthis drinke onely. P Take as many handfuls(as you thinke good) ofthe dried leates of Broomegathered andbfaied Qu gpowder in chemoneth of May, thentake Yhto each handfull of the dried leanes, one{poonefull adahalfe ofthe feede afBroomebraiedinto powder stningle thefe togither,and'let the fick drink theteofeach day a quantitie,firft and laft,vatill he find fome eale., The medicine mult be continued andfolong yfed.vncill itbe quite extinguifhed: for itisa diftafe noc Velyfiddenlyctired, biiemuft Wjlitdeand litdle be dealt withall. ec ; R Orobanch or Broome rapefliced. and putinto oyle olive; toinfifé ormacerate in the fame, as Yedo Rofes for oyle ofRofes,{cowreth and putreth away alt fpots,tentils freckles pimples,wheales andputhes fromthe face,or anypart ofthe body,being annointedtherewith, 9 PoSad writeth, thac Orobanch may be earen cithet raveor boiled, in manneras We vie to Sticiprigs or yoong fhootes ofCAfpardesé. ; i n a slower and feeds ofSpanith paris are goodto be a Mees tee. T i equantitie of 3 dram, tocaufe offe to Vomite with great force anid violence cuien as Wh} Kj botnecting powder, eV waterie and filthi itie ofwate “ir be taken along,itloofeneth the belly,’ driuir ng foorth great quantntitié “Mors, : Ofbafe Broome,orgreening Weede. 305 : % The kindes. (bupae. and others T Here he diuctsfortes ofGreene weedesor Greening weede, fomeof oureountri¢, otbeyond the feas, which here are strangers 1 Geniftila |