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Show 410 THE SECOND “BOOKE OF THE hier The herbe is called in Greeke2»¥+in Latine andin fhops alfouAloe: and fois likewifetheiuice, ert: but. theystate baftarde wordessit‘is called alfois named disicir, helen Feturer, areneni "The plant BAY canbe it liveth notonelyin the earth , but alfo out of the earth, It isnamedin French : pire) ,andTerae eee ap Alsiés sherbe Aloess Sea houleece, Pore e P anith eeuer eaveh ebei called of the later Herbariftes oftentimes Sempersiunon and Semperuinwrs marine, Theheit bicauf lafteth long afterthe manner of Houtlecke, in his robot alfo that Colwmella It feemeth {t the cankerwoormes intrees: again namethit Sedu, whare he fetteth downe remedies Profuit orplamtis latices infundere amaros Moarrubsguultoque Sedi comtingere fucco. In Englifh thus, Liquouts of Horehoundprofit muchb'ing powr'deontrees3 ; : The fame cffe@ Sea Houfleeke works as wellas thees. and thereisnone of the Forhereciteththe iuice of Sedor Houflecke among thebitter inyces, Houfleckes bitcer but this, HISTORIE OF PLANTS, arge: humors, ‘efpecially in thofe bodiesthar are firch andwhofebodies ate fully repleate with humors, faringdaintily,and wan The fame vied invicers,efpecially thofe of the fecret parts or fundament, or mad and ftrawedon frefh woundes, it ftaieth the bloodjandhealeth the fame sas thofe y kenof Thefametakeninwardly caufeth the Hemorthoides to bleede,and being laid thereonit caufeth I them toceafe bleeding. Of Ffoufleeke,or Sengreene.. (hap.135. %& The kindes. § Engreene,as Diofcorides writeth,is ofthree forts,the one is great,the other fmal,and the thirde is thatwhich is called 7Uecebra, bitin g {tone Crop,or Wallpepper. peasols: eeer are Iris i he 2 esmoderately , is good for many shines. “ae sick phificke.j v fedin Abe?thatis to fay,the inice whichis . ting icisalon hot,and that in the firft degree, but dri¢ in thethird, extreme bitter, yet withoutbi ee : Y yee Rin Hien SAYA A an emplaifticke orclammie qualitic,and fomething binding. The vertues. renient medicineforsin. the frome es a ae uh medicin purging all h, when awritet Aeginet Paulus as Fot fome. anyatallbewhole wa fhedsand tothe ftomack,A/oésonely is comfortableAnd it purgerh more effectually sf it benot et ikem ificbe,itthenftrengtheneth thé ftomacke the more, B Itbringeth foorth choler , but efpecially it purgeth fuch'excrements as be in ee tpwgeth the belly: andis withalla wholefome and con A 3 ' V2N) IO r firftvaihes,and in the neereft paflages. For itis of the numberofthofe medicines, Fethnot cians callé«xomexmd,ofthe voiding awayofthe ordure; and offuch who € PE Oens far beyond the ftomacke. Futtherinore Abés is an enimie.to all kindes of putreia ns ft : defendeth the bodie fromall manner of corruption. It alfo preferueth deade Bi Z putrifiyng 5 ic killeth and purgeth awayall maner of woormes of the eh is Etorh trals.Yetfome there be who thinke,thatirisnotconuenientfortheliuer. se canre sami One dramther-ofgiuen,is{ufficient to purge.Now & thenhalfe a dramor,utti¢ eg Pal ‘Ichealeth vp greene wounds and deepe fores,clenfeth vicers, and cureth fuch Ce tobehelped, efpecially in the fundament andfecret partes. Iriswith good ficce oe evaiuats, or medicines whichftanchbleeding, and withplaifters that be applied to Ne into for ithelpeth thembyreafonof his emplaiftike qualitie and fubftance. Itis profitab ype dicines for the ¢ies,foras muchas it clenfeth and drieth withoutbiting. di - elles! Diofcorides faith chat it muft be tortified,or patched atthefire,in a cleane and re ey che ie continuallyftirred witha Spatula or iconladle, tillitbe