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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF(THE HISTORIE % The de [eription. OF Of-Mugwoort. Chap. 437, x 4 Thiskindeof Wormwood Ge/werms and that learned Apothecarie Yalerandys Donyos called Abfinthinm Egyptinm, but L’ Obelius AbjinthinmPonticum,and Tridentiumn, do differ veri in fhape and thewone from another$ yet allfuch differences as there are beiknowne and difcerned PLANTS, bythe place and countrey where they grow’ the leaues of this plant are verielike to the leauesof SoA ee % The kindes, Trichomanes which is our common Maidenhaire,of a white colour, every{inall leafe ftanding one " : oppofite againft another,andofaftrong fauour. This Wormwood which Dodonews calleth2b finthium inoderum,and Infipidum,is very likeynto Therebe diners forts ofMugwoorts,as hall be declared, 1 Artemifja mater Herbarum, Common Mugwoort. the fea Wormwéod, in his fmall and tenderleaues: the ftalke beareth flowers alfo like vnto the forel: deSeax ormwood, butitis ofa fad or deepecolour, hauing neither bitter tafte, norany fi. 2 (Aptemifiatenifolig ‘Thinne 4binne leafe leafed d Mugwo Mugwort, vouratall, whereupon it was called and thatveryfitly b/ithiven inodorum, or Abjinthiuminfpi- oes 044 dum :in Englithfoolith,or vnfauory wormwood, 5 Abfinthium marinum,Abrotonifeming facie. Mugwoort Wormwood, 5 %& Thedefiription. This kinde of fea VWormwoad isafhmbbie rr es =< and woodie plant, in face andfhewe like toMug. woort, ofa {trong fell; hauing flowers liketholt of the common wormwood, at the firft fhewelike thofe of Lauander cotton: the rooteis toughand woodie, % Theplace. Thefe plants are ftrangets in England, yet we haue fome fewe of theminthe gardensot Herbarifts, %& The time. me The time oftheir fowring and {eedingis re- ferred to the other wormwoods. ee se The names. The white Wormwoode Conrades Gefveras nameth Seriphinm famine, and faith t other had rathef name it Samtomicui, 101 % corides faith, Santonicum is foundein Fraiine yondetheAlpes , and beareth his name 0 . countrey whereit groweth : but thaepatt ol» ed ferlandwhichbelongeth to Frannceis acm of the Romaines to be beyondthe Alpessi" ; prouince of the Santonsis far fromit! Nhe part of Guirtes {cituated. vpon te ea Ocean, beneaththe floude Gerond norhit it hane bist! therefore Santon wormwood if Wea Jpes fromthe Santons , growethfarre from the Alpes ; burif.it growe neere adjoining tot Al thenhathitnot his name ofthe Santons, Nit i t % The temperature and vertues. White wormwood is hot and fomewhat drie, A Vafauorie Wormwood as it is without {mell and tafte , fo isit {Carle of anyh ot quale, am be ha leffe hathit any fcouring faculties thefeare not vfedin Phificke where the others ayead bork of ing asitwere wilde or degenerate kindes of Wormwood,fome ofthom participa¥hé formeand fmell ofotherplants, fe a commonlycalled Herbaadbz, ot whiteHa % The defeription, THefirttkit nde ofMuswoor Tite Wormwoi od tshath broad leaues, very muchcutorclouen,like the leanes of Oa, but finaller,of a darke preene colour aboue, andhoarie ynderneath: the Rall, ich are teed ftra=ight,and full of branches, whereon do grow {mallrou nde but- 1 Tpewielibtance, 85 melling like Marierome when they waxeripe: the roote is great and fing ‘at conde ki rgMerson hath a great thicke and woodie roote : from whencearife od: the feed ore olour , befer full of {mall and fine iagged Ieaues, verylike vn fall not fiom the; “groweth alongft the finall twiggie branches , like vntolittle b - is Tels another mybranchesin along time after theybe ripe. 5 : 8th caloae. SWoort of thefea,that hath leaueslike ynto feaP €Sbefer fill Ee rifech vp a ftalketwo cubits high,d seltbRance. mall and barren flowers 3 like fea wormwood : ther Ooor 3 Artimifs a |