torrified inall partes alike: porto alfobewatheds tothe end,thar the vnprofitable'and fandy droffe finke downe to thebotte e F G thatwhich isfmooth and moft perfeét,be taken and referued. Thee j : hony ic : taketh away blackand The fame authoralfo teacheth,that mixed with andblewblew spo # come of ftripes :thatithelpeththe ifward ruggidnes ofthe eielidsjand itching int tl ne col A ; i a i 2 being cies :itremedieth the headache; if the temples and forehead be annointed the rewith, fofthen with vineger andoile of rofes : being tempered with wine, irftaieth the fallingof eh + ~ . _ > a 2 on C the head be wafhed z : hetherewith sand mixedR with Wine and honie 5itisa . remedyfot : es the moe the Vuula,andfwelling: of the Almonds of the throtéforthe eurhs,andall vicers of Ba foot, sar DUT oehs Theitice ofthis herbe Abe, (whereof is made that excellent and molt familiat Pi")af ite . , a livels.o Alois Succotrina , the belt is. that which doth neereftcome vito the colourof oA and cho atike,ande , + e a s pee ing thining , ofabrowne yellowith colour) opeheththebelly, purging colde,flegmats*> commonly called Jou barbs, Iupiters bearde; bringethfoorthleaues harde ad- ioyning to the grounde and roote; :thicke; fat, full of toughiuice,tharpe pointed, growing clofe and hardeitogither,ferin a circle in fathionofaneie,& bringingfoorth very manyfuchcircles, {preading it felfe Out.all abroade: it oftentimes alfo fendeth foorth {mall ftrings, by which it fpreadeth i times in the middle of thefe an vpright ftalke about a foote high, couered withJeaues growing iefle andieffe cowarde the points, parted atthe top i to certaine winges or braunches', abouts 1 are flowers orderly placed of.a dark lith :co= lour;the rooteis.all offtrings. 2-Thereis alfo another great Houfleek or fengreen (furnameditree Houfleeke)thatbringeth foorth a ftalka.cubite high,fomtimes higher,often nyo; whichis thicke,harde, woody,tough, and thatcan hardly;bebroké,partedinto diners branches,8¢ coueted with athick¢roffe barke; whichintheloiver part referueth certaine: prints or imptefled markes of theleaues that are fallen awaie. The leaues are courfe zit is thought to be good andprofitable for obf{tructions and ftoppings in there EB te The defeription. Hegreat Sengreene whichin Latine is and maketh newe circles; thererife ftinking breath proceeding fromthe imperfectionof the ftomacke: it openeta the P “hemionttli thoides ofthe fundament: and being taken ina finall quantitie, itbringeth downe t feoftei C_ D’ , ‘ e of eninafP inall quansticic after fupperina {tewedprune,or in: water the quantiti Iy,tak it inthemorning, isa moft foucraigne medicine for to comfort the ftomacke, and to clenfe and d id Mace. for vie to inixethe fame with Cinnaimon, Gi luous humors, Some fuperf foorth all of blc ouefaid; andfor the iaundies ,{piting of blood,and all extraordinaric if ties pofeab thepur fat,well bodied,full ofiuiceaninch long and fom- Edpes.ftandina ee whatmore like liteke toongs,very euirioully1 ninced nets prowout ohio ne foppes affe braunches, having iashemthe fhapeofian cies The elonSforedlikes thax, te es,febie nate diuidedinto many {prigs, whichflowers are flender, t ‘ Oe IS darted into eae Sminter, towing m There j FoeitPlacep commeth vp.very fine feede, the {prigs withering: away : y olsprings. This plantis alwaies greene, neither is it hurtby the colde in hisnatinefoile; whereupensitis- named. sedeor; and Sempersiusm, or Sen- i sates ofthisfe kinde, checircles whereofare an{werable in bigneffe:to thofe ofthe “t leaues,mo in number andiclofer fer’, hauing ftanding ontheedges verv fine SIs alfo a t haires |